
What happened to Robert Brooks is a representation of how the US Crapitalist ruling class views everyone around them.

They beat people down until they die. Then they repeat this to someone else.

It's racist. It's deadly. It's violent.

And it will destroy us all.

It's not a bug in the system.

It's not a feature of the system.

The system itself isn't broken or flawed.

This IS the system. This is how the system functions. It's its basic operation. 

The system is designed to protect these individuals to allow them to keep doing what they are doing.

The system is designed to protect the ruling class to allow them to keep doing what they are doing.

2024: End Of Year Thoughts.

So like previous years, I've more or less left this post to literally the end of the year.

However, it's really hard to use last year's post as any kind of measure or guide for this year; in part because 2024 was such a fucked up one.

Oh, where do I begin?

Well there's the ongoing genocide of brown people in the Middle East at the hands of the US Capitalist Class. Yes, it isn't just Zionism, Elitism, Racism, and so on. The (mostly) white European-descendant settler/colonial project Israel is committing genocide because the US Capitalist Class is allowing them to.

You can say it's about oil, or natural resources, or some religious prophecy, or all, or some other reasons. Ultimately it doesn't really matter. The fact that it's been happening now for over year, only underscores how powerless most other parts of the world are in putting a stop to it. Or really it's that their leaders don't really care.

Then there's the 2024 US Elections, which once again underscore that the United States isn't presently (or never really has ever been) a democracy. It's a right-wing crapitalist system designed to transfer wealth and power up to a small group of rich and powerful people, corporations, and other entities. And in doing so, it's slowly destroying everyone and everything around it, including ultimately itself.

You had two right-wing 'brands' that essentially exist to create artificial divisions between the majority of people, while both doing exactly the same role for the ruling class - managing their interests.

Kind of how cancer operates inside the body?

I do have a creeping suspicion that 2025 will be a year of full economic collapse of the United States.  And it's hard to shake the feeling that I suspect the US Capitalist Class will use the collapse to finally sweep away the very system that allows them to flourish, and replace it with a more fascist one.

That this would mean game over for the planet is pretty obvious to me, but hey what do I know.

2024 is the hottest year on record. Love that growth mindset!

I did write another album of music. Oddly enough I didn't leave all to December. I actually finished most of the writing by the end of October. Good to have some pacing in finally. Didn't make much progress in recording either there, or with my other project, and probably for all the same reasons as last year. Though, I do have a plan to solve that - more to follow.

It's been a year since my Father was committed to a care facility. Don't know if I have fully felt the effects of that, despite the fact that the reasons for his going there largely rendered him more or less gone before ... well. I still have some more to write about that, what occurred after, and some things I learned about certain family members.

Nothing much changed at work. I got older, did more work that my employer deserved and still got what amounted to a few t-shirts worth of a pay increase.  I guess I should be thankful for being useful enough at this point in my career. The project that I've been on has also gotten a year older and it too hasn't seemed to go anywhere (that I point out that a whole year's worth of budget could've been better spent training people; but alas that doesn't sit will with self-proclaimed 'leaders).

The Mrs. and I has sex more often. Same as last year.

As far as the family goes, there was a great milestone. My eldest graduated from high school. It really was long road for him. He's had many challenges and obstacles, but he stuck it out and finished with honors.

Now it's a case of him figuring out what he wants to do with his life. That may take some time, but if there's one thing I learned, is that people have to come around in their own time to really understand themselves and their paths in life.

I look older and uglier. But in a weird way - knowing that I'm not attractive to anyone means I don't really have to worry about how others truly view me. That doesn't mean I have to tolerate bigoted and racist and misandry behavior (like I did at the local grocery store today). While I don't really care how people treat me, I do care how they treat other family members. And all those microaggressions aren't acceptable.

Perhaps rather than save it all to the end of 2025, I'll do some more frequent updates. Or better still, some of what I'm working on will find itself into the public's ears and minds. We'll see.


The best takedown of the Political Compass.

I found that site deeply irritating the first time I saw it, yet could never really articulate why.

Thankfully, this person does so - and rather nicely.

Great job revolutionaryth0t!


3 types of morons.

1) Those that are all wind AND piss.
2) Those that piss IN wind.
3) Some combination of 1) and 2).


A word to the wise for non-white people in the United States: Police aren't your friends.

Police in the United States are there to serve the interests of private property.

And certainly not for black men:


... the surge in violent attacks by both vigilantes and police is intended to intimidate Blacks to comply with a pyramid scheme in which whites, especially, are allowed to continue to extract wealth from African Americans in the form of gentrification, rents, consumer and municipal debt, discrimination in the job market and a criminal justice system that advantages capital and police officers, attorneys, judges and bail bondsmen.


In both the North and South - though their origins were somewhat different, the goals for police were the same.


Going into work made me realize something.

Was listening to the song 'She's A Woman' by Billy Joel.

What a psychopath the subject is.

"She cuts you and laughs while you bleed." ... ?

Sounds like a Zionist.

Someone like that needs to be as far away from me as can be.


Ah colonialism and climate change - a twofer!

Amazing how the people who suffer from genocide, imperialism, colonialism, crapitalism, ecocide, and just about every other 'ism' or 'cide' out there are usually brown and poor.


Colonialism and climate change collide in cyclone-hit Mayotte

Cyclone Chido has left widespread devastation in Mayotte, France’s poorest colony, highlighting the French government’s failure to address its imperialist legacy

December 16, 2024 by Ana Vračar



In US Crapitalism, they offer up two 'brands' for the working class to submit their 'votes' to in 'elections'.

One is covert in their racism, the other is overt in theirs.

One uses lube when fucking you over, the other does not.

The crapitalist class only ever wants two things from the majority -

  1. Your acquiescence in the form of your vote, your money, your time, your effort, your energy, etc.
  2. Or go the fuck away.


2024 - the hottest year on record for Planet Earth.


Last year was the hottest on record due to human-caused climate change coupled with the effects of an El Niño. But after this summer registered as the hottest on record—Phoenix sweltered through 113 consecutive days with a high temperature of at least 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.7 Celsius)—scientists were anticipating that 2024 would set a new annual record as well.


What is the answer? We need a system that takes the rich and powerful (and their greed) out of process of how the majority's needs are met first and foremost.


What the US Crapitalist Empire does abroad, it does here as well.

Certainly not democratic and treats the majority working people as just vessels for profit


Under the current privatized healthcare system in the US, working people and their employers pay hundreds of billions of dollars to private insurance companies in the hopes of receiving adequate coverage when most needed. Insurance companies, which under a capitalist system exist only to make a profit, not to actually provide coverage, do whatever they can do to deny coverage to patients in their hour of need—enabling them to pocket the billions they receive from people in the US and increase their revenue.

Certainly racist 


Outrage mounts following acquittal of ex-marine who strangled Black youth to death in NYC

Grassroots organizations respond to acquittal of killer of Jordan Neely, a Black homeless man experiencing a mental health crisis



Evidently you can't equate genocide with Zionism during a live stream on YouTube.

As The Jimmy Dore Show has found out just now.

Terrorism is what's going in the MIddle East, with Zionism and racial supremacy.





It's imperial.

It's capitalist.

It's supremacist.

It's psychopathic.

It's murder.

It's ethnic cleansing. 

It's genocide.

It's criminal.

It's out of control.

Until those in 'control' of this are put out of commission, things will never change for the better.


Organizations in Canada that are connected to the Genocide of Palestinians (i.e. crimes).

Source: Mondoweiss

Table 1 – Illegal Israeli Intermediaries named by Mizrachi Canada
(Source: Mizrachi Canada 2023 Schedule 2 – Overseas Activity)

Name Dollar Amount (CDN) Description 
ALON SHEVUT RELIGIOUS AND COMMUNITY $16,470.00 Illegal Settlement – Alon Shvut
BAIS ISRAEL $18,585.00 Illegally annexed East Jerusalem
BEIT KNESSET HAZORIM B’RINA $21,910.00 Illegal Settlement Outpost – Efrat
BEIT MIDRASH ‘ZICHRON MOSHE’ $18,610.00 Illegally annexed East Jerusalem
CHASDEI EFRAT $338.00 Illegal Settlement – Efrat
DOLEV HOMES FOR YOUTH AT RISK $64,360.00 Illegal Settlement – Dolev
EFRAT DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION $323,923.00 Illegal Settlement – Efrat
HAKIBUTZ HADATI $93,083.00 Religious movement comprises several illegal kibbutzes in West Bank, (Migdal Oz, Kfar Etzion, Rosh Tzurim)
JOB KATIF/LA’OFEK $3,132.00 Illegal Settlement – Alon Shvut
KEREN AHIEZER ACHISAMCH $63,616.00 Illegal Settlement – Karnei Shomron 
KIRYAT HAYESHIVA BET EL $98,055.00 Illegal Settlement – Beit El
MECHINAT YEDIDYA $44,304.00 Illegal Settlement – Gush Etzion district
MICHLOL MAALE LEVONA $46,988.00 Illegal Settlement – Ma’ale Levona
MIDRESHET HAROVA $77,645.00 Illegally annexed East Jerusalem
MIDRESHET HAVORA $10,621.00 Illegally annexed East Jerusalem
NETZER ARIEL $20,786.00 Illegal Settlement – Ariel
SHIRAT HATAMAR $1,079.00 Illegal Settlement – Efrat
SYNAGOGUE IN MEMORY OF NOAM RAZ $736.00 Illegal Settlement – Keida
TALMUD TORAH HADAR YOSEF $9,500.00 Illegal Settlement – Serves Binyamin Region
TESHIVA HAR BRACHA $159,259.00 Illegal Settlement – Har Bracha
GUSH ETZION FOUNDATION $1,742.00 Provides financial support for settlements
THE WOMEN’S BEIT MISRASH OF EFRAT $9,546.00 Illegal Settlement – Efrat
ULPANA L’BANOT KIRYAT ARBA $1,440.00 Illegal Settlement – Kiryat Arba
YESHIVA BNEI ROCHEL-KEVER ROCHEL $6,189.00 Illegal Settlement – Bethlehem
YESHIVAT HAKOTEL $31,743.00 Illegally annexed East Jerusalem
YESHIVAT HAR ETZION $148,441.00 Illegal Settlement – Har Etzion
YESHIVAT NETIV ARYEH $32,933.00 Illegally annexed East Jerusalem
YESHIVAT ORAYTA $11,040.00 Illegally annexed East Jerusalem
YESHIVAT SHAVEI HEVRON $125,789.00 Illegal Settlement – Hebron
YISHUV ELI $8,781.00 Illegal Settlement – Eli
YESHIVAT SHAVEI HEVRON $2,173.00 Illegal Settlement – Hebron
BNEI DAVID/YESHIVAT HESDER ELI $44,010.00 Hesder Yeshiva – Military adjacent educational training in lieu of active military service
YESH. HES, OR VISHUA HAIFA $1,119.00 Hesder Yeshiva 
YESH. HESDER KIRYAT SHEMONEH $475.00 Hesder Yeshiva 
YESHIVAT HESDER ACCO $39,042.00 Hesder Yeshiva 
YESHIVAT HESDER DIMONA $6,000.00 Hesder Yeshiva 
YESHIVAT HESDER HAREL $39,251.00 Hesder Yeshiva 
YESHIVAT HESDER NEVE DEKALIM (V) $53,769.00 Hesder Yeshiva 
YESHIVAT HESDER NOF HAGALIL $5,425.00 Hesder Yeshiva 
YESHIVAT HESDER OR ETZION $11,814.00 Hesder Yeshiva
YESHIVAT HESDER RAMAT GAN $4,950.00 Hesder Yeshiva 
YESHIVAT HESDER SDEROT $29,318.00 Hesder Yeshiva 
YESHIVAT HESDER SHILOH $475.00 Hesder Yeshiva 
YESHIVAT HESDER TFAHOT $31,315.00 Hesder Yeshiva 
YESHIVAT HESDER YAFO $20,356.00 Hesder Yeshiva 
YESHIVAT MA’ALE GILBOA $1,900.00 Hesder Yeshiva hybrid 
BRIT OLAM $2,344.00 Israeli Political Party
GARIN TORANI LOD $19,620.00 Works towards Jewish-only settling in Jewish minority neighbourhoods
OREV $11,608.00 Israeli paratrooper division
REGAVIM $8,460.00 Conducts surveillance and legal warfare against Palestinians, specifically in ‘Area C’ of West Bank
WOMEN IN GREEN $11,403.00 Works towards colonization of ‘Greater Israel’
DUVDEVAN FOUNDATION $200,000.00 Supports members of Duvdevan Unit – Israeli military unit.

$200,000.00Supports members of Duvdevan Unit – Israeli military unit.


I believe it was around this time ... 20 years ago ...

... I made my 1st post.

Just a reminder - anyone in America who advocates you hand over your vote to a psychopathic war criminal - is the moral superior of NO ONE.

Consortium News - journalists worth supporting.

Clearly the crapitialist ruling class is afraid of their work.


They should be.

Hey look who in Canada is taking over the a Parliament Hill building in Ottawa demanding an arms embargo on Israel.

A combination of Palestinian activists and Jews.


I'm sure most Zionists would describe these Jews as 'self-hating'.