
Never forget why the Crapitalist Establishment is trying to kill Julian Assange.


During questioning, I asked Triplett if he was aware that Gen. Robert Carr had testified at Manning’s court martial (for leaking defense information to WikiLeaks) that there was zero evidence the leaks hard harmed a single U.S. informant.

I also asked Triplett if he was aware that Special Counsel Robert Mueller wrote in a section of his Russiagate report (which was un-redacted after a FOIA request) that he could not charge Assange because he could not prove that Assange was aware that he was dealing with Russian GRU intelligence agents, who Mueller alleges, but has never proven in court, were posing as Gufficer 2.0 to peddle “hacked” DNC emails to WikiLeaks.

In other words, the government admitted that Assange was not guilty of knowingly working with Russian intelligence and have not yet proven that Russia was involved at all. Triplett astonishingly responded, “Yes and yes” to my two questions.

That elicited laughter from the audience and the panel but by admitting that he knew a U.S. Army general testified under oath that WikiLeaks had caused no informants to be harmed and by admitting that the government couldn’t prove Assange was a witting Russian agent, he was admitting that his arguments on stage had essentially collapsed.

Triplett had earlier asked why the U.S. government was concerned about Assange. So I proposed to him in the question period that it just might be because Assange had exposed U.S. government crimes and corruption.

Triplett’s response was that government wrongdoing needed to be exposed, but asked whether Julian Assange was the right person to do it. Before I could answer, “Yes, because major media is too close to government,” the moderator shut down the program.   

During the event I was sitting in the front row and when Triplett asked why the U.S. was concerned about Assange, I said under my breath, “Because he revealed their crimes.”

I was startled when a man sitting next to me in a section reserved for retired senior intelligence executives turned to me and angrily growled: “Will you keep your comments to yourself!” After the event I went back to the seat to identify him but his name tag had been removed.


 Context here-> https://consortiumnews.com/2022/12/09/us-intel-lays-out-assange-attack/

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