
BREAKING! Ruth Ginsburg R.I.P. Democrats Posturing Begins!


People who get their 'news' from cable shows either forget or refuse to acknowledge that said products and services are owned by large multi-national multi-media corporations; which in turn are part of the establishment group of industries (Wall Street, Insurance, Pharmaceutical, Weapons Manufacturers, Media, etc.). They only present a narrative that fits their agendas.

The concepts of 'Democratic Party' or 'Republican Party' are nothing more than concocted corporate brands from various groups of establishment entities to maintain to the American public the theatrical illusion of democracy (i.e. choice). The industries may come and go, but the brands have been around for a very long time. They exist to sucker people into giving up the one thing these established industries don't have - a vote.

As long as people are duped into doing this - this will continue until these established industries achieve their final form of fascism. By then they won't need votes anymore.
Meanwhile - the devastating effects of climate change continues unabated. By the time these industries achieve their fascist goals, I think it'll be too late to reverse the effects of climate change.



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