All the posting and arguing and insulting and grandstanding and bullying on both social (Twitter, facebook, etc.) and anti-social (New York Times, Washington Post, Atlantic, NPR, CNN, etc.) media are symptoms of the pathologies of western ‘society’ manufactured by the power structure and promoted through an ideology of divide and conquer. To reduce the complex political landscape to a slogan and an ideology of “Blue no matter who!” is to succumb to the dictates and desires of the power system that is ruining our planet, destroying billions of human lives, and driving the suffering and extinction of all creatures great and small. To adopt the Democrats reductionist ideology is to follow the Pied Piper of the Propaganda system as obliviously as the rats followed the flautist in that medieval tale about conformity and fate.
The powers that be—and their propaganda pipers—have so horribly proscribed the discussions and debates about all aspects of our work and social conditions that even smart, thinking otherwise awake people have been subdued and now play along with the foolishness and stupidity and vacuousness, staying strictly within the parameters of the manufactured arguments, with little or no capacity to crawl, step or leap outside the boundaries of what is being said, and what is allowed to be said, and think more clearly, rationally and outside the box of Business as Usual.
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