
Sigh - end of the staycation.

I did some things here and there, but by in large I got to spend some quality time with CV jr.

Now I have to head back to work on Monday and see what heat I'll face.

Good times.


And speaking of Monsanto, guess who's revealed to have 'reviewed' articles critcal of WHO's findings on

Yes, Monsanto again.

https://www.biologicaldiversity.org/news/press_releases/2018/glyphosate-09-27-2018.php (h/t Global Research)

The Declaration of Interest statement that was originally published with the papers:
  • Failed to disclose that at least two panelists who authored the review worked as consultants for, and were directly paid by, Monsanto for their work on the paper;
  • Failed to disclose that at least one Monsanto employee extensively edited the manuscript and was adamant about retaining inflammatory language critical of the IARC assessment — against some of the authors’ wishes; the disclosure falsely stated that no Monsanto employee reviewed the manuscript.


More CIA Democrats - more reasons to not vote for the Democratic Party in the 2018 US Mid-Term Elections.


As the WSWS has warned, the 2018 election campaign marks a new stage in the growing influence of the military-intelligence apparatus in American life. The Democratic Party is not a lesser evil, compared to Trump and the Republicans. If Trump represents the danger of authoritarian rule based on appeals to racism, anti-immigrant bigotry, and police violence, the Democrats are paving the way to a regime in which all political dissent will be branded the product of “Russian meddling” and anyone to the left of the Democratic Party will be censored and suppressed.


Why I will never trust the 'resistance' to Donald Trump.

Simple - they just approved a $674 Billion budget for the military -


Senate Passes $674 Billion Military Spending Bill

HeadlineSep 20, 2018
In news from Capitol Hill, the Senate has voted 93 to 7 to approve a $674 billion military spending bill. Every Democratic senator supported the bill. Six Republicans and independent Senator Bernie Sanders opposed it.

Next time some idiot asks you how to pay for things like Single-Payer Health Care for all, Free College, etc., point their front in this direction and kick them in the rear.

The best end-of-weeks ...

... are the ones where a vacation begins.



Cynthia Nixon MUST be related to Bernie Sanders somehow.

Why, you may ask?

A word I've come to distrust - intersectionality.

Here's why -


For example, a common refrain among the intersectionalist left is that Trump won the 2016 election due to the racism of white people, working-class whites in particular, and therefore the set we call working-class whites has nothing to bring to the intersection, so to speak. It can be ignored as a potential ally in the struggle against neoliberalism.   However, the set of all working-class white people is not the same as what we find at the intersection of the set of working-class white people and the set of racists. By conflating the two sets, the intersectionalists are
1) excluding a large set of people that have been crushed by neoliberalism and
2) committing themselves to a much diminished coalition.
The question is:  Why is this idea of intersectionality, which is logically flawed on its very face, so prevalent among various leftist factions and “progressives”?  There are two likely possibilities, in my view:
1) The Left is being deliberately fractured by government and corporate policies or
2) The Left is exhibiting a sort of schizophrenic break with reality induced by both a perpetual inability to obtain economic and social relief from neoliberalism and the election of Donald Trump.


Hard to disagree with this guy.

An interesting view of the US and the wars it initiated in the 21th Century.


The US military defeats are products of a fatal flaw:  imperial planners cannot successfully replace indigenous people with colonial rulers and their local look-alikes.
Wars are not won by high tech weapons directed by absentee officials divorced from the people: they do not share their sense of peace and justice.
Exploited people informed by a spirit of communal resistance and self-sacrifice have demonstrated greater cohesion then rotating soldiers eager to return home and  mercenary soldiers with dollar signs in their eyes.
The lessons of lost wars have not been learned by those who preach the power of the military–industrial complex, which makes, sells and profits from weapons but lack the mass of humanity with lesser arms but with great conviction who have demonstrated their capacity to defeat imperial armies.


This makes it impossible for me to support Corporate Candidates for Congress.


Oh I don't know, maybe this - https://www.opensecrets.org/races/contributors?cycle=2018&id=WA08&spec=N

Dino Rossi (R)

Contributor Total
Club for Growth $54,028
Moneytree Inc $21,600
Wells Fargo $18,950
Ignition Partners $16,200
American Bankers Assn $12,800
Kemper Development $12,050
Diamond Technology Innovations $11,800
Trf Pacific LLC $11,643
Koelsch Senior Communities $11,550
Janicki Industries $11,380
Microsoft Corp $11,200
Acorn Ventures $10,800
AIMCO $10,800
Alyeska Ocean Inc $10,800
Car Wash Enterprises $10,800
Chateau Plateau Winery $10,800
Coast Equity Real Estate $10,800
Coast Real Estate $10,800
Coscto $10,800
Emerald Services $10,800
Fisher Investments $10,800
KG Investment Management LLC $10,800
Lytle Enterprises $10,800
Metier Construction $10,800
Nelson Irrigation $10,800
Nierenberg Investment Management $10,800
Nuprecon LP $10,800
Sabey Corp $10,800
Sundquist Homes $10,800

Kim Schrier (D)

Contributor Total
Virginia Mason Medical Center $34,285
Microsoft Corp $24,805
University of Washington $24,401
Seattle Genetics $18,950
Amazon.com $17,150
Top Ten Toys $16,200
EMILY's List $13,600
Omnicom Group $12,155
Hewlett Packard Enterprise $10,800
Microbiologist $10,800
Farstar Ventures $8,100
Allegro Pediatrics $7,500
Costco Wholesale $7,400
Valve Corp $6,463
Intellectual Ventures LLC $6,400
Rustic Canyon Partners $6,400
EmblemHealth Inc $5,800
Allbee Romein $5,400
Cooper House $5,400
Global Diversity Crop Trust $5,400
Northwest School $5,400
Overlake Internal Medicine $5,400
Paloma Partners $5,400
Providence St Joseph Health $5,400
Solil Management $5,400
Stellman's College $5,400
Tecton Smp $5,400
Telstra Corp $5,400
University of California $5,400
Urban Renaissance Group $5,400
Zumiez Inc

I don't really care who's contributing to whom. It doesn't really matter. What matters is that both of these candidates are bought and paid for. I won't hold my nose and vote for the 'lesser of two evils' - that never has worked.


One of the reasons I like Wikipedia.

I get to read about things like this -


"Bowie's vocal was recorded with a "multi-latch" system devised by Visconti that creatively misused gating.[20] Three microphones were used to capture the vocal, with one microphone nine inches from Bowie, one 20 feet away and one 50 feet away. Each microphone was muted as the next one was triggered. As the music built, Bowie was forced to sing at increased volumes to overcome the gating effect, leading to an increasingly impassioned vocal performance as the song progresses.[19] Jay Hodgson writes, "Bowie's performance thus grows in intensity precisely as ever more ambience infuses his delivery until, by the final verse, he has to shout just to be heard....The more Bowie shouts just to be heard, in fact, the further back in the mix Visconti's multi-latch system pushes his vocal tracks, creating a stark metaphor for the situation of Bowie's doomed lovers".[21]"


New term I learned about today - SLAPP.

Gig Economy=>'Rigged Economy'.

Which is really nothing more than slavery.


The gig economy is being driven by those who seek to cut costs, and this begins and ends with their ability to wiggle out of being considered “employers” in any sense. What will it take for those of us who freelance and are at the mercy of the market forces where fees are being driven down in the current economic climate? We either must band together and agree to fees that we simply will not dip below or we must create a formal unionization.

Stop Bad Employers by Zeroing Out Subsidies act (aka Stop BEZOS act).

Whoever came up with this name should be honored with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.


Or maybe this is what America is really becoming - 'surveillance capitalism'?


Behind the scenes, the strategy of surveillance capitalism is to continue building an enormous ecosystem backed by rich investors and heavy hitters across industries – chip fabs, cloud server farms, specialized hardware, and many thousands of companies to provide data services.  Taken together, they are too big to fail.  Providing genuine, simple privacy now means incinerating the Big Data surveillance industry.

Good thing I ate my breakfast already.

Otherwise I might not have been able to eat when I saw this -

Yes, America is a plutocracy now.


The United States today qualifies as a plutocracy – on a number of grounds. Let’s look at some striking bits of evidence. Gross income redistribution upwards in the hierarchy has been a feature of American society for the past decades. The familiar statistics tell us that nearly 80 percent of the national wealth generated since 1973 has gone to the upper 2 percent and 65 percent to the upper 1 per cent. Estimates for the rise in real income for salaried workers over the past 40 years range from 20 percent to 28 percent. In that period, real GDP has risen by 110 percent – it has more than doubled.
To put it somewhat differently, according to the Congressional Budget Office, the top earning 1 percent of households gained about 8 times more than those in the 60 percentile after federal taxes and income transfers between 1979 and 2007 and 10 times those in lower percentiles.
In short, the overwhelming fraction of all the wealth created over two generations has gone to those at the very top of the income pyramid.



Why I don't trust the Democratic Party

As far as I'm concerned, any viable progressive movement needs to exist and be strong based on honest and facts, and must do so independant of any political process.