
Some about this guy that I never recall US historians really point out.

I heard all the time that history books call Benedict Arnold and Aaron Burr traitors, what about this guy?

On the eve of the Civil War, Tyler re-entered public life as sponsor and chairman of the Virginia Peace Convention, held in Washington, D.C., in February 1861 as an effort to devise means to prevent a war. The convention sought a compromise to avoid civil war even as the Confederate Constitution was being drawn up at the Montgomery Convention. When the convention's proposals were rejected by Congress, Tyler abandoned hope of compromise and saw secession as the only option, predicting that a clean split of all Southern states would not result in war.[136] When war ultimately broke out, Tyler unhesitatingly sided with Virginia, which eventually joined the Confederacy; the former American president was sent as a delegate to the Provisional Confederate Congress. Julia Tyler was an ardent supporter of the Southern cause despite her Northern birth. Her husband was elected to the Confederate House of Representatives. On January 5, 1862, he left for the Confederate capital, Richmond, in anticipation of his congressional service, but did not live to see the opening sessions.[135][137]
Throughout Tyler's life, he suffered from poor health. As he aged, he suffered more frequently from colds during the winter. On January 12, 1862, after complaining of chills and dizziness, he vomited and collapsed. He was treated, but his health did not improve, and he made plans to return to Sherwood Forest by the 18th. As he lay in bed the night before, he began suffocating, and Julia summoned his doctor. Just after midnight, Tyler took a last sip of brandy, and told his doctor, "I am going. Perhaps it is best."[138] He died shortly thereafter, most likely due to a stroke.[139]
Tyler's death was the only one in presidential history not to be officially recognized in Washington, because of his allegiance to the Confederacy. He had requested a simple burial, but Confederate President Jefferson Davis devised a grand, politically pointed funeral, painting Tyler as a hero to the new nation. Accordingly, at his funeral, the coffin of the tenth president of the United States was draped with a Confederate flag.[140]
A former Chief Executive of the United States not only supporting but in fact participating in secession - isn't that what being a traitor is?


Everything you wanted to know about the TPP.

Courtesy Wikileaks -


Something I've learned about people, processes, and getting this done ...

To me a really great leader is one who both never stops learning what can work, and a great manager is one who never forgets what does work. The key to success, is when those traits across different people work together; then only do great things happen.


Mary Poppins - Drug dealer

I always thought there were lots of drugs involved. She seemed more like a corporate stooge pushing drugs in unsuspecting children.


"Israel Has Nuclear Weapons, Too"

So says the IDA (h/t The Disaffected Lib) -

"Early last month the Department of Defense released a secret report done in 1987 by the Pentagon-funded Institute for Defense Analysis that essentially confirms the existence of Israel’s nukes. DOD was responding to a Freedom of Information lawsuit filed by Grant Smith, an investigative reporter and author who heads the Institute for Research: Middle East Policy. Smith said he thinks this is the first time the US government has ever provided official recognition of the long-standing reality."


Hard to believe at this point ...

... perhaps I should revisit this a few years from now and see how much of this became reality?

"In the long run the Palestinians may be the only ones who benefit from the Israel’s March 2015 elections. The now guaranteed continued alienation from Israel of a good part of the Western world will work to their benefit over time. Netanyahu would dismiss this possibility as irrelevant, for he is certain that Israeli power wins out in the end. But then there are different types of power: just ask the men who once ran South Africa’s for-whites-only society."


Down By The River cover ...

Pretty nice cover ...

... especially when you can get the actual artist to play on it!



TPP: the trade plan to fuck over people - it's all about corporations.


The historical record is clear: what are misleadingly called “free trade agreements” were never really about trade. Their goal is to render independent nation states null and void, and hand power over to unaccountable, transnational corporatist authorities.
But to fulfill its full potential, the multinational corporation must be able to operate with little regard for national boundaries – or, in other words, for restrictions imposed by individual national governments.


Coming Israeli election.

When is someone with common sense going to finally defeat the right-wing and give Israelis actual peace and justice?

Sadly, it's a common theme both from Canada and the US. When voters have a choice between a pretend-right-winger, and a real bought-and-paid for corporate nutcase, they will inevitably pick the latter because they think it's more genuine.

I don't know how accurate that assessment is, but that seems to be the observation has been in previous elections in Canada (Harper vs. pretend right-wingers Trudeau and Mulcair, Bush vs Gore, etc).

Granted - in these Canadian and American elections, I question just how much the results were fixed by corporations, after the race seemed to allegedly close? That plus all the money poured into campaigns, re-redistricting, etc ...


The Sweater - by Roch Carrier.

Every young boy who dreamed of being a hockey player has gone through this.


Well here's a company I'll no longer do business with in the near future - RE/MAX.

Those purveyors of apartheid them.


Last fall, the anti-war group Codepink launched an international campaign targeting the real estate franchise, RE/MAX International, for its maitenance of an Israeli branch that sells and rents homes in Jewish-only settlements in the West Bank.
 But wait, there's more!

report submitted to the United Nations General Assembly in September 2013 explains that the Colorado-based company plays an active role in its international franchises.
Richard Falk, the paper’s author and then a UN special rapporteur on Palestine, noted that RE/MAX International provided its franchises with brand recognition, ongoing training and various resources. His report indicated that RE/MAX was handling properties in nine Israeli settlements during 2013.

The UN report asserts that RE/MAX International, headquartered in Denver, can be held responsible for its franchises’ violations of international law.
The violations involve helping to transfer the population of an occupying power into the territory that it occupies. Falk also concluded that the company is vulnerable to civil litigation in the United States.


Maybe it's just me ...

... but it seems life has been a lot tougher the last little while.

Always some form of pain.

Can never sleep comfortably, or get enough sleep for that matter.

Always tired.

I never seem to be ever fully happy about anything.

Always stressed out.

I find myself having to restrain myself from exploding at people who do repeatedly stupid things, only to finally lose it at home. Luckily for me (and for the family), I've learned the lessons I got from the many beatings and whippings I received as a child, such that I won't ever do that to my kids.

Never enough money.

No one wants to do anything.

Everywhere I go someone is complaining about something, or being an ass, and I have to deal with it.


Quote of the day - 03-09-2015.

Steven Smith (h/t Climate Central)-

“Essentially the world is entering a new regime where what is normal is going to continue to change and it’s changing at a rate that natural processes might not be able to keep up with,”


Well good.

I saw a notice on my Blogger page about getting rid of 'sexually explicit' content a little while ago.

Frankly, it seem rather prudish to me.

Worse perhaps, was it some form of censorship? Or perhaps some investor or Google board member was getting to cozy with the Tea Party or some other fanatic group?

Well ...


We’ve received lots of feedback about making a policy change that impacts longstanding blogs, and about the negative impact this could have on individuals who post sexually explicit content to express their identities.
We appreciate the feedback. Instead of making this change, we will be maintaining our existing policies.


Wow - Finally SOME degree of sanity restored back to the Washington State Senate.

Of course, the Senate is still controlled by the right-wing and corporate interests, so consider it a temporary measure at best. 


Lieutenant Governor Brad Owen upholds majority rule in the Washington State Senate

In a victory for democracy, sense, and the rule of law, Democratic Lieutenant Governor Brad Owen today ruled that a Republican-engineered Senate rules change to require two-thirds votes to advance revenue-raising bills is unenforceable because it violates the Washington State Constitution.