You have to wonder how long this will stay up.
The big one - Prism:
The Prism program collects data from the servers of U.S. technology companies.
Shameless corporate plug ... but not in the way they would expect.
It's a couple of years old, but still.
I get the impression these companies don't really want you to know just how many products and brands they really own that you buy.
$10,000 to the Person Who Disproves Climate Change?
Reading the comments from a right-wing nature would be hilarious and sad were it not for the reality that reacting as such doesn't really improve the situation, nor stop global warming.
Quote of the day - 06-25-2014.
"After nearly 20 years of GM crops, genetic modifications for herbicide resistance and pest resistance are still the only two commercially viable traits of any significance. There are no yield genes that will revolutionize farming, and weeds and insects are quickly developing resistance to the GM technologies.
When Monsanto and other corporations involved in seed research and development brought GM seed to the market, what was their reason? Obviously they saw an opportunity for profit; that is what corporations do.
While everyone is supposed to accept the altruistic justification for GM, that it will “feed the world," I doubt they ever planned to give any GM technology away in developing countries or even sell the new technologies at cost. Their rigorous control of GM through patents and legions of lawyers waiting to sue for any possibility of patent infringement attest to the fact that this is a profitable science and they intend to play it to the bitter end."
Fast-food companies.
What I've learned over the years -
Fast-food companies have -
1) perfected the art of convincing people to buy shit;
2) locked in a monopoly on the customer base that will keep them rolling in money for a long time.
2014: Hottest May on record.
The combined average temperature over global land and ocean surfaces for May 2014 was record highest for this month, at 0.74°C (1.33°F) above the 20th century average of 14.8°C (58.6°F).
Views of group dynamics - The 'rock star' vs. the 'rock band'.
New York's attempt to get a GMO-labeling law?
Published on Tuesday, June 17, 2014 by Common Dreams
New Yorkers Wage Urgent Battle for GMO Label Law
Industry groups spending millions to kill a bill likely to create a "domino effect" in the northeast
Highly toxic pesticides are being applied to GMO test fields on Kauai at a much higher rate than on most US farms, an analysis of new data reveals.
The power of a roving iceberg.
"It's catastrophic, really," Barnes said. "They kill 99 per cent of things they come in contact with."
Because most of an iceberg is underwater and some icebergs are massive, they can cause destruction as deep as 600 metres below the surface, Barnes added. That means the area of the sea floor that icebergs are stripping of its biodiversity could be vast."
Wow, talk about fucked up.
Can we all say - global warming is here and and real and accelerating such that both the rate and the intensity of these elements makes it difficult for all species on the planet to adapt? What does this then say about future generations of said species and their ability to then survive?
Casey Kasem RIP (1932-2014)
Thank you Casey for all the happy memories on the radio and in television.
Thank you wilted banana! You too!
Apparently a colleague from work got this 'compliments' from the hotel they're staying in.
Not that the quality of the piece of fruit is any reflection or commentary on the quality of the hotel - no!
Never mind trying to find meaning ...
Your life unfolds regardless of whether you're paying attention.
“System Change, Not Climate Change.”
I don't know for sure. On the other hand ...
The best opportunity we have to end increasing climate change — before high temperatures, air pollution, flooded coastlines, droughts, fierce storms, scarcity of potable water and famine reach disastrous heights — is system change. This is already obvious to much of the left — and will become clear to those in the struggle as the crisis increases — but the government and business are content to take minimal steps, concentrating more on adaptation than mitigation.
US Healthcare System='price-gouging'
It's sad that corporations are able buy the US Supreme Court rulings they want. Or of course when it doesn't suit them just ignore them like in Myriad's case.
Software to 'detect sarcasm' ... ?
Good luck testing that.
Quote of the day - 06-05-2014.
" Ideals become easy prey when convenience is at stake."
Indeed - a message to all those people out there of all political stripes who continue to do business with Amoron.
Reset the Net.
It's hard to believe it's been a year since Snowden made his revelations about US government spying through the net.
Frankenfood and pesticides claiming the Monarch Butterfly.
Study co-author Ryan Norris, a biology professor at the University of Guelph, said that "likely the biggest cause of loss of milkweed is the adoption of genetically modified crops."
Farmers have been increasingly planting corn and soybeans resistant to herbicides, and then applying those herbicides liberally on their fields. That kills off plants between the rows of crops that aren't resistant, such as milkweed."
Hey TheNation.com ....
And I have no doubt she's got something useful to say about the NRA, given the recent tragic and horrific shootings that occurred.
But I don't wish to purchase her latest book from Amoron because I don't wish to give my money to a corporation with right-wing ties and questionable business practices.
I also don't wish patronize the screed owned by the same person who owns Amoron.
So please find a way to publish her writing elsewhere. Or better still, don't waste my time having me go to article previews on your own homepage that point that screed. As a long-time reader of your site, I find that extremely offensive, and an insult to anyone who opposes the increasing dominance of corporations in people's lives.
If you continue this practice, please expect me to look elsewhere for commentary from the Left.
The key word in the article title is 'should'.
But they won't and they don't - why?
Corporations (and by extension, lobbyists for said industries dominated by said corporations) don't think. They only care about speaking to their customer base to keep them coming back and plunking down money for their products.
Corporations aren't sentient, sapient beings; they aren't alive and don't think. Also corporations are not capable of caring either.
They don't care if the products have only one real purpose - to kill. They don't care how many lives it destroys.
They only are about getting as much money as possible, because that's how they survive and thrive.