Case in point -
People usually vote for the status-quo, or what they believe is a change in scenery, which often is the previous status quo.
That's what you're seeing here. Quebec residents are poised to elect a party that believes in restrictions in what and how you speak, and where you do so. And this party believe in such restrictions more for younger people (like college- and university-bound and far younger) because they believe it's the only way to save their culture and way of life.
It's funny but I left Canada many years back because I felt was Quebec was on its way to imploding. Today in this day and age where dialog, content, heck slices of culture are available on just about any device, and with whomever one chooses, to then try and return to a previous way of life by trying to 'legislate' people back to a prevous millenium, is far more ridiculous to me now than it was back then.
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