
Tobin tax has some key new supporters.


Germany, France pitch Tobin tax on financial transactions

Sounds interesting ...


A Tobin tax, suggested by Nobel Laureate economist James Tobin, was originally defined as a tax on all spot conversions of one currency into another. The tax is intended to put a penalty on short-term financial round-trip excursions into another currency.


Some performing artists often take time to sculpt their songs one instrument, and one vocal, and one note, and one beat at a time.

While others literally just bang it out on the fly.

Some like to figure out nuances and take different directions, and explore every possible chord change, effect, sound, and frankly overdub this shit out of things.

And then there are those who can write and rock a whole song with literally just four chords.

Case in point -

I seriously think he could've released it with no guitar soloing, but then again, he's the Boss.


List of companies against California Prop 37.


Interesting to see the list of foods that are in reality frakenfoods.

It's amazing how much of these products are in every pantry and fridge in America.

This Prop 37 is a big deal, because labelling will force the American consumer to question the label's meaning; something these food companies would rather not answer. And it'll enable people to see just how much their food is really frakenfood.

An election race I'm following.



Bill Nye puts fairytale factory makers in their place.

It's sad that if you look up the AP article, you can see the right-wing attempting to give these fairytale factory morons equal space in the article to reply, as if they actually have some sort of rational response.

In many ways, it shows how the AP and other corporate media really truly view their readers. They try to pass themselves off as the arbiters of objectivity, when in reality they're both giving space to crap, while all the while giving themselves the appearance of just housing an honest debate.

Bull fucking shit - they're just framing a controversy to just sell their article. Or to put it another way, sell the controversy, which oddly enough is the same methodology these fairytale factory people use to try and inject their make-believe into science classes all over America.

You tell 'em Bill!


Overheard on a bus - 09-21-2012.

Asian-looking American female who frankly looked like she had too much plastic surgery (or perhaps not enough) got on the bus before it got to the highway. She was talking to her friend who has on the worst, most unreal wig imaginable ...

... and she just would not shut the fuck up.

Non-stop, and at loud volume the whole back of the bus got to hear endless earfuls of mindless giggles, stupidity, moronicism, idiocy, and just plain poor grammar.


"I have the worst life!!!!"

"I'm like so much better than them!!!! HEE HEE HEE!!!"

"They're such a fail!!!"

The only time she ever stopped was when her fat wig-wearing friend got off the bus.

Unfortunately for me, there was no celebration or rest for me. I had to get off at the next stop.


The Pickler didn't get the memo.

Barring a right-wing attempt to steal the election via illegal means, Romney's campaign is done, no matter how many right-wing-infused articles are written up in the AP -


It's amusing to me that when you search in the browser for the word 'gaffe' from that link, that word is (as of this writing) missing from pretty much all of the 'articles' she writes.

Oh, and yes, I'm talking about that Nedra Pickler.


In her coverage of the 2004 presidential race, Pickler acknowledged having misquoted Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean.[8] In June 2004, an article by Pickler on higher education costs was criticized by the Columbia Journalism Review for accepting Bush advisor Steve Schmidt's criticism of John Kerry as fact without evaluating the accuracy of Schmidt's claim, which CJR found to be misleading.[9]

On March 27, 2007, Pickler wrote that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama (who had declared his candidacy February 10) had "delivered no policy speeches and provided few details about how he would lead the country" in his campaign up to that point.[10] On July 8, 2008, Pickler wrote an analysis saying that the presumptive presidential nominees, Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama, had opposite stances on the policy goal of balancing the federal budget by the end of the next presidential term (January 2013).[11] Pickler was criticized for the article in the Columbia Journalism Review.[12]

Yeah it's over for him.

The Onion really has it down -


Now That My Campaign Is Over, I'd Like To Talk To You All About The Church Of Latter-Day Saints


Romney Apologizes To Nation's 150 Million 'Starving, Filthy Beggars'


NPI demonstrates why no one should take anything the Seattle Times says as fact.

Seriously, we only get the weekend edition for the ads. The rest we will try to save as fireplace kindling; it's not worth using even as toilet paper.


"Proponents of I-1185 use every opportunity they get to claim that voters have been consistently and overwhelmingly supportive of supermajority vote requirements on revenue-raising bills. But that’s not just not true.

As I have documented in this post, they are inflating the number of times that voters have said yes to these schemes, and they are not acknowledging that voters have also rejected supermajority vote schemes.

The Seattle Times, which likes to constantly remind us that it has won Pulitzer Prizes for investigative reporting, does not provide any of this context in today’s article about I-1185, which is very unfortunate. They claim to strive for objective, neutral reporting. But Andrew Garber’s story simply leaves too much important information out to meet our definition of objective or fair."

But what does one expect from a corporate media outlet? They are towing the establishment line, facts and reality be damned.


Hey there! The GWOT was really about oil after all!

http://whowhatwhy.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/AFG_mineral_map_44.jpg http://whowhatwhy.com/2012/09/10/the-real-reason-for-the-afghan-war/

And yet again, the American corporate media fails to inform the public about this -

"The failure to pose this question is significant because the pretense of a “recent discovery” serves only to justify staying in Afghanistan now that the troops are already there—while ignoring the extent to which imperial-style resource grabs are the real drivers of foreign policy and wars, worldwide.

As long as we continue to dance around that issue, we will remain mired in disaster of both a financial and mortal nature. As long as we fail to tote up who are the principal winners and losers then we fail to understand what is going on."

Gee I wish Wikipedia was around when I was a kid.

Think of all the things I could've learned. Like this -


Quite a list. I feel like such a perv.


Guess I won't be heading back to Montreal to live anytime soon.


A perspective on global warming that didn't occur to me.

And yet, it's so obvious. Before we end up getting scorched off the face of the Earth or drown in a flood, we'll probably first starve -
Unlike most climate worriers, it's not the melting glaciers that keep me up at night. It's rain. Hot air holds more water. As the average temperature increases, we can expect more clouds but less rainfall in all but the highest and lowest latitudes, as the atmosphere holds on to more of the available water. If we keep doing nothing, and the most likely climate change predictions hold true, the regular rains we depend on to grow our food will become more and more erratic. Let the planet's average temperatures rise by more than seven degrees, and we can expect a new desert in the United States extending from Kansas to California to form by the end of this century, joined by new deserts across Eurasia and the other breadbaskets of the world. We might still have rain in Seattle—but nothing to eat. Human civilization dies in this scenario, just like it would after a nuclear holocaust.

Read more here - http://www.thestranger.com/seattle/its-time-to-freak-out-about-climate-change/Content?oid=14657581


In a democracy, the lack of choice election candidates results in demise.

Case in point - http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/quebecvotes2012/story/2012/09/03/quebec-election-analysis-lynne-robson-pq-marois-final-sprint.html

People usually vote for the status-quo, or what they believe is a change in scenery, which often is the previous status quo.

That's what you're seeing here. Quebec residents are poised to elect a party that believes in restrictions in what and how you speak, and where you do so. And this party believe in such restrictions more for younger people (like college- and university-bound and far younger) because they believe it's the only way to save their culture and way of life.

It's funny but I left Canada many years back because I felt was Quebec was on its way to imploding. Today in this day and age where dialog, content, heck slices of culture are available on just about any device, and with whomever one chooses, to then try and return to a previous way of life by trying to 'legislate' people back to a prevous millenium, is far more ridiculous to me now than it was back then.

More than 10 years after 9/11, and what has Shrub's GWOT gotten the US?

This - US suspends Afghan police training.

More stuff you won't see reported much in the US corporate media. If anything, the lack of reporting as the news filters through will once again trump the actual story.


New Frakenfood coming to your grocery isle near you, without warning.

Ah the end of summer, school is back in, the crops to be harvested ... sounds nice ...?

Yeah, no.

http://naturalsociety.com/6-new-gmo-crops-soon-hit-dinner-table/#ixzz258DwRijC (thanks Buzzflash!)

Dow 2,4-D and Glufosinate Tolerant Soybean - Since the US first began using GM crops, our herbicide usage has been boosted by 300 million pounds, despite claims by biotech behemoths that other plants like weeds would not grow resistant to glyphosate – commonly known as RoundUp. And now, we have “superweeds.” Of course, biotech (and seemingly the USDA) doesn’t care, and they plan on adding the 2,4-D herbicide and dicamba (see number 4) to the list. Take action here.

Syngenta Corn Rootworm Resistant Corn - Plenty of nations have banned Syngenta’s GM Bt crops—but not the US. This type of corn produces its own pesticides and kills all bugs, good or bad, which also means livestock can get sick from eating it. Research says that 80% of pregnant women have Bt toxins in their blood. Take action here.

Okanagan Non-Browning Apple - Conventional apples are covered in pesticides. That’s why we buy organic, but Okanagan has produced the first GM apple. Take action against genetically modified apples right here.

Monsanto Dicamba Tolerant Soybean - Take action here.

Dow 2,4-D, Dlyphosate and Glufosinate Tolerant Soybean - Take action here.

Genective Glyphosate Tolerant Corn

No doubt the American corporate media misinforms the public on this? You bet.