
Thoughts about Future Thinking.

So what about this?

Here's the problem as I see it -

Despite living in the 21th century, we are all actually constrained by a way of life that has developed and essentially stopped in the 20th century.

Our systems of governments, standards of business, our transportation systems, even our morals - they're all based and rooted in the past.

And now, we've reached a point where all of these things are now taken over by non-individual entities society has created supposedly to make it easier to function in life - entities whose primary interest in sustainability is solely in terms of profit.

So it's no wonder the human race is dooming itself to eventual extinction.

Even the Internet - something I have long held as one possible tool that could help humanity overcome its need to destroy and pillage for profit by using it's power to inform and empower by application of knowledge - is slowly being destroyed by the very non-entities mentioned above.

The simple fact is, unless there is a way to get pretty much every single fucking sane human being on the planet on the same page, understanding the same information, and thinking, talking, discussing, planning, developing, testing, and implementing long-lasting solutions - together - to all our global problems (number one IMO is global warming) - we as a species will be done for.

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