
If you ever wondered why people in the United States continually vote against their better interests ...

... like for example not putting up much of a real fight on things like, health care, perhaps it's because a percentage of them are conditioned to believe it's not important.

Conditioned you (may) say - how?

Well ...

Often times, the organizations that conduct such operations can be traced back to the very health care insurance companies that want to keep things as they are.

Case in point -


"Few Americans know what a central role the health-insurance industry played in the fear-mongering and anger-mongering campaign against the Democrats' original vision of reform, which included a "public option" that would have competed against private insurance companies and which President Obama said early in the debate was necessary to "keep insurers honest."

Insurers were able to kill the public option and weaken the reform bill, but it couldn't kill it. Despite conventional wisdom, insurers didn't want to kill it because the requirement that all Americans buy private coverage if they're not eligible for a public program like Medicare and Medicaid will ensure their profitability for years to come.

They do, however, want to weaken the bill further, which is why the industry funneled millions of policyholders' premiums this year into the campaigns of Republican candidates and round-the-clock advertising based on lies about the new reform law. "

And it's not like there isn't socialized healthcare in the US? The VA? When you hear some politician railing about the evils of socialized medicine (usually reading the insurance talking points) in the US, remember, that person has their health coverages handled and paid for the by the taxpayer.

Seriously, unless one has lived in a country where healthcare isn't tied your employer or the healthcare provider itself, people in the US have truly no idea how they are fucking themselves repeatedly out of something every person should have - good quality healthcare.

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