
2009: End of year thoughts.

Somehow I thought 2009 would end better than 2008.

Last year ended on a hopeful note. I thought this country and its voters had moved this country away from the point of no return. I thought people had finally come their senses and realized that electing conservatives and right-wingers into public office is a very bad idea, because said groups are incapable of governing nations.

And I think on most levels, so did most Americans.

So, what happened since then?

However it's not just that.

On a personal level, I found this year much harder. I found myself once again in a position of not knowing as much as everyone else around me, and always being the person with least amount of authority. Conveniently, I'm also usually the person who's forced to be the most polite. It makes me question whether what I do will ever be considered valuable and important enough to be treated with equal respect compared to those with 'technical skills'.

I let my family talk me into taking in a coprophagic dog who does nothing else but shit, sleep, and crave attention or food. Completely untrustworthy and disobedient. As the year draws to a close, I find myself weary of having to constantly fight the same daily battles with an animal whose personality I dislike.

I've no one to blame but myself. Essentially, I chose to allow these things to happen. I failed to ask the right questions, and failed to act when not all right with the answers. Perhaps it's because I chose to trust those around me in that I thought they were being honest, or that I relied on people to provide me information to do my work, in that I thought there were no hidden agendas and so forth.

I've always had problems trusting or relying on others.

I realized in 2009 that happiness only comes in this life when you are actively pursuing it. The moment one stops pursuing one's dreams, one is not living anymore, but functioning.

So, my goal in 2010 - move myself finally in the direction of pursuing my dreams. Some may call it selfish. They can fuck off. It's been too long for me to not care about my needs, my desires, and my dreams. I need to get myself back on that path to happiness. Of course, I mustn't neglect my responsibilities. The difference between 2010 and 2009 is that with the latter, I let those responsibilities take over to the point where my happiness was pushed out of importance. My goal this year is to work out a plan to balance both, while at the same time moving my life towards my happiness.

As with everything in life, it's a matter of focus.


You tell 'em Jane - The US Health Care Bill/Starter Home analogy put to sleep ...


"The bill is built on the extremely wasteful and inefficient private insurance system and contains one of the biggest rollbacks in decades of women’s reproductive rights. It, in effect, gives a permanent exclusivity to expensive biologics, and still denies Americans the ability to buy cheaper drugs from overseas. It has insufficient regulations and leaves the regulator enforcement purely up to the states, which have a poor track record enforcing the current regulations on their books. Regulation without enforcement is worthless. It throws good money after bad without fixing the underlying problems. The cost of the insurance will be too high and the quality of the insurance is too low. Funneling billions of dollars and forcing millions of Americans to buy a product that is frankly a terrible bargain is not a good foundation to build on. It is only a good foundation for the private insurance companies because it further enriches and entrenches them. Rewarding the failure of the private health insurance system with even more money and more customers is not how you want to build your “starter home."

The question is - is there time to stop this disaster from happening to the American Public?


Public Health care option reportedly removed from health care reform - a win for the insurance companies.


The public health insurance option died on Thursday, December 10, 2009, after a months-long struggle with Senate parliamentary procedure. The time of death was recorded as 11:12 a.m. Eastern Standard Time.

Its death had been rumored numerous times over the past year, but the public option repeatedly and defiantly battled back. The Senate's insistence on 60 votes, combined with President Obama's decision not to intervene on its behalf, eventually proved overwhelming.

The public option leaves behind a Medicare buy-in for people aged 55-64, an expansion of Medicaid, a quasi-public option for those under 300 percent of the poverty line and a collection of national private plans managed by the Office of Personnel Management.

The one remaining chance for the public option rested with the House somehow forcing its will on the Senate.

But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) pulled the final plug in a press briefing with reporters Thursday.

Yeah, unless Obama vetos the bill and sends is back demanding a public health care option, it's basically dead.

The kicker in the bill is that all Americans are legally required to have health insurance. The public health care option represented the only real alternative Americans would have, in view of all the insurance plans that we'd be locked into And if it was a viable option, it would provide the insurance companies a clear incentive to provide better health 'services' at lower rates.

The thing is, I suspect the insurance companies know what I known all along - if a public health option were ever to actually become law, and it were viable, I think the majority of Americans would go for it, en masse. We all know that the insurance companies offer bullshit and at ever increasing prices. To these companies, such a thing represents a clear danger to their profit margins, and more importantly the next step to a single-payer health care system. The public health care option is really the critical mass point, and the insurance companies know this. That's why they've fought so hard to have it killed.

I'd say it's not been a good few weeks for Obama, the country and the world -

  • The demise of the public health care option
  • Delays in dealing with global climate change (lack of action in the Copenhagen conference)
  • Pending esclation of violence and bloodshed in Afghanistan ...

All of these things are happening due the wrong decisions being made.


How fucking nice .... United States Health Care continues to remain in 19th Century ...

... while the rest of the civilized world knows that basic viable health care for all is a given and a smart thing.


This fellow is cautiously optimistic about the latest compromise made to the insurance companies, drug companies, and the right-wing.

This commenter sums up my initial thoughts to a tea ...

"Not only have the democrats shown their lack of back bone and made Insurance companies richer, they were pulled by their nose by the Republicans to ensure that if a bill was passed, it would piss off the democratic base so Republicans would be back in power in 2010. You guys are idiots not to see that you are giving both the Insurance Companies and the Republicans exactly what they want."

Time will tell.