
Bloc-heads – Who are supporters of the Bloc Québécois and why?

 Let’s assume for a moment that I agree with those residents of Quebec who believe that it is a nation that exists within Canada – that I agree with this person’s definition of what a nation is –

“A nation is a body of people who share a real or imagined common history, culture, language or ethnic origin, who typically inhabit a particular country or territory.”


So following that, why on earth would I believe that somehow, miraculously, the Bloc Québécois is going to make that happen?

If you assume that they can via being part of the federal government that would presume that the either they would form a majority government, a minority government, or be part of a coalition.

  1. The first scenario will never happen – I don’t think Canadians en masse will vote for a group that claims to only represents the interests of one province (‘nation’ if you will) only to have that same group then leave the country.

  1. The second scenario is plausible only if no other party gets enough seats, though I cannot see that lasting for very long. Eventually, I think it would revert back to the first scenario.

  1. The third scenario is also plausible, but again, it won’t last long enough to achieve any type of sovereignty-type solution.

This leaves the Bloc Québécois as an Opposition Party (i.e. not in a position of power), which has been their default position since their formation.

  • What have they really accomplished for Quebec since then?
  • What legislation have they passed, or laws they’ve enacted that demonstrate they can accomplish the tasks for the people they represent?
  • What action or actions have they taken to demonstrate to residents in Quebec that they are one step closer to achieving their goals?

The Clarity Act? – I would argue this was done to rope in the sovereignty movement by establishing and framing any debate on the conditions of when a province or region can leave Confederation.

So I ask those who insist that they’d vote for the Bloc Québécois in a pending Canadian Federal Election? Why would you vote for a group that can never accomplish what you’d want, under any possible legal rational circumstances?

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