
Talking about Charlton Heston was larger than life - Movies- msnbc.com

Mr. Hartl,

I too admired Mr. Heston for his acting ability. But let's face facts - he was the head of a crazy organization. Whether I believe and support the right to bear arms is inconsequential to the fact that, I certainly would not let the National Rifle Association speak on my behalf.

After all, this is an organization that believes one should carry firearms at National Parks. Hello?

Keeping ready-to-fire guns in out of the country's National Parks is not about Second Amendment "rights"; it's about families being able to camp in National Parks without the fear that some NRA nervous Nellie will mistake them for a bear and start shooting away during the night.

If the NRA are so fearful of crime and wildlife in National Parks, then they don't need to go into them.

The rest of us rational people can camp in peace. This is about our rights, not a specific segment of the population's selfishness in bringing the potential for violence into the last vestiges of our tranquil natural heritage as a nation. Something the NRA and Mr. Heston just could not comprehend.

Their lunatic-like obession with guns is the biggest reason there is so much violence in America today. But I bet you didn't think of that when you were insulting Michael Moore and his film.  Frankly, if Mr. Heston was unable or unwilling to answer serious questions posed by Mr. Moore in his movie, he should never have been ithe NRA's head.

Geniality and heading the NRA is a recipe for hypocrisy - and Mr. Moore exposed that for what it really was.

Next time, Mr. Hartl, please use some common sense when writing your obituaries in future. Mr. Heston's acting, demeanour were no excuse for fronting such rabid supporters of violence.

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