
Whole Foods Update

For anyone on the planet who's been following -


Well it seems the incident at Whole Foods in Redmond, WA has generated a whole lot of ...


... nothing.


Was I expecting some sort of response? Frankly, yes. After it happened, I mailed two letters. One went to the CEO of Whole Foods Market, the other went to this particular store's manager. My wife suggested two letters. Her idea is that it's almost impossible for something like this to ever change when starting from the bottom up. However, if it starts from the top, it should find it's way to the right person below.


However given the complete lack of response, evidently one can be completely incompetant, a bigot, or both at the same time, and still be able to keep down a job at this store. Who said the economy was bad?


Their (to-date) lack of a response is more telling then they realize. To me it basically means that it was okay for this cashier to act the way he did, and not be held accountable in any sort of way.


A part of me is debating whether I should just not do business there, and just let people know about this particular store. On the other hand, is that really all that I can do? Am I really being a good, upstanding member of community (not to mention a good parent) by just leaving it at that?


I'm not so certain. I need to give the idea of action some more thought ....

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