I haven't provided much in the way of commentary on the war (Suffice it to say I'm not a fan of it, and never bought into the lies of the Bush administration. Where are those WMD in Iraq?).
But if there is one thing I cannot respect is people who say one thing, and do another. It's those folks profess their support for this war with nothing more than a 'support the troops' stickers on their car. These people are hypocrites of the worst kind.
Frankly I'm of the opinion that if one really 'supports' this war, they should understand the meaning of word support. Tying yellow ribbons around trees is pretty stupid.
"Support the war? Then volunteer to fight it."
But don't volunteer other people's kids to do it.
Frankly it shouldn't bother people who supported this war for me to say it. After all, military enrollment is way down, recruitment quotas are way off. How is the Bush Administration going to continue the war without troops (the fact that they are wholly under-funded is a whole other matter)?
What bothers me are those hypocritical people (most of them chickenhawks) who trumpet the need for this war, but are too afraid to pick up a gun, sign up with the Armed Forces and ship themselves of to the front line.
When George W. Bush and Dick Cheney and every other chickenhawk supporter of this war start encouraging their own kids to sign up for fighting (and for that matter members of Congress), then perhaps I'll have some respect for them. Perhaps.
P.S. If they don't, it's only a matter of time before the government institutes a draft.
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