
Quote of the day - 10-31-2024

Francis Boyle, a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law


“Given Israel’s lack of respect for decisions of the court, it becomes imperative that these decisions have teeth,” Boyle added. “The U.S. veto at the U.N. Security Council has prevented that body from doing its job. So, the U.N. General Assembly should utilize its Uniting for Peace procedure to take control of the situation and recommend an arms embargo and economic sanctions against Israel as well as other measures. That’s what was done to apartheid South Africa because of its illegal occupation of Namibia.”

A glimmer of hope in the World?


I am somewhat skeptical, but optimistic that it can work.

Great to see Jamarl back in action.


As always, he hits it out of the ballpark.

I wonder if this means anything regarding US politics?

In relatively recent history, the Yankees winning the Major League Baseball World Series Championship typically occurred during Democratic Brand Administrations and Presidencies.

Hmm ...


Oh and just so you think that only the Global North can be the only tyrants of the world.

There's the psychopaths that are wrecking India. Yes that idiot Modi and the BJP.


Left parties and civil society groups oppose the Modi government’s policy shift on Israel-Palestine, including alleged arms deliveries which have helped to prolong the Israeli genocide in Palestine. They held a press conference in August, criticizing India’s growing ties with Israel and distancing itself from its historical support for Palestinian resistance. Nationwide protests were also organized by the left on the anniversary of the beginning of Israel’s genocide on October 7.

Modi government’s alignment with Zionist policies

Modi’s pro-Zionist stance has sparked government crackdowns on anti-Israel protests, with arrests and detentions of protesters and the criminalization of Palestinian resistance symbols.

India was one of the first countries to recognize the Palestinian state, supporting a two-state solution and viewing the Palestinian liberation movement as an anti-colonial struggle. However, since the rise of the Hindu-supremacist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in 2014, India has grown closer to the Zionist regime, developing defense and other partnerships.


Some key reminders about all things Israel.

They are a settler-colonial regime. They are an artificial creation of the Global North, designed to steal resources and de-stabilize the region to continue their ongoing theft.

They are the furthest thing from democracy, in that they are an apartheid society.

Their military is occupying another country. They are the Israeli Occupying Force.

Oh, and they don't like journalist who, you know, actually report on what they are doing.




There IS a foreign country interfering with US politics - it's Israel.

Want more evidence?


16th BRICS Summit


Will be curious to see what comes out of this. 

Cuba survives Hurricane Oscar, but what's really going on?


The world stands with Cuba

Amid Cuba’s blackout, the member states of the Bolivarian Alliance of the Peoples of Our America (ALBA-TCP), expressed in a communiqué their support to the Cuban government and offered their help to overcome the difficult times the island is going through: “The complex situation that [Cuba] is experiencing today is a consequence of the economic war, financial persecution and [the refusal to sell] fuel supplies by the US administration, which seeks to asphyxiate Cuba in its commitment to the well-being of the Cuban people”.

Furthermore, the communiqué adds “The policy of maximum pressure through unilateral coercive measures and the blockade against the nation is cruel and inhuman and has been categorically rejected by the majority of the countries of the world, since […] it only seeks a change of regime, in open violation of the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter and the norms of International Law.”


But what's really going on?


While the blockade has been in place for generations, the severity of the U.S. economic war on the island often varies from administration to administration. As part of its intensification of efforts to strangle the Cuban Revolution, the energy sector was one of the main targets of the 243 new measures imposed during the Trump administration. In 2019, new measures targeted two Cuban enterprises called Cubametales and Panamericana – which were central to oil and gas purchases. Since then, the importation of fuel has been an even more profoundly difficult task for Cuba, and the system finally reached a breaking point. These Trump-imposed measures have been maintained by the Biden administration.

The economic situation is also badly affected by the ridiculous inclusion of the country in the State Department’s list of “state sponsors of terror”. The pretext for this designation was absurd, citing Cuba’s role in supporting peace talks between the Colombian government and guerilla groups. It is even more ironic now that the U.S. government has armed the biggest terrorist regime in the world – Israel – as it conducts a genocide against the Palestinian people. Like the 243 additional measures that tightened the blockade, the “sponsor of terror” designation was imposed by Trump and upheld by Biden.





Oh look, another bank failure.

Evidently they'd been around since 1902.


Oklahoma bank fails, closed by federal agency

The Office of the Comptroller of Currency closed a Lindsay bank on Friday due to “false and deceptive bank records” suggesting fraud.

 Still think Blue No Matter Who or MAGA Red is going to save you?




Who I'm supporting - and why.

Claudia De La Cruz.

The main reason is the following -

A third party option takes away that consent from the ruling class and gives power to working class people. That’s what they fear, that working class people actually develop some sort of consciousness that is class consciousness, that is this solidarity, not only across this country with other working class people, but across the globe, that we’re not okay, that we’re not complicit with continuous war, that we’re not complicit with the continuous destruction of the planet.

And it actually creates even more of a threat for them to have a party, such as the Party for Socialism and Liberation, that is explicitly running a socialist campaign, because it says in addition to going to the ballot box, you can hit the streets. You could organize your communities. You could find mechanisms to become politically active that go beyond the election cycle.

You could build a movement, and that is threatening to this country. What we’re trying to do here is threatening to them, because it means mass consciousness, mass mobilization, and the mass hope of taking power and the will of the people to do so.



What a surprise to no one - Israel TOO goes after journalists.

The charge - Doing their job.


Israel jails Grayzone’s Jeremy Loffredo, releases him pending investigation

The criminal case against the American reporter fell apart after an Israeli journalist testified that his own article containing Loffredo’s full video report had cleared military censorship. Yet Israel refuses to let Loffredo leave the country.

On October 11, journalist Jeremy Loffredo was ordered released from Israeli jail.

Israeli soldiers arrested the Jewish-American reporter and three other journalists at a checkpoint in the West Bank on October 8. According to one of the jailed reporters, @the_andrey_x, the soldiers blindfolded them tightly, roughed them up, drawing guns on them at one point, and hauled them off to detention in Jerusalem.


So begins the prep for working this weekend.

Yay me.


1 year ago, the settler-colonial project known as Israel began its final ethnic cleansing of Gaza.

Don't kid yourself. 
Don't fool yourself. 

This had been in the making going back to even before the Nabka of the late 1940s. It's the next step in Zionism.

This Euro-centric racial/religious belief system was born out of exploiting Jews escaping real persecution, and morphed into a white supremacist ideology.

Which dovetailed nicely with the original imperial intent the British had to destabilize the region to obtain, among many things, oil.

That later got replaced with American crapitalist ruling class interests, and has been that way ever since.

But make no mistake -

Just here in the US and 09-11-2001, 10-07-2023 is used to justify implementing that final eradication step. Amazing how it's always black and brown people who bear the brunt of these private and mostly white nation ruling class interest?

So it went with the indigenous peoples in North, Central, and South America, in Africa, and in Asia. And let's not forget all the slavery, brutality, violence, bloodshed, murder, race, extraction, exploitation, purging, and outright destruction that followed.

My sympathy is always with the oppressed, and with the majority.

Only when people around the world free themselves of the bind the legacy media and corporate proto-fascist propaganda, and really see the world as is - only them will we all be truly free and on the collective path to happiness and joy.



10 Principles of Peace are nice.

  1. Mutual respect of all nations for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of other nations;
  2. Mutual non-aggression of all nations towards other nations;
  3. Mutual non-interference by all nations in the internal affairs of other affairs (such as through wars of choice, regime change operations, or unilateral sanctions);
  4. Equality and mutual benefits in the interactions among nations; and
  5. Peaceful co-existence of all nations.
  6. The closure of overseas military bases, of which the US and U.K. have by far the largest number.
  7. The end of covert regime-change operations and unilateral coercive economic measures, which are grave violations of the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other nations. (Political scientist Lindsey O’Rourke has carefully documented 64 US covert regime-change operations during 1947-1969, and the pervasive destabilization caused by such operations.
  8. Adherence by all nuclear powers (US, Russia, China, U.K., France, India, Pakistan, Israel, and North Korea) to Article VI of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty: “All Parties must pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures relating to the cessation of the nuclear arms race and to nuclear disarmament, and on a treaty on general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control.”
  9. The commitment by all countries “not to strengthen their security at the expense of the security of other countries,” (as per the OSCE Charter). States will not enter into military alliances that threaten their neighbors, and commit to resolve disputes through peaceful negotiations and security arrangements backed by the United Nations Security Council.
  10. The commitment by all nations to cooperate in protecting the global commons and providing global public goods, including fulfillment of the Paris climate agreement, the Sustainable Development Goals, and reform of UN institutions.


None of which will ever happen so long as systems like crapitalism and imperialism are still around. 

Quote of the day - 10-01-2024.

"Only the people can save the people"

Meanwhile, people in the southern United States bear the brunt of crapitalism's inability to deal with the catastrophic problems it creates.


Congress failed to allocate relief funding ahead of Hurricane Helene, then skipped town early due to the storm

Volunteers in the US South contend with the massive devastation and inadequate relief efforts, as climate change ensures that the worst is yet to come

October 01, 2024 by Natalia Marques


In a democratic society, journalism is a critical function.

Journalism is a basic and necessary function in democracy because it serves as check on those in power (i.e. the government).

In capitalism however, that check on power is not only not wanted by the ruling class, it's actually made a crime.

Julian Assange would know -> https://consortiumnews.com/2024/10/01/assange-im-free-because-i-pled-guilty-to-journalism/