Peace Arch
More Climate Change?
Globally, roughly 70% of the water pumped from the ground is used for irrigation, but only half of that trickles back down to replenish aquifers and other freshwater sources. The other half evaporates and ends up in the ocean through rainfall.
Still thinking capitalism's 'growth mindset' is a good idea for the survival of humans?
Made it to Bellingham, WA.
Easy trip.
Fairly stress-free. Except for the part about me looking like shit.
Going to try get away from it all.
If that's even possible.
Drive up north and see the outdoors, before the smoke and flames from BC's forest fires make the air unbreathable.
My thoughts about Cornel West running for US President in 2024.
Dr. West has stated that he's running to dismantle the US Empire.
Well, that's exactly who in reality he's running against - the United States hegemonic capitalist system, and its ruling class.
They will do everything and anything to prevent him from assuming that role. The US President has traditionally been one of the top pointman for the ruling class - someone they can effectively go to and push down on to get what they want.
Dr. West would turn it into the beginning of a more democratic function, one that serves the interests of the majority working class. That makes him a threat to the US ruling class, and their power.
They will try to discredit him. They will try to make up all sorts of shit to do so.
They will try to tar and feather him by association with everyone and anyone he's ever interacted with. They will twist, edit, and condense any word or phrase he has ever uttered into something that it's not if they think it'll serve that purpose.
They will make up things about him.
They will try set up criminal charges against him.
They will try to stop him from running - and at every level possible.
They will demonize him. They will make fun of him. They will throw everything and anything at him to try and stop him.
They will take every moment of his life until now, examine it, and twist any interaction into a means they thing will work for them.
And ... if he wins ...if he really succeeds ...
They will do everything to stop him from taking the nomination. They will impeach him likely on Day 1.
And if that doesn't work, well sadly look at JFK and what happened when he tried to stop the Vietnam war effort.
This is what Dr. West has to accept. This is what he's up against.
I will keep a read out for his platform, and who is running mate would be.
Meanwhile, the Green Party better get its act together and start finding a way to field candidates in the House and Senate. Because otherwise even if Dr. West wins, he's still gonna have to deal with the establishment ruling class via it's (more and more the same) brands - Democrat and Republican in this regard.
Hey Blogger ...
... can you fix the issue whereby one can see their labels on the mobile app?
Not seeing them greatly diminishes the value in posting from my phone.
Think there's any chance the US Capitalist system will let go of its need for vegeance against Julian Assange?
It seems highly unlikely.
Then again, more bizarre things can happen.
There's a part of me that thinks the US might drop everything, and then when he's off living somewhere quietly the CIA would then make him 'disappear'.
If I made a $6.2 billion (USD) 'Accounting Error', I'd likely be in jail.
Wonder if anything similar is happening here -> https://scheerpost.com/2023/06/21/pentagon-says-accounting-error-provides-extra-6-2-billion-in-ukraine-military-aid/
Pentagon Says ‘Accounting Error’ Provides Extra $6.2 Billion in Ukraine Military Aid
What Will It Take?
Good question.
Here's one answer (https://www.socialistalternative.org/2023/05/31/how-can-we-actually-fight-capitalism/) -
Workers, students, and oppressed people everywhere need to act as a unit against the capitalist elites. This not only means recognizing our common interests, but organizing the majority of society – the working class – into a fighting revolutionary force.
RIP Daniel Ellberg
A true hero in a land of fools and tools.
Meanwhile ... an actual journalist is closer to death.
Make no mistake - this is the Deep State/CIA/Hillary Clinton who's behind all this.
They want to kill him.
I don't even think he'll make to the mainland US. I think he'll be 'disappeared' or will 'die while trying to escape'.
And no one who calls themselves 'liberal' seems to remotely care.
A man I'd support for elected office - Dr. Cornel West.
More on what this all means in a follow up post.
It's always great to see a local make it all the way to the top.

Keegan Kolesar hoist a Stanley Cup Champion towel as he celebrates on the ice after the game.
Congratulations Keegan and to the Vegas Golden Knights for winning the Stanley Cup in 2023.
Key takeaways from this.
- There are essentially 2 kinds of people who are cops - bullies, and those who have been bullied.
- It's a cult(ure). There's no such thing as 'a few bad apples'.
- Cops exist to protect capital first and foremost.
- In the last few years, they've become more and more like military (whose own goals are to occupy on behalf of the owners).
- In a capitalist system, there are no consequences for committing crimes on behalf of said system.
Context here: