And related - don't trust anyone who uses the term either incorrectly, or as a weasel word.
So the establishment media is reporting that Lula won in the Brazil Presidency run-off elections.
That's great.
It does make me wonder how long it'll be before the ruling elite try to de-legitimize the run-off elections results, in the same way they have done in Venezuela, Peru, and Bolivia.
And now for the latest editon of ... Spot the bullshit.
I don't watch a lot of Hollywood movies these days.
Too many films that tend to have a 'scummy man' flavor to it, that's really sour.
I also get that I'm not the 'target audience' for such 'entertainment' (I use that word loosely).
It's gotten so bad, I've even seen articles coming up and celebrate misandry outright - as part of some form of 'revenge fantasy'.
Certainly misandry makes for a great seller of novels.
Here's something to consider when you're filled with hate over someone in part because of their gender:
Regardless of what sexual organs one possesses, it's easy to forget that there's a human being there.
This is what hatred does - it causes one to overlook biological realities over all else.
When you treat one human being as less than another on this kind of basis, you succumb to the very type of injustice structures you're seeking to destroy. And I've found, you'll never move beyond that if you cannot leave that hatred behind.
And when one conflates justice with revenge - and not accountability - that loss of respect is what leads to hatred.
You know things are bad ...
... when you have to mark email messages from a former candidate for President Of The United States as Junk, because they keep asking for money without actually doing anything?
The candidate was Bernie Sanders, and he was doing his usual sheepdogging for the Democratic Party Brand.
Can't believe I didn't see this when it first was published.
But no matter.
This seems (and yes I use that word 'seems') somewhat anti-capitalistic -
Every job and task should have objective metrics, which are output based, and if an employee can perform those metrics in two days, so be it.
I am a firm believer that we should stop counting time. We should give people the flexibility to work when they want to, whichever hours they want to, whichever days they want to, and care only about their work.
But truthfully, that's really the way corporations should be operating. They should really only care about the results and output. Which for someone like me, that's about productivity and delivery.
Any entity that thinks otherwise, is focused more on control and power, than profit and growth.
As if I didn't have enough reasons to distrust the government, here's another one.
With little in the way of federal data privacy laws, once someone clicks “I agree” on a pop-up box, there are few limitations on private entities’ collection, use and aggregation of user data, including location data. This is the loophole between data privacy and electronic surveillance law protections, and it creates the framework that underpins the massive U.S. data sharing market.
Need for Data Privacy Law
Without robust federal data privacy safeguards, smart device manufacturers, app makers and data brokers will continue, unfettered, to utilize smart devices’ sophisticated sensing technologies and GPS capabilities to collect and commercially aggregate vast quantities of intimate and revealing data.
The only thing in life I despise more than stupdity - is bullying.
Case in point - Israel.
Next time you hear or see someone singing the praises of say the Mossad, refer them to this shit.
Oh yes - I forgot about this earlier in the week.
I really am not sure what to make of this -
Bombshell: Pfizer Exec admits COVID vaccine never tested on preventing transmissions
BRUSSELS—During a hearing today on the European Union’s COVID-19 response, Pfizer’s president of international developed markets, Janine Small, admitted that its vaccine had never been tested before its release to the general public on its ability to prevent the transmission of COVID when asked by Dutch politician and a current Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Robert “Rob” Roos.
“Regarding the question around did we know about stopping immunization before it entered the market…No.,” Small replied with a smirk when asked by Roos if the Pfizer’ COVID vaccine was ever tested to stop the transmission of the virus before it entered the market.
On the one hand, it's technically in a US-based site.
On the other hand, I wonder how many Americans are even following this, which any reasonable or critical questioning?
More about the global crapitalism's pending collapse.
Is anyone really truly surprised at this -?
Want more proof that crapitalism is truly all about the destruction of labor, and reducing people down to just vessels of wealth delivery to the rich and powerful in fascism?
Just look at the rigged economy - it's all about this goal.
“Our recent side gig survey found that 41 percent of U.S. adults with a side job in 2022 need the extra income to pay for everyday living expenses, up from 31 percent when we last asked in 2019.”
Article Source :
This is consistent with our previous reporting where we said :
- 58% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck
- 36% of Americans earning $100,000+ are living paycheck to paycheck
- 30% of Americans earning $250,000+ are living paycheck to paycheck
- 1 in 4 Brits are skipping meals
Article Source :
Testing, testing, testing!
Why I love this place -
Right fucking here why ->
Testing is essential for managing the risks posed by novel organisms, including potential environmental harm and economic impacts. Just as importantly, testing for the presence of GMOs supports your right to know how your food was made.
An interesting study from my old school about Montreal's potential polycentric future.
Can everyone say 'Transit-oriented development (TOD)'?
The Prison Industry Corporate Database.
Never forget that slavery in the United States was officially abolished in 1865, except in one key area -
Thirteenth Amendment
Section 1
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Section 2
Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
Can one guess why?
Answer - it's a function of capitalism - the need to exploit a cheap labor source for profit.
Think that's hyperbole? See if your employer shows up here.
Sadly mine does. So does several ex-employers.
Honestly I think it'd be easier to create a database of corporations who don't use prison labor.
One of the great assets that comes with having critical thinking skills, is the ability to spot bullshit.
Like this -
When white European people (with Neo-Nazi and US Empire support) blow up a bridge - that's apparently fighting back.
But not apparently brown Palestinians throwing stones at occupying Israeli soldiers.
On the brink of nuclear war, impending climate disaster, and an endless upward wealth theft by the rich and the powerful, it's really telling when the 'Leader of the Free World' can't count.
This should constitute senior abuse. Joe Biden cannot even leave a stage without assistance.
And yet - he's been installed as the President of the United States.
Manifold #21.
Not sure I agree with all the context the moderator poses in some of the questions (i.e. 'the enemy', and so forth)
But definitely worth watching all the way to the end.
Guess who was planning to blow up that bridge in Crimea before Ukraine did?
The fucking British of course!
But wow - their culture and character ... looks very shitty to me.
Free Assange.
Speaking of even more obvious - I think it's reasonable to believe that the United States was behind the recent Nord Stream pipeline attack.
Sadly, I suspect the vast majority of Americans aren't even going to past the headlines in the legacy and establishment media.
So they won't see things like this (from the link above) -
‘Thank you, USA’
One event that fueled speculation of US involvement was a tweet from a Polish member of the European Parliament, Radek Sikorski—a one-time Polish Defense minister as well as a former American Enterprise Institute fellow, who was named one of the “Top 100 Global Thinkers” in 2012 by Foreign Policy (11/26/12).

The Washington Post (9/28/22) suggested that by thanking the United States over a picture of the pipeline explosion, Radek Sikorksi may have been “crediting the United States with rendering the pipelines moot by pressuring Europe not to take Russian natural gas.”
Sikorski tweeted out a picture of the methane leak in the ocean, along with the caption, “As we say in Polish, a small thing, but so much joy.” He later tweeted, “Thank you, USA,” with the same picture.
He later tweeted against the pipeline, noting that “Nord Stream’s only logic was for Putin to be able to blackmail or wage war on Eastern Europe with impunity.” An hour later he elaborated:
Now $20 billion of scrap metal lies at the bottom of the sea, another cost to Russia of its criminal decision to invade Ukraine. Someone…did a special maintenance operation.
The last line was a joke about how Russia classifies its invasion of Ukraine as a “special military operation.”
Gee talk about stating the obvious.
Best part:
The denial of involvement by the US lacks any credibility. The Kiev regime is a creation of the US-instigated 2014 Maidan coup, and the dependence of its military on US armaments and intelligence services is an established fact.
I swear I didn't write this!
But in a sense I have already.
This person summarizes it far better than me.