The busy time has begun.
It's hard not to think of this as dire.
It's hard to see a good future for one's offspring, if these events are allowed to continue unabated.
The US Capitalist System is committing globicide.
War is the definitive link between imperialism and capitalism, in that it unites the drive for killing with the endless pursuit of profit.
Chris Hedges is one of the few willing to point this out.
Ugh - entering another busy time.
It seems as though whenever I get a chance to have some free time, things at work always get in the way.
- Couple of weekend's worth of work.
- Some late evenings.
- Training I'm going for (haven't had any the previous two years - I'm owed).
Seems as though all that matters is getting the work done - or so it would seem.
I find in capitalism, beliefs are really biases.
And contrary to what this says, there are far more than 50.
Settler/Colonialism. Murder. Brutality. Racism. Hatred. Ethnic Cleansing. There are many terms one can use to describe what the Israel security state is doing to the Palestinians.
I'm sure there are many others.
If one were to a simple body count of Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank, and otherwise over the last 70 years, I think a more basic term applies -
And, Israel knows it -> https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/israel-intensifies-occupation-of-palestinian-west-bank/
If you are an American reading this - know that this is what your tax dollars and more have been funding.
Hey legacy media people in US capitalist system ...
... when you reveal the crimes committed by the US capitalist system, these sort of things happen to you.
Prank pulled on a war criminal.
It's well done.
Too bad none of it is funny though.
When you hear someone insinuate that W was or is somehow not in any way worse than Trump, remind them of this also -
When it comes to socialism and the left-wing - the enemy is the CIA.
23 countries can't be wrong!
"This process was repeated around the world, wherever the US deemed it strategic. The word Jakarta became a code-word for mass murder and the phrase “Jakarta is coming” spray-painted as a threat to left wing activists. From 1945 to 1990, a loose-network of US-backed anticommunist mass murder programs emerged around the world and carried out campaigns in at least 23 countries. As Bevins’ notes in his conclusion:
“the extermination programs in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, East Timor, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Indonesia, Iraq, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, the Philippines, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Taiwan, Thailand, Uruguay, Venezuela and Vietnam should be seen as interconnected, and a crucial part of the US victory in the Cold War.”"
Context here->https://blackagendareport.com/how-global-mccarthyism-shaped-world
The horrifying connection between Canada's establishment and Nazism.
In the years immediately following the Third Reich’s downfall, the Canadian state gave sanctuary to tens of thousands of members and supporters of the two rival factions of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), and did so despite specific warnings that it was providing refuge to Hitler’s accomplices in horrific war crimes. Both the OUN Melnyk (M) and OUN Bandera (B) collaborated with and eagerly sought the Nazis’ patronage. Members of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), created in 1943 by the Stepan Bandera wing of the OUN, were welcomed to Canada with open arms, despite the UPA’s role in the murder of tens of thousands of Jews and Poles. So too were members of the 14th Grenadier Division of the Waffen SS, the so-called “Galicia Division.” No matter that the Nuremberg trials had found the Waffen SS to be a criminal organization as a whole, due to its role as an armed wing of the Nazi Party and routine perpetration of mass murder and other war crimes.
The Canadian state and political establishment subsequently encouraged and assisted the Ukrainian fascist emigres and their political descendants in the whitewashing of their crimes. Following a script developed by the CIA, which post-1945 used remnants of Bandera’s UPA to mount an insurgency against the Soviet Union, a new narrative was constructed. It portrayed the far-right Ukrainian nationalists as fighters for “national liberation” and victims of Nazism and “godless Communism,” not fascists and accomplices in the Holocaust.
Read the rest of the article to learn about the Canadian deputy Prime Minister's connection to this criminal/genocidal past.
Well my work got cut short this weekend.
An interesting turn of events in my old hometown.
Montreal takes on REM Eastern Leg

THE city of Montreal and the government of the province of Quebec have stepped in to take forward the eastern branch of the Metropolitan Electric Network (REM) project after project developer CDPQ Infra abandoned plans for the elevated route in the face of public opposition.
An interesting new site to check out.
The Forum -> https://www.aapf.org/theforum-coming-soon
Got it from this FAIR article -> https://fair.org/home/the-race-crisis-and-the-democracy-crisis-are-inseparable/
Well my nerves are frayed.
As if there isn't enough to be stressed over, got some major work over the weekend coming up.
I try very hard to fly under the radar - so to speak - but inevitably it's impossible in any working environment.
More so when in IT.
So is the consequences of the past choices I've made, I suppose.
Finally a real substantial discussion around Paul Robeson.
Thank you Chris Hedges, Gerald Horne, and The Real News Network:
I've said it before - if you really want to know how 'liberal', 'left-wing' or 'progressive' someone really is, just mention Paul Robeson, and observe how they respond (or react; for that matter).
The sad reality is, things like the Red Scare that happened during the Cold War era were set in motion to prevent the beliefs of Paul Robeson and others to take shape and solidify in movements like the Civil Rights one.
Wow copaganda really works.
Case in point => I had been following the NYC subway shooting incident only tangentially, when I came across this:
Now, some of the things that were clear were, one, the NYPD was thrust into the leading role, to be some agency that’s there in the forefront, looking to bring the bad guy into custody and to keep us all safe. And the NYPD not only didn’t stop the subway shooting from happening—even though thousands of police officers have been added into the subway system, and there’s cameras in every subway station in New York City—but were also unable to capture him. Part of the copaganda was, one, putting them in the forefront to say they’re going to stop this guy, they’re going to catch this guy, which they did neither.
But then the media also just ignored and politely overlooked the fact of what the NYPD was unable to do, and that the suspect—and we should note that he’s a suspect; because the cameras in the subway weren’t working, we don’t even have clear footage that he did what he did—but the fact that he was suspected of doing it, he called the authorities on himself, after 30 hours of walking around some of the most densely populated parts of the city in broad daylight, using the subway system for hours after the incident, where you would think the police would be looking for him.
I mean, this spectacular failure of public safety was on full display. And the media not only ignored it, but afterwards still managed to somehow credit the NYPD, and the brave men and women of the NYPD, for capturing the suspect, while begrudgingly noting that he actually did call—he was seen by regular people on the street, who had to point out to police officers that he was on the street, but that he also had to, at some point, just call Crimestoppers on himself.
And that was, to me, one of the most amazing things, is this idea that not only will the media always lionize the cops, but when the cops are clearly inept, and clearly not doing what they’re theoretically supposed to do, that the media will cover for them, and politely omit that failure.
Well I'd be skeptical of the Poor People's Campaign now.
Barber and the Poor People’s Campaign are preparing for a Poor People’s and Low-Wage Workers Assembly and Moral March on Washington and to the Polls taking place on June 18, 2022. His ill conceived email was meant to bring attention to this event but instead he brought attention to the deep connections that liberal politics has with right wing forces. Barber is not alone in his capitulation as members of congress who claim to be progressive march in lock step with imperialism and austerity which create suffering in this country and around the world.
Then again, perhaps Barber was directing his words to people who support the anti-Russia proxy war in Ukraine.The non-profit industrial complex and the Black political class have cast their lot with the democratic wing of the war party. At this moment they all demand obedience to the status quo which gives a veneer of concern for low wage workers who suffer because of military adventurism personified by the anti-Russia proxy war in Ukraine. What better way to kill two birds with one stone than to mobilize for the poor while also praising what King called the “giant triplets of racism, extreme materialism, and militarism.”
It is sad to see the name Poor People’s Campaign, which was launched by Martin Luther King, being used to support the war machine. It is even sadder to see a man like Rev. Barber succumb to the very worst narratives of American exceptionalism and demonization of another nation.
ConsortiumNews.com being openly targeted by the Establishment.
And no, this isn't about CN being 'inconsistent with our User Agreement':
Given the current political climate it is more than conceivable that PayPal is reacting to Consortium News’ coverage of the war in Ukraine, which is not in line with the dominant narrative that is being increasingly enforced. Last week PayPal also froze the account of the alternative news site MintPressNews.
PayPal was sued in California in January in a class action for similarly shutting down accounts.
Well this will ensure I don't conduct business with PayPal.
"Disinformation Governance Board"
This is exactly why we need more organizations like Wikileaks - to actually reveal the reality of what crimes the establishment is actually doing.
The massacre the establisment won't admit.
And will do everything to make all forget.
The ugliness of people is truly revealed by the events in Odessa in 2014. Don't ever forget.