Hmm ... I wonder why.
Oh look! Breadtube confirmed to be pretend-Left-Wingers. They really push American Establishment talking points.
You don't say, you think? Guess again.
Grand Slam from the Black Agenda Report.
On Ukraine and Joe Biden and the path to war (
Not content to disrupt global food supplies he also announced his future plans for Ukraine. He said this to 82nd Airborne troops stationed in Poland. "And you’re going to see when you’re there. And you — some — some of you have been there. You’re going to see — you’re going to see women, young people standing — standing the middle of — in front of a damn tank, just saying, 'I’m not leaving. I’m holding my ground.' They’re incredible." Why are U.S. troops going to see anything in Ukraine? He tried to clean it up with “you may have already seen it” but he was saying that he intends to have US troops deployed in a country where Russia already has forces. His photo opportunity turned into the announcement of a hot war.
The most remarkable Biden statement that his apologists call a “gaffe ” also took place in Poland. He gave what was supposed to be a conventional speech portraying the U.S. as the beacon of freedom and democracy while Russia is really bad. His remarks should have been fairly standard and unexceptional but as always Biden told us what he was up to. In referring to Vladimir Putin he said, "This man cannot remain in power."
The clarifications and backpedaling were immediate, but no one could unhear Biden’s words. Despite all denials to the contrary, Biden is after regime change against the Russian government and his actions prove it. The very idea that Russia’s government will fall because of sanctions pressure is ludicrous. But once again, Biden gave a heads up in July 2021 .
As an aside, check out this video from one Richard Medhurst and take a look into some of the more direct connections between oligarchs in Ukraine, the Bidens, and corruption. It turns out Hunter Biden's laptop found in 2020 was quite accurate and true. Which, as an aside, speaks volumes about the Deep State's true intent on replacing one demented corrupt white guy (Trump), with another one (Biden).
The connection for the US Empire when it comes to Ukraine and Afghanistan (
Yet, in 2021 it was clear that the Biden Administration, along with their Canadian and British allies, could not care less about organized white supremacy as a threat. Their objective was to mobilize public opinion to support their hybrid war against Russia.
To do that, they portrayed the war in Ukraine as a struggle of liberalism against authoritarianism, good versus evil. As Zelenskyy played his greatest role, appealing to “freedom fighters” to come and fight in Ukraine, it did not matter to him or Westerners that while the foreign fighters who arrived were a mix of radical Islamists, naïve liberals, and pan-Turkists, the overwhelming majority were ultra-right supremacists and neo-Nazis from across Europe and the U.S.
According to the Kiev governement, by March 6 at least 20,000 foreign fighters from 55 countries had entered Ukraine to fight against Russians. And just as in Afghanistan in the 1980s, the CIA is also involved in training special Ukrainian forces, that includes elements from the Azov forces, even though current and former intelligence officials predict a new “al-Qaeda,” a “transnational white supremacist network,” with alleged ties to the Ukraine conflict will be the next global catastrophe to befall the world as the threat of COVID-19 recedes.”
Speaking of white supremacy and empire, how about this one? (
In the Bahamas, where they stayed in a £19,000 per night penthouse suite , their arrival was greeted with a statement from the Bahamian National Reparations Committee calling for “a full and formal apology for their crimes against humanity.” In Jamaica, they had an icy reception with the Prime Minister, who told them that Jamaica would be “moving on” from the monarchy and would follow the lead of Barbados and become a republic. One royal arse-licker complained that the Jamaicans were “extremely rude ” to the white couple and, indeed, protestors, demanding apologies and reparations for slavery and insisting that the ties to colonialism and imperialism be severed once and for all, appeared at every turn. The circulation of a throwback picture of the couple in full royal regalia parading in an open-top Land Rover did not help the monarchical cause. Nor did an image of William and Kate greeting Jamaican children who were squeezed up behind a chain link fence . To add to the PR disaster, a member of the royal paparazzi tweeted a photo of the couple with the caption “A couple of crackers here .”Apparently he did not know the derisive meaning of the term “cracker.” The tweet rapidly went viral.
When asked about the protests, Ras Iyah V of the Rastafari Coral Gardens Benevolent Society stated that the British royal family “owe us millions and billions and trillions of dollars for the exploitation and enslavement and colonisation of the ancestors for over 400 years.” Ras Iyah was on point. When slavery was officially abolished in Jamaica and other British territories the enslaved received no compensation.
In fact, the full title of the Abolition Act of 1833, the law granting emancipation beginning on August, 1, 1834, is: “An Act for the Abolition of Slavery throughout the British Colonies; for promoting the Industry of the manumitted Slaves; and for compensating the Persons hitherto entitled to the Services of such Slaves.” Two points are significant about the title. First, the promotion of “the Industry of the manumitted Slaves” was in fact a strategy to effectively continue the practice of slavery through a period of “apprenticeship” by which formerly enslaved Africans continued to be bonded to their white overseers. Second, in plain English, the phrase “compensating the Persons hitherto entitled to the Services of such Slaves” meant that slave owners would be paid for the loss of their slaves.
Intersectional Imperialism=Class Snuggle (
Intersectional imperialism’s feel-good stories are meant to conceal the fact that one only rises to the top brass of Washington’s foreign policy establishment through dedicated service to militarist violence. Albright’s hatred of communism was a good start. But her willingness to provide diplomatic cover for the most cruel and destructive U.S. wars was an even greater asset to the empire. To break the glass ceiling in Washington, a woman must be willing to break entire nations. That is exactly what Albright enthusiastically accomplished over her long tenure as political operative and advisor to the imperialists.
Intersectional imperialism is dangerous because it creates role models specifically tasked with the job of marginalizing genuine anti-imperialist and leftist politics. The ruling class understands that the only path to unity among the oppressed classes is through a conscious struggle against racism, sexism, and all forms of oppression. Movements should want to cultivate leaders from all sections of the working class but not at the expense of political substance. Figures like Albright present a barrier to such efforts by directing energy away from class struggle and toward class snuggle or collaboration with warmongers and profiteers. Worse yet, imperialists less interested in virtue signaling to the left have been able to exploit the corruption of the Albrights and Clintons of the world to gain legitimacy among a section of the working class.
Gerrymandering - what is it, and why does it run counter to democracy?
Vanishing democracy
Few outlets took the voter-centered approach of this USA Today report (2/21/22).
In fact, one-party rule, whether divided district by district equally between two parties or not, is exactly as undemocratic as that term sounds; and it is journalistic malpractice not to point that out. Especially while you are reporting that the percentage of competitive districts in Congress is set to shrink from an already appalling 17% after the 2010 redistricting to a truly deplorable 9% after the 2020 redistricting (New York Times, 2/6/22).
Given this political reality, it is not at all surprising that there is no relationship between popular political opinion and congressional action. Or, in the words of the reform group Represent US, “The number of Americans for or against any idea has no impact on the likelihood that Congress will make it law.” Now this is what I would call a “severe consequence” of gerrymandering (and other anti-democratic dimensions of US electoral systems, mainly campaign finance and voter suppression). But I could find only one, brief, reference to this, a quote from Represent US’s Joshua Graham Lynn in the USA Today piece (2/21/22): that uncompetitive districts are “driving the lack of action on issues that a lot of Americans really care about.”
There’s a word for this reality, but it isn’t democracy: It’s oligarchy. Just don’t look for that word in media outlets that are owned and run by US oligarchs.
There goes the neighborhood - if it's an ice shelf the size of New York City.
Where does one even begin?
Wonder what will happen to all that ice once it hits the ocean?
Oh, and what Albright and Ukraine?
The NATO intervention – and this point was never lost on Russian President Vladimir Putin, who reiterated it in his February address – took place without UN Security Council authorisation. For the law abiders and totemic worshipers of the UN Charter keen to get at Russia’s latest misconduct in Ukraine, this served to illustrate the fickleness of international law’s supporters. At a given moment, they are bound to turn tail, becoming might-is-right types. The persecuted, in time, can become persecutors.
NATO, in fact, became an alliance Albright wished to see expanded and fed, not trimmed and diminished. The historical role of Germany and Russia in central and eastern Europe became the rationale for expanding a neutralising alliance that would include previous “victim” countries. A weakened Moscow could be ignored. “We do not need Russia to agree to enlargement,” she told US Senators in 1997.
Madeleine Albright -> Another monster who died never facing justice.
Last year it was Donald Rumsfeld and Colin Powell.
This time it's Madeline Albright.
Need a reminder?
What a sick excuse for a human being.
Mmm ... bonus money. That must be how those working on Wall Street must feel.
I wonder why?
Meanwhile close to 60% of Americans cannot afford a $1000 emergency.
And yet still people wonder why crapitalism doesn't work for the majority?
Another country that wants to be rid of racial supremacy, colonialism, and empires - forever.
I certainly hope this is true.
Granted the article says it's about the institution rather than the family itself.
But honestly just looking at the actions of these two currently there - if that's not the height of a lack of self-awareness and just plain colonial racism, I don't know what is.
More Apartheid in Israel.
If you want to see signs of where the United States is headed (only in a more upfront form of fascism with corporations and the rich controlling all aspects of living, and the rest of society merely vassals) -
The Israeli Knesset (Parliament) voted last week, 45-15, to pass a law which was originally enacted in 2003, that bars Israeli citizens from extending their citizenship to Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip. This means that if an Israeli Jew, or more commonly a Palestinian citizen of Israel, is to marry a Palestinian from the occupied territories, the Palestinian partner, of an Israeli, and even their children, cannot attain Israeli citizenship. Furthermore, the Palestinian from the occupied territory can not even get residency status to live inside what is considered Israel, according to the bill.
On the other hand, illegal Israeli settlers who are participating in a war crime, according to the Fourth Geneva Convention, are free to marry Israelis living inside what is recognised by the UN as Israel proper. Israeli settlers and their children, even those living in settler outposts unrecognized by Tel Aviv, are permitted to live wherever they choose, while still being afforded Israeli citizenship. Ayman Odeh, a Palestinian Citizen of Israel and head of the ‘Joint List’, called the adoption of the bill a victory for “an Apartheid State”.
Make no mistake. Anyone and anything that defends or glorifies Israel and its brutal racist actions, is either stupid, dishonest, or some combination of the two.
Quote of the day - 03-19-2022
... a fundamental shift, in ideology and the economy, as opposed to incremental or progressive change, is precisely what we need today.
We can, and we must, consider what the leftist traditions of economics, politics and social policy were. We must think deeply about what worked, and what did not work, among the experiments undertaken in those revolutions. Remember that many of the experiments from the Soviet Union inspired the regulated economy implemented in the United States during the New Deal of the 1930s.
The trillions of dollars stolen by the billionaires over the last two years, and the even greater sum stolen through inflation, through the destruction of work by multinational corporations over the last twenty years, this theft has fundamentally altered the structure of our society.
We cannot return to a healthy society unless we radically redistribute the wealth from the super-rich to ordinary citizens.
Analysis of Nazi Movement in Ukraine
See here ->
You'll be spiritually revived.
Quote of the day - 03-13-2022.
"... neo-Nazism — an absolute one day, an Amazon impulse buy the next."
This is the kind of existence the Right-Wing and the Corporate Establishment have created for those who are willing to buy in and believe.
Managed to survive another working Saturday.
So much for social media being a place where 'people' have to be authenticated.
That is, it's okay if 'people' really means a large multi-national corporation -
You know the amount of hate in the establishment media is at a feverish pitch when it hits xenophobic levels.
Saw this shit come into my Inbox - with this byline: Breaking Russia's internet backbone
Wow - what a violent metaphor.
The Democratic Brand really doesn't have anything to run on at all for the 2022 Mid-Term Elections, don't they?
The establishment media 'bloodlust' for war ...
Scarcity in food for the future?
And more!
If countries fail to keep temperature rise within the 1.5°C range, crop losses due to droughts, flooding, and other extreme weather events will increase, along with food safety risks from food- and waterborne diseases, including zoonotic diseases that can be passed between animals and humans. (Two current disease threats the world is facing—COVID-19 and avian influenza—are zoonotic.)
The connections between Ukraine's President and the Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion.
A small snippet that's part of a larger nugget of ugly reality -
Incorporated into the Ukrainian National Guard, the Azov Battalion is considered the most ideologically zealous and militarily motivated unit fighting pro-Russian separatists in the eastern Donbass region.
With Nazi-inspired Wolfsangel insignia on the uniforms of its fighters, who have been photographed with Nazi SS symbols on their helmets, Azov “is known for its association with neo-Nazi ideology…[and] is believed to have participated in training and radicalizing US-based white supremacy organizations,” according to an FBI indictment of several US white nationalists that traveled to Kiev to train with Azov.
Igor Kolomoisky, a Ukrainian energy baron of Jewish heritage, has been a top funder of Azov since it was formed in 2014. He has also bankrolled private militias like the Dnipro and Aidar Battalions, and has deployed them as a personal thug squad to protect his financial interests.
In 2019, Kolomoisky emerged as the top backer of Zelensky’s presidential bid. Though Zelensky made anti-corruption the signature issue of his campaign, the Pandora Papers exposed him and members of his inner circle stashing large payments from Kolomoisky in a shadowy web of offshore accounts.
I have a running internal bet over whether this will be brought up anywhere in my job.
Currently I'm betting that it won't come up at all -
We'll see.
Normally I would expect a place like my home country to have its act better than that of the United States.
What a foolhardy thought it has been.