As some may have guessed, I was born in Canada, specifically Quebec.
Because I was neither white, nor French -> When I was a child, I learned very early those two things put a couple of strikes against one self when compared to others.
The feeling I always hated was either being in a line waiting for something, and watching every kid in line or around me getting something, while I didn't. It wasn't impatience or that I felt I was better than everyone. Rather, something would inevitably happen such that I'd have to wait because something went wrong, and I had to wait, or I wasn't allowed, or I didn't earn what everyone else had.
It only increased the feeling of isolation and derision I felt. Maybe I was too sensitive, or perhaps I over-react, but even today, I get that feeling if I'm in a line, or waiting for something, or watching others around me achieve something or succeed - that feeling of being denied something, or not allowed to obtain something earned.
More to follow tomorrow when I'm more coherent.