
2020: End Of Year Thoughts.

Well, I’d say 2020 was certainly a year to remember.

What words could I use?

  •  COVID-19?
  •  Economic Collapse?
  •  Systemic institutionalized racism finally exposed?
  •  Another fixed election?
  •  Working like a dog to no end?
  •  Dreams on hold?

I mean there are so many aspects of this year that will forever differentiate this year from others previous, as well as the ones to come.


Well let’s face it. More than probably anything, if I had to sum up 2020 in one word – it would be COVID-19.

How many deaths in the US alone - 337,419 at last count? And no end in site to the rate of increase in infection, spread, variants, etc.? Oh sure, there’s talk of a vaccine, and even more talk of reopening the economy (like this stupid suggestion from the right-wing.). But let’s face it – with people in lockdown and the risk of further suffering and tragedy still upon us, is venturing out in public a good idea?

Not for me. Frankly I along with my family are lucky more than anything else that we haven’t gotten it.

You can look up the stats – the number of people laid off, the number of foreclosures, evictions, loss of health coverage, loss of homes, broken families and broken lives, which only lead to violence, tragedy, and sadness for many. I always remind my children (as well as myself) that if they think their life is so bad, all they need to do is walk down the road a few blocks. Truly bad lives aren’t that hard to find.

Economic Collapse

But let’s face it. Even without the Corona Pandemic upon us, 2020 would’ve been a bad year all around for the vast majority of working people.

Think I’m kidding you? Listen or read this -> https://youtu.be/sXYvFk9I9hY. Or this -> https://youtu.be/kMIho9ah9wc

All of what happened related to the pandemic may not have been the fault of the economic system known as Capitalism, but clearly said system was neither prepared for what was to come, nor could it deal with effects on people while it occurred. It’s as if The Sickness Is The System.

Which by the way, is the title of a book I got from the author above, and will be reading intently over the next few weeks.

The bottom line for me is, one doesn’t have to be an Economics Professor to observe around one self to see all the signs that society has reached the late-stage of the late-stage of Capitalism. I call this ‘crapitalism’.

For me that means I should save up as much as possible and prepare for something truly worse than in 2020. I will have to check back at the end of 2021 to see if this was just paranoia, or something more.

And did said system react to helping people? Well they gave $5 Trillion USD to the largely and most powerful, while leaving everyone else a paltry $1200 check.  That tells you really all about the priorities like, and for whom they do not. This country is on the road to Fascism.

Systemic institutionalized racism finally exposed

Racism and sexism was certainly on my mind in 2020. The evidence of brutal police violence along with the rise of ‘Karens’ both are laced with racism that are a result of both white supremacy and white privilege.

Don’t let the stats fool you (https://killedbypolice.net/) even though the official numbers went down, just looking at how many more people getting killed by police end up being caught and uploaded to the Internet.  The sheer brutality and racism is one thing. The lack of accountability and justice for those whose lives were taken is another; and is - in large part - what drove the protests we saw in 2020. It’s what sparks the Black Lives Matter and Defund The Police movements – two of which I strongly support.

As long as there is no justice, there can never be any real peace.

Then there’s the Karens.

Unlike police brutality which is based on the historical white supremacy of slave patrols, Karens I think are largely a function of white privilege. You see it in so many videos now. Just go to YouTube and search.

But largely missing from a lot of these is the obvious both racism and misandry that exists in such individuals. They take advantage of both there race AND their gender to impose their will on those who are neither them. One need only review the infamous clip in Central Park. That women was using both her race and her gender to endanger the man’s life with her false claim, and all to avoid the fact that it was she who was wrong. It’s the reason why channels like ‘Karens In the Wild’ are so popular now. Sure on some level many of these individuals can harmless. But let’s never forget that many of them are not, by ANY stretch.

Another fixed election

And then yes, what about the 2020 US Presidential Elections? Well one can’t really talk about elections without first recognizing that there aren’t really two ‘choices’ when it comes to our elections. ‘Democrat’ and ‘Republican’ are really just two brands of the establishment, like two different shampoos from the same manufacturer; one for dry hair, one for oily hair. Looking at one of the brands, it seems as though 2020 was a repeat of 2016. More primaries fixed in favor of the establishment candidate (Joe Biden being Plan B, after Pete Buttigieg’s cheating in Iowa made him a non-choice) over Bernie Sanders. And of course, Sanders went right along with it.

Did Joe Biden really beat Donald Trump? Supposedly the numbers say so, but as we’ve seen, numbers can be fixed or altered. What I expect is that I don’t see Biden lasting much more than a year, and that a person who didn’t garner a single Democratic Party Delegate will take over running this country further into the ground for the establishment’s drive to fascism.

Working like a dog to no end

I would say that I was also fortunate in that I work for an employer and an industry that allows for me to do my job at home remotely. As a retail company, things could’ve gone really badly in that regard (as it has for many retail companies), but due to some technological innovations and relatively cautious business leadership, my employer not only survived the initial economic catastrophe, but managed to even turn a profit.

But I’m under no illusion that this was all a good thing for me.

While the vast majority of folks in my field (IT) were able to prove they can do their jobs while at home, it did underscore a few unpleasant realities in order to make it happen.

Essentially working from home means a ‘pay-to-play’ game for those who want to continue to be employed and work remotely. It means paying for one’s own Internet connectivity to continue working.

Amazing how that worked out for my employer? We as employees must be thankful and relieved to be working in such an unprecedented environment, but the truth is, it is the employees who are paying out.

Not to mention that shitty connectivity means shitty productivity. This becomes even more evident when you have two teenagers doing schoolwork online, plus a toddler getting terrible content delivered unwittingly via large multimedia corporations.

Any talk of being compensated for the Internet use by one’s employer when notoriously silent almost as quickly as when the directive was given to work from home.

But that aside, there was also the expected, but unstated assumption given at work, that being remote meant that one was supposed to be online and at the company’s call pretty much all the time. Think I’m kidding? I worked more evenings and weekends in the last 10 months, that I have in the 1st 9+ years I’ve been with this company. Think that is not a coincidence?

Should I be complaining? Am I?

One could argue that I really should be thankful that I can work, I can work remotely, and that I can work remotely and do my job successfully. And on some level, I am. I am certainly thankful for the fact that I’m pretty well compensated for the role I do.

But it’s also a stark reminder that information technology breed s and cultivates the kinds of horrible aspects of human personalities that I’ve grown to despise: Narcissism, Sociopaths, Psychopaths, Passive-Aggressiveness, Microaggression, Micro-management, etc. I’ve seen all of those come to light at heightened levels in 2020. I’ve seen such personality traits in people in authority in IT in my fairly long career, but it was this year in particular where I saw all of these traits magnified and intensified due to being remote and reliant on technology. I expect this to only continue and honestly get worse in the New Year.

It’s also a(nother) reminder that I really need to be doing something else in life in general. IT is just a job; a responsibility; something that pays the bills and so on. I’m good (enough) to survive and even thrive, but that doesn’t mean I like it. I already think I’ve been in it too long as it is. The thing about that is, yes, I could continue and dedicate myself such that I can work to the next level and really truly manage people’s careers along with teams, process and work. But I don’t want to go any further. I don’t really want the added responsibilities and loss of further time, energy, and focus; taken from the rest of my life.

Working such intense and full days as I have this year has also had the unintended side-effects of being excessively tired and unengaged in pretty much anything else outside of work. I can only speculate this will do to my health; both in the short- and long-term.

But all in all, I know that I truly have been fortunate. I can complain because of all of that. I cannot say the same of many others around me.

Dreams on Hold

Yes – COVID-19 put my band on hold. We start the New Year having not played a single show in 2020. On top of that, we lost our bass player. But on the upside, I’ve written a number of songs, and many more to come. On that note, I also failed to complete writing another one of my own rock albums, but oddly enough I’m not feeling to bad about that. Part of the reason is, I’m finally going to get a top-notch song-recording aid to help with producing instrumental tracks for songs. There will be a learning curve with the new tool, but once there, I hope to actually start producing near-finished recordings of my back-catalog such that they can be released. We’ll see how that goes.













A shining example of how the establishment allows frauds and psychopaths to thrive and survive.

Amazingly, both of the entities are still up on YouTube; with no trace of any culpability whatsoever.


At least science and evidence revealed the fraud part.


I've seen it happen so many times in my career - corporations cut back on everything and anything possible to place profit over all else.

Never is this more so than in IT.

What's one of the first things they tend to cut to reduce 'costs'?

Software Testing -

The mechanical problems of the Max 8 were even more severe. The most well known of these is the now infamous auto-piloting system called the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS). The software was installed to compensate for the plane’s inherent tendency to stall, a byproduct of attaching a newer, larger engine onto the half-century-old Boeing 737 chassis.

This was done to avoid having to design a new model, thereby sharply lowering the cost and duration of the process of design, production, training and certification. As internal documents that have since come out reveal, Boeing’s fatal rush to market a new medium-range commercial jet, intended to serve as the company’s workhorse aircraft, was, like all subsequent decisions, driven by considerations of profit, market share and stock price, with safety at best a secondary consideration.

MCAS was designed and installed as a relatively inexpensive fix to the stalling problem. The existence of this system was not even mentioned in the pilot training manuals. Pilots were not told that the plane’s computers were given the ability to override pilot controls if the system deemed it necessary. Boeing ultimately gave MCAS 10 times the control over the pitch of the plane than it told test pilots, meaning it could crash the plane given faulty inputs.

This is exactly what happened in both crashes. Each plane’s angle of attack sensor wrongly indicated a stall, and because only a single sensor was tied to MCAS, rather than the industry redundancy standard of two or three sensors for critical functions, the software forced both flights into an unrecoverable dive. Black box recordings of the pilots bear this out. They plunged to their deaths, along with hundreds of others, desperately trying to manually override MCAS.


The problem is, software testing is primarily about thinking first, then doing. Someone has to think up what to test and how and then discover what actually happens. In many ways software testing isn't about what a product or service is supposed to do, but rather discover what the software is actually doing.

And the idea that 'automation' (really just software) can just run all the tests is also pie in the sky. Software doesn't think; humans do. It takes a human to think of an idea and turn that into a test. Companies don't want to pay for that.

Unfortunately, people who flew on those two 737 Max 8 flights —Lion Air Flight 610 in October 2018 in Indonesia and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 in March 2019— were mostly not white or American. They were expendable.

Think that's hyperbola? Show me how many Boeing executives, board members, or stockholders have ever been held accountable for these people being killed.




As if there isn't enough proof the Establishment doesn't concern itself with actual people's lives.



The refusal of the entire political establishment to take the necessary measures to save lives is a continuation of its policy throughout the pandemic. No measures will be taken that contravene the interests of the financial oligarchy. To this end, governments around the world embraced the doctrine of “herd immunity”—calling for the mass infection of the population, with one White House official declaring, “We want them infected.”

This has led to the uncontrolled spread of the pandemic, with hundreds of thousands of fatalities, together with the greatest surge of hunger and unemployment since the Great Depression. On the other hand, this same policy has produced the massive enrichment of the financial oligarchy, whose wealth has soared as the US central bank pumped trillions of dollars into the financial markets.



Finally this week I'll fufill a long-standing wish.

This week - I'm getting a piano.

We had one in the house when I was growing up. I had some years of lessons, but wasn't what you'd call the best of students.

I never had the finger dexterity other children had. About the only thing I got out of it was a ear for the notes, a sense of dynamics and rhythm.

That's not too bad to have picked up at 5 years old I suppose.


Playing a piano is still a very relaxing thing for me. I've spent many years listening to a lot of it. Now it's time for me to make my own enjoyment, for my own enjoyment.

And, the kids can get something out of it as well I hope.


A t-shirt I'm going to have made.

 It will have Trump on one side and Biden on the other; each with the following caption -

"Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either right-wing 2020 US Presidential candidate."


The next milestone in crapitalism.



The measure was attached to a $1.4 trillion spending bill, meaning that the House and Senate voted on and passed a record 5,593-page-long measure that none of the senators, representatives nor their aides had any time to read through. Every Democratic senator, including Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, voted for it. The bill passed in the House with only two Democrats, Rashida Tlaib and Tulsi Gabbard, voting against. DSA member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who postured on social media about not having enough time to read the bill, nonetheless gave the measure her stamp of approval.

The relief bill backed by the Democratic Party provides for a one-time direct stimulus payment of $600 to adults who made less than $75,000 in 2019 along with checks for each child, half of the $1,200 contained in the CARES Act passed in March. A family of four which made less than $110,000 will receive $2,400.


Wonder how my representative voted?




Is there even a point to ask?



This is what happens when the pathologically stupid are allowed to hold power over everyone else - concentrated interests like corporations, 1%, MIC, Wall Street, etc., can take control of stupid people and have them do their bidding.

This is the result.



The Days Of The Week.

This is truly why I love the Internet.

This is the sort of thing I remember from the 1980's.

Great to see it all assembled in one place.



Douchebag on parade.


Well now we know ... David Sedaris signals he hasn't yet had the surgery .... 








... to have the stick pulled out of his ass.

I seemed to have taken a liking to walking videos.

It seems having folks strap on a video camera, going on a walk, and posting online is a unique and modern way to utilize both existing and new technology to give everyone a great viewing experience they otherwise could not do on their own.

Two I like in particular are 

One is fairly international, but based in Vancouver, BC, while the other is walking and driving mainly in Montreal, QC.


My current favorite person - Briahna Joy Gray.

Here's why (https://www.currentaffairs.org/2020/12/the-case-for-forcing-a-floor-vote-on-medicare-for-all).

Importantly, even a failing floor vote would force Democrats to own their opposition to a life-saving, popular policy, and it would expose those Democratic House members who are thought to have cosponsored Medicare for All to burnish their progressive bonafides without ever intending to vote for the bill. For example, Kamala Harris and Cory Booker cosponsored the Senate version of the bill but reversed their positions during their presidential campaigns. Forcing a vote on H.R. 1384 would pressure House Democrats to either support the bill or defend their “no” votes as single-payer’s popularity spikes. (Recall how her Iraq war vote dogged Hillary Clinton in both 2016 and 2008, or how both Biden and Bernie Sanders’s votes for the 1994 Crime Bill continue to follow them.) “If [Jayapal’s bill] loses, then we know who is on our side and who is not,” Dore has argued. “Then we can put a marker down.”



I need a break.

One can only go on working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working working and working 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... before one need a break.


The fraud of AOC, Bernie, The Squad, and the concept of 'progressive' in the Democratic Brand.

As discussed by Jimmy Dore and Richard Medhurst.

Will this begin setting the stage for a worse President in 2024?


On the one hand, it's not something I any much sympathy for the more honest version of the fascist Establishment (aka the GOP). If true, it'd mean Trump of all people was cheated and 4 years of him was 4 years too many. I certainly don't want 4 more years.

On the other hand, if some cheating did occur (and we already know how the establishment intervened in the 2020 Democratic Brand primary (as they did in 2016) to install their Plan B candidate Biden (I maintain Buttigieg was Plan A, till his cheating in Iowa more or less ended his efforts).


A message and warning from Richard Wolff.

Both major parties are now stuck with their commitments to a system that has failed spectacularly. Private and public sectors were unprepared for and could not contain a deadly virus handled far more successfully in many other countries. U.S. capitalism likewise failed to prepare for or contain the social damage from the latest in its regularly recurring cyclical crashes. These new failures compounded earlier, ongoing failures to overcome global warming and the crisis of U.S. race relations. These and other systemic failures are eroding mass support for those parties just as the mounting sufferings of the working class seek political expression and solutions. Trump’s right-wing Republicanism solved none of the United States’ basic economic problems; it did worsen income and wealth inequalities. Yet it spoke to millions of working-class people who feel betrayed by the Democrats and attracted by the usual Republican references to religion, region, and race. Obama’s regime had likewise solved nothing in the United States’ basic economic problems while worsening income and wealth inequalities and barely overcoming the 2008 capitalist crash in ways that set up the next one. Obama did speak to millions of working-class people gathered around issues of gender, race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. Biden gives every sign—in conditions of even worse economic and political decline—of repeating these oscillating failures. In so doing, he prepares the way for the next Trump.



If this happens, this would lead us to a point of no return on the planet -  



A classic illustration of white privilege


If I made a video like this and later tried to be pass myself off as a children's educator in order to sell merchandise, this video would 

  • not only haunt my business endeavors night and day;
  • but every white woman who's birthed a child would endlessly pontificate on social media to demand an end to said business endeavor's existence.

And because I'm not white, I suspect they'd up the ante even more.

But apparently not this guy.  In America, and white person can get away with this because there's a class and order of importance.

And now for an oldie - The Shit List.

This came out (pardon the to-be pun) around the time I started going on the Internet.


The #1 commodity of Corporate America is war.

It's fuels the 'Power Elite' (aka Establishment, Deep State, Military Industrial Complex, Wall Street, the rich, the wealthy, the powerful, the 1%, the 1% of 1%, etc.) -



Humanitarian considerations played no role whatsoever in the calculus that led to America’s participation in World War II, the country’s original “good war.” And there is no reason to believe that they did so in the calculus that, more recently, led to America’s marching off to fight allegedly “good wars” in unhappy lands such as Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya – or will do so in the looming war against Iran.

A war against Iran is very much wanted by Corporate America, since it holds the promise of a large market and of plentiful raw materials, especially oil. As in the case of the war against Japan, plans for such a war are ready, and the present tenant in the White House seems just as eager as FDR was to make it happen. Furthermore, again as in the case of the war against Japan, provocations are being orchestrated, this time in the form of sabotage and intrusions by drones, as well as by the old-fashioned deployment of warships just outside Iranian territorial waters. Washington is again “putting pins in rattlesnakes,” apparently hoping that the Iranian “rattlesnake” will bite back, thus justifying a “splendid little war.” However, as in the case of Pearl Harbor, the resulting war may well again turn out to be much bigger, longer, and nastier than expected.



You know you're poisoned by establishment propaganda ...

... when you don't hear about this.



The 12-point charter of demands put forward by the trade unions is sincere, having captured the sentiments of the people. The demands include the reversal of the anti-worker, anti-farmer laws pushed by the government in September, the reversal of the privatization of major government enterprises, and immediate relief for the population, which is suffering from economic hardship provoked by the coronavirus recession and years of neoliberal policies. 

Well is both troubling and not surprising - a two-fer!

As if I don't have enough reasons to not trust software AND the large corporations who own them- >


“If a large language model, endowed with hundreds of billions of parameters and trained on a very large dataset, can manipulate linguistic form well enough to cheat its way through tests meant to require language understanding, have we learned anything of value about how to build machine language understanding or have we been led down the garden path?” the paper reads. “In summary, we advocate for an approach to research that centers the people who stand to be affected by the resulting technology, with a broad view on the possible ways that technology can affect people.”

What a novel idea - focusing on ensuring the technology actually helps people, rather than manipulates and controls them


A grim reminder that racism and bigotry are never too far away.

These were found at the local public park, not too far from where I live.

RIP David Prowse.

A big part of my childhood was Star Wars, and much of that rests with the iconic Darth Vader.

David Prowse was literally the embodiment of who Darth Vader was. Thank you Mr. Prowse and rest in peace.

You will be remembered for that and so much more.


Oh look at what's gotten worse.

Science & Health

UN Report: Lockdowns Not Abetting Greenhouse Gas Emissions

By Lisa Schlein
November 23, 2020 12:40 PM 

GENEVA, SWITZERLAND - The World Meteorological Organization reports greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere continue to reach record levels despite COVID-19 lockdowns. The WMO has just released its annual Greenhouse Gas Bulletin on atmospheric 
concentrations of carbon dioxide and other major greenhouse gases.

COVID-19 lockdown measures have reduced air pollution levels in major cities in India, China and elsewhere. The World Meteorological Organization, however, says the measures have failed to curb the relentless rise in greenhouse gas emissions, trapping heat in the atmosphere and accelerating global warming.



Don't you assholes look at me - I didn't vote for the right-winger.



Whatever the skin color of the cabinet members, the Biden administration will not think like America. The population is demanding massive social change to address the deadly pandemic and unprecedented levels of inequality and social desperation.

Though over seven in 10 Americans favor universal health care, there will be no constituency within the cabinet for such a policy. The same goes for the more than six in 10 Americans who support tuition-free college and student debt forgiveness. They will be “represented” by a cabinet consisting of equity fund partners of various races and genders.

While eight in 10 people now favor diverting money from police departments to support social programs following this summer’s nationwide, multi-racial demonstrations against police violence, Biden has pledged to increase funding for the police.

And for the over 75 percent of Americans who want troops removed from Afghanistan and Iraq and who support cutting defense spending, the multi-racial Biden cabinet will give them the exact opposite.


But keep it up with your voting for the establishment brands - it only results in worse government, not better.



Chris Hedges: Someone I will always listen to.


The election of Biden is also very bad news for journalists such as Matt Taibbi, Glen Ford, Margaret Kimberley, Glenn Greenwald, Jeffrey St. Clair or Robert Scheer who refuse to be courtiers to the ruling elites. Journalists who do not spew the approved narrative of the right-wing, or, alternatively, the approved narrative of the Democratic Party, have a credibility the ruling elite fears.

The worse things get – and they will get worse as the pandemic leaves hundreds of thousands dead and thrusts millions of Americans into severe economic distress – the more those who seek to hold the ruling elites, and in particular the Democratic Party, accountable will be targeted and censored in ways familiar to WikiLeaks and Julian Assange, now in a London prison and facing possible extradition to the United States and life imprisonment.



The greatest crime that people and society can commit ...

... aside from hatred, killing, destruction and all that ...

... is the crime of forgetting. Or rather, either not remembering or remembering differently.

Case in point - https://www.globalresearch.ca/day-john-kennedy-died/5695615


Remembering in all its emotional detail the day John Kennedy died has been a long and cold journey for me. It has allowed me to see and feel the terror of that day, the horror, but also the heroism of the man, the in-your-face warrior for peace whose death should birth in us the courage to carry on his legacy.

Killing a man who says “no” to the endless cycle of war is a risky business, says a priest in the novel Bread and Wine by Ignazio Silone. For “even a corpse can go on whispering ‘No! No! No! with a persistence and obstinacy that only certain corpses are capable of. And how can you silence a corpse.”

John Kennedy was such a man.

Eliot was right: Sometimes death and birth are hard to tell apart.

President Kennedy’s courage in facing a death he knew was coming from forces within his own government who opposed his efforts for peace in Vietnam , nuclear disarmament, and an end to the Cold War – “I know there is a God-and I see a storm coming. I believe that I am ready,” he had written on a slip of paper, and his favorite poem contained the refrain, “I have a rendezvous with death” – should encourage all of us to not turn our faces away from his witness for peace



Always thought the word 'blather' was a cross between blabbing and lather.

Shows what I know -> https://www.thefreedictionary.com/blather



(ˈblæðə) or


(intr) to speak foolishly
1. foolish talk; nonsense
2. a person who blathers
[C15: from Old Norse blathra, from blathr nonsense]


Exposing the falsehood of the Democratic brand.

They are not, nor have ever been a place for progressive ideals to grow.

Rather, they exist to ensure such ideals never come to life.

Case in point -> https://www.counterpunch.org/2020/11/20/democrats-and-the-canard-of-too-far-left/


The Kings Bay Plowshares Seven - who are they?



Media coverage, meanwhile, has failed to keep pace. News about the Catholic pacifists’ bold act of nonviolent civil disobedience at Kings Bay and their subsequent trial appears predominantly in progressive or religious publications like the National Catholic Reporter. Mainstream outlets, including those in Atlanta and nearby Jacksonville, Florida, have steered clear of the Plowshares activists.

The lack of coverage has prompted some Plowshares supporters to conclude the seven activists have become the victims of a media blackout.

Journalist Jeremy Scahill recently gave voice to that concern following the recent sentencing of Kelley and O’Neill. Speaking in October on Democracy Now!, Scahill slammed the press’ refusal to cover the Kings Bay Plowshares Seven.

“These Catholic peace activists, during the Trump administration, tried to confront that nuclear threat, and there was a total media blackout on the action that they did,” Scahill said. “And, you know, if we lived in a just society, the Kings Bay Plowshares activists’ trial would have been reported on as one of the most brave confrontations of the most dangerous aspect of this government, and particularly this administration.”

O’Neill pointed to a 2019 hearing for the Kings Bay Plowshares Seven attended by the actor and Catholic activist Martin Sheen. Only one reporter from a local newspaper showed up to document Sheen’s public show of support.

Rather than a concerted effort by the media to suppress the activists, O’Neill fears that the lack of press coverage is instead a reflection of how complacent Americans have become after 75 years of living on hair-trigger alert. In the absence of sustained grassroots mobilization aimed at keeping the issue of nuclear abolition in the spotlight, O’Neill imagines news editors and journalists view the Plowshares activists as if they are political outliers or relics of a bygone era, with little incentive to cover them.

“The media is not blacking us out,” said O’Neill. “They just made a conscious decision to say we’re not worthy of coverage. It just says something about how relaxed people are about being under the shadow of the nuclear arms race.”


Happy International Men's Day!



They got 17 Billion USD and still cut jobs?



Boeing announces 7,000 additional layoffs

Boeing, the giant US commercial and military aviation manufacturer, has announced 7,000 layoffs, bringing its total to 30,000 for the year. The company cited the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the airline industry as the underlying cause, and also announced that there were no orders forthcoming for the entire month of October, the second consecutive month where this occurred. Boeing intends to make these cuts despite receiving $17 billion in federal bailout money earlier in the year.


Said it before, and I'll say it again.

The winners in the US elections?

The establishment of course - https://www.counterpunch.org/2020/11/17/u-s-ruling-class-wins-again/


Ideology of the ruling class

In capitalist society the dominant or all pervasive ideology is the ideology of the ruling class, the class whose representatives, fundamental structures, institutions and corporate media control the dissemination of ideas. It is only when mass forces in struggle emerge among capitalism’s victims – led by conscious fighters with a clear counter vision to capitalism’s endless justification for it’s continued minority rule, that the Truman Show-Potemkin Village fantasy world is challenged at its core. That time is rapidly approaching as capitalism’s ever-intensifying inherent crises compel countless millions to challenge its very right to exist.

Within days of Biden’s victory, he and his associates have already sounded a major retreat from the pathetic and empty few promises they were able to muster. Today we hear Biden speaking of a renewed bi-partisanship, of an America where everyone’s needs are met, where compromises with the Republicans are the order of the day.