RIP Joseph Wilson.
"Joseph Charles Wilson IV (November 6, 1949 – September 27, 2019) was an American diplomat who was best known for his 2002 trip to Niger to investigate allegations that Saddam Hussein was attempting to purchase yellowcake uranium; his New York Times op-ed piece, "What I Didn't Find in Africa";[1] and the subsequent leaking by the Bush administration of information pertaining to the identity of his wife Valerie Plame as a CIA agent. "
"Joseph Charles Wilson IV (November 6, 1949 – September 27, 2019) was an American diplomat who was best known for his 2002 trip to Niger to investigate allegations that Saddam Hussein was attempting to purchase yellowcake uranium; his New York Times op-ed piece, "What I Didn't Find in Africa";[1] and the subsequent leaking by the Bush administration of information pertaining to the identity of his wife Valerie Plame as a CIA agent. "
An open letter to the 'American Left'.
At the end of the day, Liz Warren is a left leaning technocrat who actually believes some of the library liberal bullshit most fake progressive, center-left Democrats say but don't mean. A hypothetical (and by no means guaranteed) Liz Warren victory on election night would represent a top-down, social democratic altering of the deal between elite capital and the poor, with some percentage of the labor class benefiting somewhat in the overlap.
By contrast a Bernie Sanders presidency would represent the nascent beginnings of a bottom-up, labor class and democratic socialist revolution (juxtaposition on purpose) that would actively seek to restore grassroots, labor class power and thus fundamentally alter the *balance of power* between the labor class and our "betters" - a class of people to which Liz Warren belongs herself; as opposed to Sanders who grew up labor class rather than even just "middle class."
Look, just between you and me, I sincerely want to like the modern iteration of Liz Warren. If you could transport this new (non-Republican) Liz back in time she would have been the perfect candidate to run in 1992 instead of Third Way minion Bill Clinton and his slavishly pro-elite capital agenda. I do sincerely wish my desire to like her and my wish that she'd come along before we go to this point of no return meant anything at all my friends, but it just doesn't.
For the labor class a Liz Warren presidency isn't "disappointing" or a "missed opportunity" it's poison and death. Liz Warren doesn't have a grass roots revolution, she doesn't understand how to build worker's power and her top down solutions are not going to open up options for the labor class beyond her Presidency; if that even happens at all because I'm certainly *not* sure she's capable of beating Donald Trump.
Well the Nationals are back in the playoffs this year.
It's no divisional title, but I'll take that.
Now if they can just beat the upstart Brewers, then the Braves, then the Cards, then the Dodgers, then the Yankees ...
I know ... a lot of 'then's. I can hope, can't I?
Now if they can just beat the upstart Brewers, then the Braves, then the Cards, then the Dodgers, then the Yankees ...
I know ... a lot of 'then's. I can hope, can't I?
Another word to describe militarization of police is 'corruption.'
New term learned today - tactical arrest.
Hmm .. Biden's number falling ... and just coincidentally we need to talk about impeachment.
Seems like a colossal waste of time and and really an attempt to distract the American public from hearing and learning more and more about Bernie Sanders' policies, which tend to resonate when heard and learned about.
Quote Of The Day - 09-19-2019.
From the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (emphasis mine)
The solution - ?
Any serious effort to reverse climate change would involve a scientifically planned global restructuring of the world’s energy industry to transition from a reliance on fossil fuels to renewable energy. This in turn would involve a transformation on the same scale of transportation, logistics, agriculture and ultimately society as a whole. Such changes would necessarily cut across national boundaries, corporate profits and national security interests. These institutions are bound up with capitalism: the division of the world into rival nation-states and the subordination of economic life to the accumulation of private profit.
The solution - ?
It is therefore critical to turn the students and youth participating in climate strikes away from parliamentary politics and to the working class. It is the working class that will suffer the brunt of the impact of global warming. It is the working class that is objectively and increasingly defining itself as an international class. It is the working class whose social interests lie in the overthrow of capitalism, the abolition of private ownership of the means of production, and the establishment of an economic system based on the satisfaction of human need, including a safe and healthy environment.
Bombing Saudi Oil Fields – a False Flag operation?
Peter Koenig certainly makes a strong case.
Next time some idiot rails against welfare.
Ask if they mean corporate welfare like this - https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2019/09/19/fedr-s19.html
On Wednesday, the US central bank cut its benchmark federal funds rate, reducing the borrowing cost for banks and major corporations that are already posting record profits.
Perhaps even more importantly, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York made two emergency injections of $75 billion into financial markets, in the first such actions since the 2008 financial crisis. The Fed is on track to make a third emergency intervention on Thursday.
I am inherently lazy.
That's why shit never gets done - what do I mean?
I'll give you an example.
I was online browsing for information on a specific guitar amp, and a site came up with that seemed worth reading.
Only when I got to it, I realized it was just a front site for selling shit from a specific terrible company owned by a meglomaniac of a billionaire who'd I don't want to business with.
That got me to thinking - Was there a way to identify all the websites and properties owned by this corporation and this guy? This way I could keep that list and ensure I never go anywhere near them; along with encourage others to do the same.
If I knew how to create such a tool for myself, I would. But I don't, and I don't have the will to figure out how.
I am lazy - in this day and age, I simply wish someone else created it and I could use it.
I'll give you an example.
I was online browsing for information on a specific guitar amp, and a site came up with that seemed worth reading.
Only when I got to it, I realized it was just a front site for selling shit from a specific terrible company owned by a meglomaniac of a billionaire who'd I don't want to business with.
That got me to thinking - Was there a way to identify all the websites and properties owned by this corporation and this guy? This way I could keep that list and ensure I never go anywhere near them; along with encourage others to do the same.
If I knew how to create such a tool for myself, I would. But I don't, and I don't have the will to figure out how.
I am lazy - in this day and age, I simply wish someone else created it and I could use it.
And a message the Sanders campaign should understand.
t the end of the day, no matter who was nominated, what would a future Democratic Party administration look like? It would be right-wing, pursuing the specific foreign policy obsessions of the Democratic wing of the ruling elite, directed against Russia and elevating the danger of war with a nuclear-armed antagonist.
None of the candidates calls for sweeping cuts in the massive military budget or challenges the role of America as the global military superpower, entitled to deploy its forces to every continent.
None is willing to deal with the reality that no serious improvements can be made in living standards and social services for the masses of working people without taking control of the wealth that has been created by labor, but which is now in the hands of the ruling elite.
Neither Sanders nor any of the others calls for confiscating the wealth of the billionaires—not Warren’s “two percent” tax, which would never be collected—and taking control of the banks and major industries, placing them under the democratic control of working people so they produce for the common good, not private profit.
The Democratic Party cannot be the vehicle for such policies. It is no alternative to the ultra-right politics of Trump and the fascistic movement he is seeking to build up.
The Democrats, no less than the Republicans, are a party of big business and American imperialism. The political task facing the working class is to break with the whole corporate-controlled two-party system and build an independent political movement based on a socialist and internationalist program.
A fairly convincing case for electing Bernie Sanders.
Not only is half of the eligible electorate so alienated from the political ‘process’ that it chooses not to vote, but 98% of the eligible voters who do vote hold no sway over outcomes. The political power of the bourgeois, the richest 9.9% of the polity, comes through its role as functionaries for capital. Whatever the opinions of its constituents, and some fair portion are liberal-left, it is this acting on behalf of capital that is its expressed politics.
This role of the bourgeois— for who else were the functionaries who dispossessed the American working class, explains the shift in the measure of virtue from political outcomes to opinions and sentiment. Capitalist functionaries see themselves as virtuous— again, many are liberal-left, while viewing those on the other side of their actions, the people they spent four decades dispossessing, as morally depraved. How else could they be viewed with dispossession the goal?
Bernie Sanders appears to understand this political tension. Barack Obama fronted Obamacare for his neoliberal masters and the 2016 election was the consequence. By reports, Mr. Sanders successfully sold the idea of Medicare for All to the reactionary right that watches Fox News. This is socialism in action— using social resources to improve the lots of the poor, working and middle classes— and thereby bringing them into the socialist fold, regardless of prior political affiliations.
So close and so far.
When I first saw this - I thought: another Earth that can be fucked up.
But then I saw this point -
"Astronomers emphasised that the discovery of water in the atmosphere of K2-18b does not mean the planet can support life or is even habitable, as it probably lacks any solid surface or an atmosphere that can support life"
But then I saw this point -
"Astronomers emphasised that the discovery of water in the atmosphere of K2-18b does not mean the planet can support life or is even habitable, as it probably lacks any solid surface or an atmosphere that can support life"
Goodbye Bolton.
As correctly predicted by John Kiriakou - https://consortiumnews.com/2019/09/10/consortium-news-reported-in-june-that-bolton-would-be-fired/
People like Elizabeth Warren ARE the problem.
Specifically her faux-Jimmy Stewart routine and fake/folksy small-town style doesn't hide her flip-flopping ways.
And more importantly, she's not a real progressive. Don't be fooled into thinking things will improve for the public with her in office.
And more importantly, she's not a real progressive. Don't be fooled into thinking things will improve for the public with her in office.
New term - 'persistence surveillance technology' - it's here, it's done without your permission.
And guess where it came from?
The Roger Waters performance defending Julian Assange the establishment DOESN'T want you to know about.
Think I'm bullshitting? - Look at this - https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Roger+Waters+Assange

Interesting - I don't see any American, British, Canadian, Australian, Indian establishment network reports in YouTube.
Think I'm bullshitting? - Look at this - https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Roger+Waters+Assange
Interesting - I don't see any American, British, Canadian, Australian, Indian establishment network reports in YouTube.
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