
One more point about the Establishment's efforts to capture and torture Assange.

"This use of a sexual allegation against Assange to divert attention from, and effectively support, the American extradition demand is pernicious and phony. It’s an obvious attempt to give virtue-signaling identity-politics liberals a reason not to protest Assange’s extradition or imprisonment. It’s already the dominant ruse for such purposes in England, and it’s going to become more prominent everywhere now that the indictment can no longer be portrayed as a relatively minor matter."



2m by 2100?

Rising Seas Could Generate 187 Million Climate Refugees by 2100



"even in the high temperature scenario, out to 2300, there is still a small probability that the ice sheets could actually increase in mass relative to 2000. That is to say that the ice sheets would actually make a negative contribution to sea level rise. That’s not likely, but it’s not impossible. That’s how large our uncertainties are. And we just have to face that. We have to decide under uncertainty. And that means that we have to be aware of the tails of these uncertainty distributions."

Something tells me this will be an ever-increasing phenomenon.


This of course leads to the next big thing in film and music -




Let's face it.

Getting Asasnge is about one thing - the US-dominated Establishment and Deep State getting vengeance on him for lifting the veil, and revealing to the public all of their secrets.

And of course my personal favorite - that the Hillary Clinton Campaign along with the Establishment and the DNC colluded to fix the 2016 US Democratic Primaries in her favor, along with a strategy to get Donald Trump as the Republican Party nominee - https://wikileaks.org//clinton-emails/.

It's all about making Assange and Wikileaks pay a terrible price and suffer for their courage and actions. I would not be too surprised if he 'disappears' in transit to the US, or suddenly 'dies while attempting an escape'.


Oh great - that dumbass Modi is going to be around in India

Stupidity abounds in India. Of course, it's not as the Congress Party is really any better, but still.

In so many ways Modi is to India what Trump is to the US.


As if I didn't have enough reasons to not trust the US Democratic Party.

New word I learned today - 'advertorial'.

Music, touring, and the future

Many years ago, this article had me wondering about these things -


It led me to revisit some serious aspects about what I would prefer to do in this life; and it made me re-think some of my approaches.

  • Do people really care about live music - especially heavy rock?
I guess the answer to that is really less important than is it something I enjoy creating and performing. I used to think I had to work really hard and be successful financially in order to be creatively happy. Time and life has changed that view - in that now I figure it's best to really approach and make music that I like, and let financial success be a by-product of that. I figure at the very least, it's honest.
  • Can one really make a living at it - knowing that things are already very competitive? 
The fact is, if I really want to make a living at it, my life would've been set up in that direction already. I figure on some level I'd grow to hate all aspects of that after some time. While I enjoy playing music and like the idea of performing in front of crowds, the of being a touring musician doesn't otherwise appeal to me. Yes it'd be great to visit various parts of the world and all that, but in a sense, would I really be visiting? I figured I'd be spending most of my time traveling, in hotels, backstage, etc., such that I'd rarely ever get to actually venture. One the other hand, perhaps touring isn't the only way to get live music out there, especially in this digital day and age.
  • What does a band really mean in this day and age - is it a group of people, or a money-making corporation?
I've read all the horror stories of many of the bands I've listened to - inevitably one or more people end up really driving things in terms of writing or being the front person. Everyone else ends up on some level being really side-musicians. And even if you break things up and split things along a certain line financially (i.e. like creating a corporation and so forth), doesn't that mean one is literally treating making music as nothing more than a business? Isn't there really a better way?
  • Can one really deliver the sonic fidelity one seeks in every medium, and with each new one that comes along?
I've heard all the arguments - analog vs. digital, compressed vs. as-is, brick walling, etc. The fact is, one's music is never going to be heard in this day and age in just one medium. Phone devices and the Internet make it possible really for one to hear their music pretty much anywhere. But, because much of that means the music is being heard electronically, it will mean some for of sonic compromise. That is, the levels will be off, there will be some distortion, it can get sonic-ally tiring for one's ears, and so forth. I think the trick there is to recognize what one's master sound for each song or release should be like, and ensure one's audience knows where that is to be found.


Avoid the Impossible Burger - it's laced with lotsa Roundup and GMOs!

(h/t to Ron Placcone)

The levels of glyphosate detected in the Impossible burger by Health Research Institute Laboratories were 11 X higher than the Beyond Meat Burger. The total result (glyphosate and it’s break down AMPA) was 11.3 ppb. Moms Across America also tested the Beyond Meat Burger and the results were 1 ppb.

100% agreement.


What really should be worked on to fix for all Americans is in bold below ..

Russiagate has distracted attention and energy away from crucial and pressing issues such as income inequality, the housing and homeless crisis, inadequate healthcare, militarized police, over-priced college education, impossible student loans and deteriorating infrastructure. The tax structure was changed to benefit wealthy individuals and corporations with little opposition. The Trump administration has undermined environmental laws, civil rights, national parks and women’s equality while directing ever more money to military contractors. Working class Americans are struggling with rising living costs, low wages, student debt, and racism. They constitute the bulk of the military which is spread all over the world, sustaining continuing occupations in war zones including Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and parts of Africa. While all this has been going on, the Democratic establishment and much of the media have been focused on Russiagate, the Mueller Report, and related issues.


~ 30 degrees Celsius at the Arctic Ocean.


Doesn't anyone care?

In climate news, temperatures near the entrance to the Arctic Ocean in northwest Russia reached a record-shattering 84 degrees Fahrenheit over the weekend, in an area where high temperatures are normally 30 degrees cooler this time of year. This comes as the National Snow and Ice Data Center recorded a record-low sea ice extent for the Arctic Ocean in April, noting that almost all of the sea ice more than four years old is gone. Over the weekend, meteorologists measured carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere at over 415 parts per million — the highest level in human history, and a concentration that’s not been seen on Earth in over 3 million years.


"We own the world."

That's the US hegemony world view - Chomsky had it right - https://chomsky.info/20080101/

Only in this day and age, it applies to apparently space itself.


Noam Chomsky once explained that American news coverage operates on the premise that the US “owns the world,” but it’s clear that outer space belongs to the US as well, since corporate media frame any nation failing to treat space as Washington’s private property as enemy trespassers (RT, 2/13/19). It’s not enough to be No. 1 in the space race, because every other nation could “gain ground” on the US, driving a vicious circle of never-ending military buildups. As the global space economy is expected to multiply several times over the next few decades—with lucrative deals for military contractors—we can expect more alarmist reports from corporate media about the “threats” posed by countries seeking a peace treaty with the US in outer space.

No to Status Quo Joe.

I won't vote for an Establishment-controlled Democrat.


Do you see a rainbow?

Somehow I couldn't see it when taking the picture on my phone.

Somehow I couldn't post the picture to this blog from my phone either - I had to send to myself via email.

But in looking at it on a PC, I can see ... something.

Perhaps that's the point - it's really there if you look and pay attention.

Chivalry and Feminism - trying to have it both ways.

I've heard this term for as long as I can recall - women like to 'have it all' - what does that mean?

Here's what I've learned -

  • being able to earn money at the same level as men (not necessarily doing the same amount of work) 
  • be able to be considered the breadwinner in a family, control and run the household, expect the toilet seat to be down at all times, but still expect a man to hold a door open for them, as well as pay for the restaurant bill.
Note the hypocrisy of women who've slept with many guys (insisting they are not sluts), but withhold sex from a guy if he's not attractive or accomplished. Isn't that treating sex as a weapon?
What fucking idiocy.
The reality is, women cannot have it all. No one can. This life is a set of choices, and they simultaneously creates more choices (along with decisions, actions and yes, consequences), as well as limit other choices as well.

I've said it before - motherhood is the ultimate bane of feminism. Choosing to reproduce will always force a woman into making choices and compromises. It should be (if it isn't already) that no human is a deity. We are not omnipotent; our lives are dictated by our choices.


Dire warning.

Dire warning -


The Report concluded that "society needs to shift from a sole focus on chasing economic growth." The Report called on countries to begin focusing on "restoring habitats, growing food on less land, stopping illegal logging and fishingprotecting marine areas, and stopping the flow of heavy metals and wastewater into the environment."


Yes it was a staged event - the attempted coup in Venezuela.


But I wonder if this is really a lot more like the another failed attempt at doing things by the CIA? Different goals, but the same result a (in my opinion) deliberate failure designed for further ulterior motives.

In the former, it's would be the Deep State trying to force Trump into a military conflict in Valenzuela.

In the latter, it was to rid themselves of Carter.

Smelling good.

All my life, no matter how much I bathe and keep myself clean - I never have had that clean smell.

Sure I shower. I scrub. I keep all areas free and clear and all that.

Same thing with our laundry. That is, no matter what detergent or fabric softener we use, somehow our clothes never have that fresh clean smell others have.

Some people on the other hand do. They smell like they just emerged from the shower completely pristine and fresh.

I used to think it was me; that I was some sort of slob, but the Mrs. has the same issue and she's as white as the background of this draft post.


Saw this in a park my family frequents

Seriously, are people in authority in this city this stupid?


The two landmark court cases, and subsequent investigations have resulted in accusations by victims, scientists, and media that, to promote the sale of glyphosate, Monsanto suppressed evidence, manipulated lab results, bullied and harassed scientists, undermined international regulators and manipulated public opinion. Internal documents obtained by the courts now suggest that Monsanto marketed Roundup as “safe,” knowing full well that it was a likely carcinogen.

Assholes who would run pedestrians over if you're not careful.

Here are two -

In the case of the first one, it was some middle-aged white woman on her phone who basically ignored my whole family and drove right through an intersection.

The 2nd one was a young white guy who just blazed through the intersection even though the walk signal was active. You can see my shadow catching a photo. Sadly I was a little early on the shot and didn't get his license. What's funny is just a few moments before, I was almost hit by a beige delivery truck who basically did the same thing, but on another corner of the intersection.


The failed coup that the Establishment Media doesn't want to acknowledge.


After barely 12 hours, the most recent coup attempt appeared to have failed under the weight of its own unpopularity. According to the New York Times (4/30/19), Guaidó failed to attract meaningful support from the military, his co-conspirator Leopoldo Lopez had sought refuge first in the Chilean then in the Spanish embassy, and 25 of his paramilitaries had done the same in the Brazilian one. Guaidó did not win over the Venezuelan majority, who had previously chased his motorcade out of a working class district when he tried to enter. Ordinary Venezuelans continued their lives, or even rushed to the defense of the government. As USA Today (5/1/19) summed up:
Guaidó called it the moment for Venezuelans to reclaim their democracy once and for all. But as the hours dragged on, he stood alone on a highway overpass with the same small cadre of soldiers with whom he launched a bold effort to spark a military uprising.
It appears that the main base of support for the coup was the US government…and the media. The press’s extraordinary complicity, lining up with the State Department’s version of the world in the face of empirical evidence, highlights the worrying closeness between media and government. When it comes to foreign policy, there is often no difference between deep state and fourth estate.

Another victory against Monsanto, but somehow I don't feel good about it - why?


Answer: It's everywhere -

Glyphosate is the base chemical component for some 750 different brands of pesticides worldwide, in addition to Monsanto-Bayer’s Roundup. Glyphosate residues have been found in tap water, orange juice, children’s urine, breast milk, chips, snacks, beer, wine, cereals, eggs, oatmeal, wheat products, and most conventional foods tested. It’s everywhere, in brief.

What a novel idea - “8 hours for work, 8 hours for rest, 8 hours for what you will.”