
Well the T-Birds season ended yesterday.

Facing a tough top-seeded team that was expected to dispose of them in four games, the T-Birds hung to Game 6 but simply ran out of gas by the 2nd Period.

Oh well. Thank you for the hard work, and look forward to the next season.


You know why this fucked up shit happens in the establishment media?

1) Because people who work in the establishment media themselves are fucked up enough to not see the shit they're reporting is equally - if not more so - fucked up as they are or the media itself.

2) They think that their audience finds this as normal as they do.

Me? I find all of this truly fucked up. Or a term to describe this is - neoliberalism.


... under neoliberalism, every problem is understood through an individualist lens, and not a result of systemic forces that dominate society. To be clear, there are elements of triumph over adversity or impressive and admirable feats in these stories, but they occur in a neoliberal framework that forces them into these actions, and that framework is never questioned. The fact that the media, unable to look past their own ideological biases, do not explore these most basic issues, instead presenting these stories as human interest pieces, goes to show how engulfed in ideology they really are.


As if I don't have enough reasons to trust social media companies ...

... here's another one:


Facebook Stored Up to 600M User Passwords in Plain Text

Facebook engineers built applications that stored unencrypted passwords on internal servers which could be searched by over 20,000 employees.

I should think this should put to rest any notion about what the US Civil War was about.

It was slavery but additionally, it was really about the belief in white supremacy upon which slavery was founded on.


So said this real winner -
Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth.
So really racism and a lot of falsehoods.


Perhaps this is the best way to get everyone's attention on Global Warming.

Is this what it's come down to?

Gee I hope not - but if so, then we've got a ton of work to do.


Cost-benefit analysis? The Green New Deal is, if anything, insufficiently radical. It does not go to the full class-rule taproot of the many deadly ecological rifts (the climate crisis is only the most urgent) opened by capitalism’s relentless, totalitarian drive to commodify everything on earth. Progressive-Democrat Green New Deal advocates have yet to join serious ecosocialists in calling for green investments to be garnered from massive reductions in the U.S. military budget, which eats up more than half of federal discretionary spending and sustains a global military empire that is the world’s single largest institutional carbon emitter. The Green New Deal’s sponsors have yet to call (as they will have to if they are serious about environmental reconversion) for their program to be funded and protected from capital flight by the nationalization of the United States’ leading financial institutions.
Still, at least Green New Dealers are talking seriously about the benefit of a livable earth. It seems like society might want to be ready to absorb significant costs to achieve the continuation of the species. Professor Ohanian should write the environmentalists’ maxim 500 times on a UCLA chalkboard: “There are no jobs on a dead planet. There is no economy on a dead planet.”


RIP Hal Blaine.

Probably the most heard drummer ... ever in music.


Hal Blaine (born Harold Simon Belsky; February 5, 1929 – March 11, 2019) was an American drummer and session musician. He was one of the most prolific session drummers in the history of popular music, playing on a large number of hit records. Blaine is most remembered for his work with the Wrecking Crew, a group of musicians who recorded prolifically in the Los Angeles music scene and played behind a large number of musicians in the 1960s and 1970s.


New term to describe Corporate Media = “Presstitutes”

Don't trust the Girl Scouts - here's why.


A Defense Contractor encouraging children (in this case girls) to design more efficient weapons to kill people around the world is both fucked up and disgusting.

Couldn't agree more about the US Constitution's 2nd Amendment.

It was all about arming white slaveowners to put down slave rebellions.

But even if I didn't believe that, I certainly wouldn't trust the NRA to speak on my behalf - why?

Well, apart from that fact that I'm not a idiot, I'm smart enough to know that the NRA really represents gun manufacturers, not gun owners.


A fucking hero if I've ever seen one - Chelsea Manning.


"There is a tradition of resistance to grand juries in the United States, particularly when the goals of a grand jury were clearly unjust. The tradition goes all the way back to abolitionists who were fighting slavery in the 1800s. It includes activists targeted by COINTELPRO, who were hauled before grand juries when Richard Nixon was president. Chelsea Manning is carrying on this tradition through her bold defiance."


The more I hear from Ilhan Omar, the more I like her.

Evidently so to a lot of Americans.


"Of course, none of this is really about anti-Semitism. It is about shutting down a representative in Congress, who is willing to speak openly about apartheid against Palestinians and even back activists that participate in the Boycott, Sanctions, and Divestment (BDS) movement against Israel’s occupation against Palestinians."

Let the left lead, so implies a Clinton economist?

Interesting. But is it too late?


Establishment Media = 'mood music for regime change'.

Courtesy of Max Blumenthal writing about a corporate stenographer repeating right-wing talking points intent on manufacturing consent.

Thank you Max, and thank you Jimmy.

Interesting 'toy'.

Even more interesting was how I wasn't able to post this till today. I actually tried over the last 24 hours via my phone, but it kept failing. I had to send this picture from my phone via email, download it while logged into my email on a PC and then publish it in a new blog entry.

Hmm ... odd.