
'fake news' meme=>signs of a Failed Empire Establishment.

We may recall that the corporate-press and Wall-Street-enriched candidate for the presidency, Hillary Clinton, started the accusation of ‘fake news’ to explain her defeat. As establishment mask of the politically correct masses with the money-war party as her paymaster, Clinton blamed her fall in the 2016 US election on the new enemy she saw arising against the official story and herself. When the ‘glass mirror’ story line did not take, she joined forces with the corporate media on another plane. ‘Fake news’ misled Americans. The New York Times, the Washington Post, the TV Networks, and other establishment tale tellers saw pay-dirt far beyond Clinton’s failed bid for president.

More here - http://www.globalresearch.ca/fake-news-the-unravelling-of-us-empire-from-within/5581878


Fucking dishonesty.

And deception too. The clearly say 'CRANBERRY' on the front. But a look at the ingredients list grape juice first.

Fucking bullshit Kroger!

"Indian" style!

Love the quotes.


US Democratic Party -> The Party of War.

McCarthy would be proud.


Though I really think it's all about raking in cash from fools and corporations.

While many Democratic leaders and activists are sliding into full-scale conspiracy-mode over the Russia-Trump story, they are not looking at the party’s many mistakes and failings, such as:
–Why did party leaders push so hard to run an unpopular establishment candidate in a strongly anti-establishment year? Was it the fact that many are beholden to the Clinton cash machine?
–How can Democrats justify the undemocratic use of “super-delegates” to make many rank-and-file voters feel that the process is rigged in favor of the establishment’s choice?
–What can the Democratic Party do to reengage with many working-class voters, especially downwardly mobile whites, to stop the defection of this former Democratic base to Trump’s populism?
–Do national Democrats understand how out of touch they are with the future as they insist that the United States must remain the sole military superpower in a uni-polar world when the world is rapidly shifting toward a multi-polar reality?


Israel+Apartheid=jus cogens

The report concludes that the weight of the evidence supports beyond a reasonable doubt the proposition that Israel is guilty of imposing an apartheid regime on the Palestinian people, which amounts to the commission of a crime against humanity, the prohibition of which is considered jus cogens in international customary law. The international community, especially the United Nations and its agencies, and Member States, have a legal obligation to act within the limits of their capabilities to prevent and punish instances of apartheid that are responsibly brought to their attention. More specifically, States have a collective duty:
(a) not to recognize an apartheid regime as lawful;
(b) not to aid or assist a State in maintaining an apartheid regime; and
(c) to cooperate with the United Nations and other States in bringing apartheid regimes to an end.


Yay for Mathew Barzal and Ethan Bear!



Congratulations Mathew and Ethan.

Best of luck to you and the T-Birds in the 2017 WHL Playoffs.


The true king of rock'n roll has abdicated.

Just before his Swan Song -


Charles Edward Anderson "Chuck" Berry (October 18, 1926 – March 18, 2017) was an American guitarist, singer and songwriter and one of the pioneers of rock and roll music. With songs such as "Maybellene" (1955), "Roll Over Beethoven" (1956), "Rock and Roll Music" (1957) and "Johnny B. Goode" (1958), Berry refined and developed rhythm and blues into the major elements that made rock and roll distinctive, with lyrics focusing on teen life and consumerism and music featuring guitar solos and showmanship that were a major influence on subsequent rock music.[1]


All this talk about Russians interfering with the 2016 US Elections is bullshit so far.

So if you're a moron who somehow does believe it to be so, you probably also think that America for all it holiness could never (and I mean NEVER) do the same to some foreign power.

Really - what short memories you have I say.


Mr Bettman - resign from the NHL.

You've been around 20 years too long.

Your words to the Mayor and City Of Calgary are not acceptable.

It's time for Gary Bettman to go. Then the NHL might actually be taken seriously.


Time Crystals?


A time crystal or space-time crystal is an open system in non-equilibrium with its environment that exhibits time translation symmetry breaking (TTSB). It is impossible for a time crystal to be in equilibrium with its environment. The idea of a time crystal was first put forward by Nobel laureate and MIT professor Frank Wilczek in 2012.[a] Space-time crystals extend the ordinary three-dimensional symmetry seen in crystals to include the fourth dimension of time; a time crystal spontaneously breaks the symmetry of time translation. The crystal's pattern repeats not in space, but in time, which allows for the crystal to be in perpetual motion.[2] Time crystals are closely related to the concepts of zero-point energy and the dynamical Casimir effect.[b]

Be real scary if this were true.

Or at least, we'd finally have proof we don't live in a democracy.

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-03-14/wikileaks-assange-claims-hillary-intel-officials-quietly-pushing-pence-takeover (h/t Global Research)

No matter what one makes of Trump - or his administration and the policies that have been initiated thus far - the fact remains that Trump won the U.S. election. The people working behind the scenes to oust him are not subject to democratic controls, nor are they working in the best interests of the American public. We are left to ask ourselves exactly how renewing relations with Russia –  a nuclear power –  could possibly endanger American lives.
Either way, we are more or less left with two paths ahead of us.The first path involves Trump giving in and adopting an anti-Russian agenda, as is already apparent in his decision to send more ground troops to Syria alongside Saudi troops, who will intentionally oppose the Syrian regime (a close ally of Russia). The second involves the possibility of another direct coup within the Trump administration, this time one that may ultimately force Trump out of the White House so he can be replaced by Mike Pence, a war hawk who will be more than happy to do the job Hillary Clinton wanted to do.

A part of me feels like this would be the logical end for someone who's been a fake candidate all along and wants out.

Another part of me wonders if there are any connections between Hillary Clinton and Mike Pence.


Pathetic Canadian Establishment media.

"We saw that in the Canadian mainstream media’s denunciations of Consortiumnews.com for running an article that pointed out that Canada’s Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland had misrepresented her family history to white-out her maternal grandfather’s role editing a Nazi newspaper in Poland that demonized Jews and justified the Holocaust.

Virtually every mainstream outlet in Canada rallied to Freeland’s side when she dismissed our article as Russian disinformation. Only later did a few newspapers grudgingly acknowledge that our story was true and that Freeland knew it was true. Still, the attacks on us continued. We were labeled “Russian disinformationists,” with no evidence needed to support the slander and no defense allowed.

Though arguably a small example, the Freeland story reflects what is happening across the Western mainstream news media. Almost every independent-minded news article that questions the establishment narratives on international affairs is dismissed as “Russian propaganda.” The few politicians, academics and journalists who don’t march in the establishment’s parade are “Moscow stooges” or “Putin apologists.”"

More here - https://consortiumnews.com/2017/03/13/when-disinformation-is-truth/


A feminist I can certainly get behind.

Ghada Chehade

Here - https://soapbox-blog.com/2017/03/08/women/ (h/t Global Research)

Snippet 1 -

And when these liberal, consumer feminists do attempt to tackle politics or political issues, it is often done through reactionary identity politics, which substitutes the personal—personal identity, personal feelings, etc—for the political in a manner that negates broader politico-economic understanding and analysis. For instance, women that support candidates like Hillary Clinton simply because she is a woman—despite her many political and geopolitical crimes and blunders. Mired in identity politics, their femaleness forces them to support a female candidate simply because of her sex, while ignoring her political actions and behaviour; however heinous it may be.
This reflects one of the many follies of identity politics: It excuses the crimes of people like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama–which includes the slaughter of innocent women and people of colour all over the world–based on their gender or race. As I argue elsewhere, it is not rational to support a president or presidential candidate simply because they are a racial minority or a woman.

Snippet 2 -

While the personal may be political, it will never be more political than actual politics and political consciousness. In reality, identity politics is the opposite of politics, in that, traditionally, politics or public engagement dealt with common issues, whereas identity politics further fragments consensus and is extremely divisive. Identity politics–women competing with men or racial groups pitted against one another–reflects the divide and conquer desires and strategy of the elite, since the masses are always weaker when they are divided. It forces a false polemic that stands in the way of consensus building, collective identity, and unity. As the old activist saying goes, “the people united will never be defeated.” Identity politics flies in the face of this and does the exact opposite; it divides people at a historical juncture when unity is most urgently needed.