If you are dressed in a suit, I don't trust you.
If you appear with some fairytale scripture in your hand and a smile on your face, I don't trust you.
If the first thing you say to involves your deity, I don't trust you.
In all cases, you're wasting your time, and not mine.
Hey Sport Illustrated Kids editors ...
... how about spelling Mathew Barzal's first name correctly?
It has one 't', not two.
It has one 't', not two.
A good piece on the destructive and toxic nature organized religions have the world.
The opening paragraph sets things in motion -
The opening paragraph sets things in motion -
Ideologies are pre-set forms of thinking that shape people’s worldviews and, supposedly, help to order and simplify reality. While this supposition is always flawed to one extent or another, ideologies can be very seductive. In part this is because they free their adherents from the hard work of critical thinking. Thus, they are often held onto tenaciously.
Sigh - another weekend where I don't get to do what I want.
And what is that you say?
- Making music
- Creating ideas
- Fucking
- Eating good food
Why I'd never run for any political office.
When I was younger, I used to think that at some point in time later on in life I'd run for political office as a way to give back to the communities I lived in and worked in. Also I felt that it was also the best way to change things in the associated political system by advocating, supporting, and pushing initiatives to ensure
said systems maintained and help their societies grow and thrive.
Now that later on in life is more or less today (or really once upon a time, many yesterdays ago) - I've come to realize how futile such an endeavor would be.
The reality I've learned is, one individual in any current political system cannot effect any sort of positive change to support their communities.
The establishment of corporations, lobbyists, affluent, as well as those who have access to large destructive weapons like the military or law enforcement have essentially found a way to work so well in tandem that they in-effect have become their own agent of change within said systems. And they've more or less taken over.
The co-opting, corrupting and controlling of such political systems by this non-sapient establishment renders them largely useless to the communities they were
originally meant to serve.
Such an establishment would (and has) use(d) any means necessary to maintain their control over such systems.
The usual reasons - money, power. That's all the institutions/entities know. They're not alive. They've no accountability to anyone or anything outside of their owners and/or stakeholders. Like any cancer, they'll continue along killing its host and itself because they're not rational or even sentient. They don't think.
Great. Here's my problem.
The dream I had behind my desire from younger days ('change things in the associated political system by advocating, supporting, and pushing initiatives to ensure said systems maintained and help their societies grow and thrive') - I still have it. It's important to me for a number of reasons.
Sure, I can spend my active days pursuing nothing by the same things - money, power, etc. And once achieved, live out the rest of my life enjoying the fruits of all that.
But what about those who'll be there after I'm gone? What about my kids, or other peoples' kids?
Apparently Toronto cops murdering a mentally unstable kid is only attempted murder.
... especially if the person murdered is Sammy Yatim.
https://twitter.com/hashtag/Forcillo?src=tren (h/t Montreal Simon)
https://twitter.com/hashtag/Forcillo?src=tren (h/t Montreal Simon)
If we fuck up the Earth, we cannot go here.
The planet is estimated to have 10 times the mass[6][9] and two to four times the diameter of Earth.[5][10] An infrared survey by the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer in 2009 does not exclude such an object as their results allow for a Neptune-sized object beyond 700 AU.[11]
A similar study in 2014 focused on possible higher-mass bodies in the
outer Solar System and ruled out Jupiter-class objects out to 26,000 AU.[12]
Planet Nine is hypothesized to follow a highly elliptical path around the Sun, with an orbital period of 10,000–20,000 years. The planet would have a semi-major axis of roughly 700 astronomical units (AU), or about 20 times the distance of Neptune from the Sun, though it might come as close as 200 AU (30 billion km), and its inclination estimated as 30 (± 20) degrees.[1][2][6][A] The high eccentricity of Planet Nine's orbit could take it as far away as 1200 AU at its aphelion.[7] [8]Size
Planet Nine is estimated to be similar in size and composition to the
blue ice giants Uranus and Neptune, pictured here to scale with the gas
giants and terrestrial planets.[9]
Brown speculates that the planet is most likely an ejected ice giant, similar in composition to Uranus and Neptune; a mixture of rock and ice with a small envelope of gas.[1][5]2016-01-22
Good one Microsoft!
Updating Outlook without warning Android users the app may break.
Now I recall why it was called 'lookout' when I worked there.
Now I recall why it was called 'lookout' when I worked there.
Seriously - what the fuck happened to the Habs?
Just about at the All Star Game, and they're out of the playoffs?
And to think - when the season began, they were in 1st place?
And to think - when the season began, they were in 1st place?
Hey look humanity - 2015 WAS the hottest year on record!
It will take a few more years to know for certain, but the back-to-back records of 2014 and 2015 may have put the world back onto a trajectory of rapid global warming, after period of relatively slow warming dating to the last powerful El Niño, in 1998.
Politicians attempting to claim that greenhouse gases are not a problem seized on that slow period to argue that “global warming stopped in 1998” and similar statements, with these claims reappearing recently on the Republican presidential campaign trail.
Statistical analysis suggested all along that the claims were false, and the slowdown was, at most, a minor blip in an inexorable trend, perhaps caused by a temporary increase in the absorption of heat by the Pacific Ocean.
Cause you know no fucking corporation cares.
Glenn Frey - RIP - November 6, 1948 – January 18, 2016
I sure am glad he's not in any pain anymore -
On January 18, 2016, Frey died at the age of 67 in New York City of rheumatoid arthritis, acute ulcerative colitis, and pneumonia while recovering from intestinal surgery.[17][18][19]2016-01-17
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