
This could be interesting.


I somehow don't see myself being in DC at this time, so I'd be curious to know from others what went on.

Normally I'm skeptical of such events - as I've found most seminars and events like these serve to only emasculate, belittle, and feminize men as a gender and as humans (for the record, I find that men and women are equally stupid).

Big Oil Company comeback?

Sure looks like it -


It's really that picture - looking at those two corporate lackeys insisting the President be one of them too.


Open message to the producers of 'The Walking Dead':

I understand that every television show has to have a story where there are characters to like and dislike. Moreover, I get that sometimes – in order to forward a story arc along – certain characters needs to exist for quite a certain amount of time in order for said story arc to continue to its end.
Maybe it is I, but at some point, there comes a time where continuing to watch characters I dislike continually exist and thrive and success becomes unhealthy and not a very good use of my time. Call it a limitation in my psychological makeup if you like. All I can say is that is as much as I know about me.

So shows where stupid or annoying idiotic characters (with mind you, no commentary on the actors’ portrayals) continually come out on top (per se) is not something I know I will continue to watch.
This was my attitude towards several characters on The Walking Dead. That character Andrea was one of the stupidest dumbest people on the show, and while I had nothing against her those things aside, it was good to finally see her meet her end (again, nothing against the actor).
Well it’s the same with Carol, but far more deeper.

I never liked her.

She was a wuss and a weakling who stayed in an abusive marriage, all the while surviving based on the courage and actions of others. And while I’m not saying the things she did or contributed to the group’s survival were minimal or not important (they were);  what I am saying is - her actions and attitude have in my mind made her a psychopath whose glorified continual existence continues to only really serve need to a certain segment of the fan base, rather than actually move the story forward.

Her world view is that of a cold-blooded coward, who’ll use any means to save herself, as opposed to anyone around here. Her attitude turned that one weak girl into a crazy psychopathic killer, not Rick or anyone else. And now I expect she’s going to come to more characters’ rescues and continue to survive.

That’s the producers’ choice. But don’t expect me to rent and watch Season 5 on Netflix or continue to invest emotional energy and physical time into a show where I’m constantly having to watch her crazy stupid worldview continually be held up as something cool and interesting. It is neither and this will be one fan that is going to tune out permanently.


I get really annoyed with people who spout on and on and never really do anything meaningful.

Actions without words always mean something

Words without actions always mean nothing

Quote of the day - 01-21-2015.

Courtesy Goblinbooks:

It's not like they invaded a random country that never did us any harm under a ridiculous pretext and then launched a near decade-long nation-building project led by incompetent civilians and generals who sucked up to the administration, along with a shadowy global campaign of permanent war whose nature is almost completely unknown to us, and about which our leaders have a proven track record of deceit. It's not as if we accepted all this, and then supported a feel-good action film about a guy just because he was the best at blowing people's heads off in the middle of this kind of brutal and unnecessary nonsense.

And it turns out, there was a fair degree of falsehood -

On July 29, 2014, a federal jury returned from six days of deliberations to award Ventura $1.845 million in damages—specifically, $500,000 for defamation and about $1.345 million for unjust enrichment. (In other words, Kyle unjustly profited from defaming Ventura, and so his estate must give Ventura some of that money.)


Yeah I'd say the Habs lean on Price way too much.

... like they pretty much every goaltender since the big dynasty of the late '70's ended. Fact is, they're never had a dominant goal-scorer since Guy Lafleur called it quits.

These two graphs (source TSN) sum up what we already know -



Hmm ... interesting that http://consortiumnews.com/ doesn't load on IE anymore.

But it works just fine on Firefox.

Good too. Because on this off all days, it's a reminder that one should never settle on, or allow 'moderation' to rule the day -


"The Letter from Birmingham Jail was published in leading Christian publications and in the nation’s most read newspapers. His confrontation with moderation was blunt yet gracious. Segregation and injustice were not his primary targets, rather he turned his searchlight of truth-telling on all those who took refuge in moderation.

Not many of those clergy in Birmingham may have understood the significance of King’s rejoinder, but a large part of the nation took note. Many believe that it was the Letter from Birmingham Jail that pushed President John F. Kennedy to initiate civil rights legislation.

Moderation in the face of injustice has been the great disease of Christian churches. The vast majority of Christian clergy are hiding behind the mission of saving souls while ignoring the social teachings of Jesus, the one they claim to serve as their Lord. These clergymen play the game of advocating the cause of social justice but only with great moderation."


Feeling Fat for a Friday

Ate too much butter chicken, naan, RoganJosh, channa masala, mango lassi ...

Yes. I am a glutton today.


Ha ha - Target getting escorted back to the USA.


They really were just a Zellers wannabe - we all knew that.


Target Is Too Expensive

Target Never Had Anything In Stock

Target Never Lived Up To Its American Counterpart

Target had Misleading Advertising

Zellers Was Always Reliable






Good advice for me?


Perhaps someday when I have some money, I'll get one of these and a nice drum machine and start recording my songs.


I think a point is missed here.


"Stanzel sees Americans as a people who look at their problems, shrug, and move on"

If by 'on', he means moving forward somehow, he's got it quite wrong.

Not counting the 1%, here are three kinds of Americans -

1) Those who 'look at their problems, shrug' - and that's it. They don't actually move on, they look away to something to distract, and then eventually they look back. The cycle then repeats itself over and over.

2) Those who never look at their problems, period. The problems simply multiply and expand, till disaster hits be financial, emotional, psychological, or tragically, life-ending.

3) Those that actually think about their problems (similar to 1) ) but are in-effect powerless to do anything about it. They do make an attempt to try and solve their problems, or at least find work-arounds, but are really limited in what they can do, how to move forward.



Trust me Dave - I know how you feel.


"The project I have in mind is to tackle the big challenge that progressives face: How do we create a sustained and viable movement, a real and substantive Left Wing that has real power in American and global politics?

I believe we need to reconceive not just the meaning of "the Left," but of movement politics themselves. We need to reconfigure not just the purpose and meaning of progressivism, but the underlying dynamic that feeds the increasingly intractable left-right divide currently in play.

The core idea is to create a "Human Movement" -- a mass movement predicated on enshrining the value of every individual human being, of ensuring the dignity and value of every life and every person. It will be fundamentally anti-corporate, anti-plutocratic, and anti-authoritarian, but moreover will positively embrace the advancement of the welfare of ordinary people, relying on the power of communities and networks to secure it. The essential value that it will embody will be empathy and its immanations."

The thing is, such a movement must really and truly not be constrained by elements from before the 21th Century (i.e. governments, armed forces, terrorists, hate groups, religion, corporations, etc.) or any mechanism in which these elements which can be co-opted, manipulated, twisted, debunked, or just plain destroyed.

Such a movement should be able to reach people (the vast majority of people across the globe) freely and rationally and really help people find their dignity, their value, their path to their means of happiness.

Such a movement will need to be in place not only to save ourselves from those very elements that threaten not only to destroy ourselves, but everything and everyone else on the planet, but really bring us forward as a species and an occupier of space, time, and matter in the galaxy. That last bit may sound kind of hokey, but what I'm driving at is, someday should we ever encounter other lifeforms from other planet, or galaxy, or other part of the universe, it would be nice to be able to be a species and life form they would want to learn from us, as we'd want to from them.


Happy Birthday Malcolm.

You'll always be forever young.

Must read's'

Any time I see this *ahem* 'term' in some communication by some faceless corporation, almost always it's that they're trying to increase their web clicks and reel you into buying something that usually is something worthless.

On the other hand, maybe that's what the 'must' in must-read means - it's important that I read it from their point of view, not mine?


An interesting case.


Beck filed a complaint to the WIPO under the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP), arguing the domain name of the website was defamatory and asserted trademark infringement in its use of his name. Eiland-Hall filed a response brief to WIPO which cited the U.S. Supreme Court case Hustler Magazine v. Falwell, asserting the website's domain name was a form of free speech and satirical political humor.

Beck made a supplemental filing in the case arguing the domain name was misleading and might lead individuals to believe it contained factual information. Eiland-Hall filed a surreply and stated Beck had depreciated the value of the First Amendment by attempting to evade its reach in a legal proceeding outside U.S. courts. On October 29, 2009, WIPO ruled against Beck, concluding that Eiland-Hall was making a political statement through parody in a justified usage of the Glenn Beck mark.

For once, some moron's action yielded something positive.