
I too would like to know Jerry ...

... how this relates to testers.

Knowing you, you'd probably tell me to read through and think of the typical metrics behind testing productivity and think about which are really fallacies, and go from there.

Global Warming?

Nah ...

"Police said the DVP closure would likely continue "several hours," and possibly into the afternoon commute.

Toronto police Staff Sgt. Bob Bowman told CBC News that police began closing the DVP one lane at a time until the water began covering the highway.

It’s the first time I’ve seen it in my 30 years that we actually had water cresting almost up to the jersey barrier of the Don Valley Parkway," said Bowman. "So we had to put in a closure until that water dissipates.”"

Context here - http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/story/2013/05/29/toronto-flooding-road-closures.html

Severe flooding closes Toronto's busy Don Valley Parkway

South end of major expressway into downtown closed in both directions


More Monsanto Moronicism (say that five times fast!)


"Unless radical reform is achieved, peer-reviewed publication, which many hold to be the defining characteristic of science, will have undergone a remarkable inversion. From its origin as a safeguard of quality and independence, it will have become a tool through which one vision, that of corporate science, came to assert ultimate control."


Here's a movie plot you'll never see in theaters ...

... I think it'd make an interesting story though.


I can see it now - useless irrelevant agency overthrows democratically (I use that term very loosely) government trying to shut it down.

Oh the drama!

Oh the plotpoints!

Oh the humanity!


"Toxic Culture"

Seems like more of that going around, even in my hometown.


Dr. Nataros said that the incident, which took place in November 2012, and is still under investigation by an independent ombudsmen, had near fatal consequences. “It was more than just the wrong treatment, there was a missed diagnosis that made it infinitely worse and the patient almost died,” said Nataros. “It was only very quick treatment and a transfer to a tertiary care centre that saved that patient’s life.”

According to Dr. Nataros, his decision to report the errors made by senior physicians prompted these doctors to target him with a barrage of personal attacks. He notes that in a meeting last December, two of the physicians arrived with numerous letters collected from different doctors stating that they found it difficult to work with Dr. Nataros. “The accusations were that ‘Alex is challenging; ‘Alex is argumentative;’ ‘Alex does not respect authority,’” said Dr. Nataros. “But, there has never been an issue with my clinical competency or my patient care.”

It never fails to amaze me when I see the lengths any industry, profession, or establishment will go to, to protect itself from accountability, visibility, quality, safety, and above all, honest rendring and observation of their conduct and profession. They will go to lengths to discredit or destroy those who question, who present contraditions openly, who put public safety over their own personal careers.


Quote of the day - 05-13-2013.

David Swanson -

"You see, the problem with theism is not that some of its spin-off beliefs succeed in an undemocratic system.  The problem is that theism is anti-democratic at its core.  It moves us away from relying on ourselves.  It teaches us to rely on someone supposedly better than we."


Take that Monsanto!

May 10, 2013

(House) Shall the bill be amended as recommended by Rep. Johnson of Canaan?

•••Yes: 45

•••No: 91

•••Other: 13

May 10, 2013

(House) Shall the bill pass?

•••Yes: 99

•••No: 42

•••Other: 8

May 9, 2013

(House) Shall the bill be read a third time?

•••Yes: 107

•••No: 38

•••Other: 4   (h/t Natural Society)

'conditionally registered'

The loophole that binds us all. More here.


Wow. Just bloody fucking wow how the US media establishment chooses to ignore this.

Thank you Dave (also here)-

"Of course, none of this is particularly a surprise. Yes, there has been a significant upsurge in right-wing-extremist domestic terrorism in the past four years, and it has gone unreported in the mass media, who have instead focused exclusively on "Islamist" domestic terrorists (whose plots and acts are occurring at less than half the rate of RWEs)."

More here -


It must really be fun to be Monsanto.

Fucking with democracy, one state at a time -



Why do progressive, objective useful websites dillute their effectiveness using Amafuckingzon?

Here's an example -


Great article.
Great book - would love to read it.
Links to idiocy.

Look, I know they are a fucking monopoly. So what? Does that mean every institution or business or entity that is online should bow down to them and shit in their hyperlinks by using them?

It fucking hurts to see this. And let's be fair, I see most sites I browse these days using them.


What would I do with $5.6 trillion USD.


I'd spend the bulk of it on solving the issues described above.

The problems -

1. The bailouts went to Wall Street, not to Main Street.
2. Wall Street is Washington, Washington is Wall Street.
3. The Federal Reserve banks on trickledown.
4. Washington fails to create enough jobs.
5. Government goes on a job-killing spree.
6. The big banks have become even bigger criminal conspiracies.
7. Hedge funds run wild.
8. The rise of the Ayn Rand Right.
9. The silencing of Occupy Wall Street.

The solutions -

The Robin Hood Tax
Public State Banks

Along with these, I'd spend the rest of it on solving global warming, implementing standarized national health care for all Americans, and pursuing an agenda based on world peace and enlightenment; the first issue being getting Israelis and Palestinians to settle their differences once and for all.

Of course, none of those are new.

What would YOU do with $5.6 trillion USD?


Yeah I understand that billions of devices run Java ....

... that doesn't mean I want addtional crap installed on my machine by default that I don't want, and then have to uncheck to remove..


Manual vs. Automation; Severity vs. Priority .... a tester's dilemma.

One of the persons in the software industry whose blog I regularly read is that of Michael Bolton (no … not the singer).

Over the past few weeks he’s written up two articles that I think many partners deal with on a regular basis.

Please take a look.

1) “Manual” and “Automated” Testing

2) Severity vs. Priority

Federal GMO labeling Bill - yay?


"The Genetically Engineered Food Right-to-Know Act was introduced last Wednesday in both the Senate and the House of Representatives. The bill, sponsored by Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR) with nine cosponsors in the Senate and twenty-two in the House, would require food manufacturers to clearly label any product that has been genetically engineered or contains genetically engineered ingredients, or else the product would be classified as “misbranded” by the FDA."

Quote of the day - 05-02-2013.

Courtesy David Sirota regarding Brokaw's comment about America's use of drones to kill people, and what that really means -
Of course, Brokaw was merely stating the obvious: With America having killed thousands of civilians in its wars, we should be appalled by acts of terrorism—but we shouldn't be surprised by them. We should know that violence will inevitably come from those like the Boston bombing suspect who, according to the Washington Post, “told interrogators that the American wars in Iraq and Afghanistan motivated him and his brother to carry out the attack.”

Noting this is not to argue that such attacks are justified or that we deserve them. It is only to reiterate what Brokaw alluded to: Namely, that blowback should be expected in this age of Permanent War and that one way to potentially avert such blowback in the future is to try to de-escalate the cycle of violence.


Ever have one of those days ...

... where you just don't feel you are a priority in your own life?

For me, it's seems it's been like that for years. I'm not trying to feel sorry for myself; I'm simply trying to understand what the causes are.