I admit it. I procrastinated and didn't really think of much to write, and now we're only a few hours away from 2013, and there won't be much thought or insight to what I say here and now.
Oh well. Aren't I quite the motherfucker?
So instead I'll give you something a little shall we say different.
2012 was all-and-all a mixed bag for me.
- The country dodged a bullet here in America somewhat by once again choosing the lesser of two evils in the recent election.
- I made zero progress in my career. Okay let me re-phrase that - I made strides in building on last year's accomplishments to achieve more and be more respected (which unlike last year, I take great pride in), but none of that translated into any kind of increase in compensation or level or title increase or promotion. Yay me and my family.
- I did make some contacts on a number of initiatives and learned a whole lot. However I still need to put it all together and deliver something which really gets the impact I'm looking for.
- I played a couple of shows where it's clear I should either put on a wig or a mask cause people really don't need to see how fucking stupid I really look. I think as I get older I'm going to ignore all the ugly looks, as well as the ones who point and laugh.
- A couple of financial disasters and ongoing mental health problems continue to plague me. It's not a fun thing when pretty much every day I leave the house in a state of anger, and returns home automatically be put in a foul mood, yet it's not the day away that causes it.
- I did complete writing another rock album. That's two in the last two years.
- I did manage a year of finding a fairly good muscle-building workout that takes only 10-15 minutes a day and doesn't involve using free weights. Although I'm not completely happy with the way I look, I can honestly say I look and feel a lot stronger and fit than when I was in college.
I'd like to say older and wiser, but really just older I suppose. I'll elaborate more on (as opposed to moron) this along with some planned changes for blogging in 2013 in one of my first posts in the New Year.
Take care and see you in a few.