Looks to me like the insect preying on this failed BT corn is about as predatory as the corn owner, Monsanto. That being said (from the Mercola link) -
Bt-Toxin Linked to Allergies, Auto-Immune Disease, and More
If Bt genes are indeed capable of colonizing the bacteria living in the human digestive tract, scientists believe it could reasonably result in:
•Gastrointestinal problems
•Autoimmune diseases
•Food allergies
•Childhood learning disorders
And lo and behold, all of these health problems are indeed on the rise… The discovery of Bt-toxin in human blood is not proof positive of this link, but it certainly raises a warning flag. And there's plenty of other evidence showing that the Bt-toxin produced in GM corn and cotton plants is toxic to humans and mammals and triggers immune system responses. For example, in government-sponsored research in Italy , mice fed Monsanto's Bt corn showed a wide range of immune responses, such as:
•Elevated IgE and IgG antibodies, which are typically associated with allergies and infections
•An increase in cytokines, which are associated with allergic and inflammatory responses. The specific cytokines (interleukins) that were found to be elevated are also higher in humans who suffer from a wide range of disorders, from arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease, to MS and cancer
•Elevated T cells (gamma delta), which are increased in people with asthma, and in children with food allergies, juvenile arthritis, and connective tissue diseases.
Rats fed another of Monsanto's Bt corn varieties called MON 863, also experienced an activation of their immune systems, showing higher numbers of basophils, lymphocytes, and white blood cells. These can indicate possible allergies, infections, toxins, and various disease states including cancer. There were also signs of liver- and kidney toxicity.
Ah the month of May draws to a close.
And let's hope the allergies from all the cottonwood along with the post-nasal drip goes with it.
Windows Live RIP - Microsoft ends the misery.
Duped by the Corn growers again.
I went to the local grocery store the other day, and decided on getting some soda to enjoy with lunch. Rather than paw through the usual HFCS swill normally out there, I noticed there was a new section containing sodas from (supposedly) independant bottlers, who use cane sugar instead of HFCS.
I picked one. And lo and behold what did I notice as one of the ingredients along with cane sugar?
"Corn sweetner".
Yes. I was duped by the Corn Refiners of America again.
Think it doesn't matter? Look at the battle over GMO labelling in California -
Oh, and think again -
"If the California initiative passes, “we will be on our way to getting GE-tainted foods out of our nation’s food supply for good,” Ronnie Cummins, director of the Organic Consumers Association, wrote in an letter in March seeking donations for the California ballot initiative. “If a company like Kellogg’s has to print a label stating that their famous Corn Flakes have been genetically engineered, it will be the kiss of death for their iconic brand in California — the eighth-largest economy in the world — and everywhere else.”
The Grocery Manufacturers Association, which represents major food brands, declined to comment on what members would do if the California measure passed. But Rick Tolman, chief executive of the National Corn Growers Association, said after meeting with food executives this month that he had the “strong impression” that they would rather reformulate their ingredients than label their products genetically engineered. “They think a label will undermine their brand,” he said. "
Damn fucking right it'd be the kiss of death. Americans, when actually learning what's in it won't go near the Frankenfood.
I picked one. And lo and behold what did I notice as one of the ingredients along with cane sugar?
"Corn sweetner".
Yes. I was duped by the Corn Refiners of America again.
Think it doesn't matter? Look at the battle over GMO labelling in California -
Oh, and think again -
"If the California initiative passes, “we will be on our way to getting GE-tainted foods out of our nation’s food supply for good,” Ronnie Cummins, director of the Organic Consumers Association, wrote in an letter in March seeking donations for the California ballot initiative. “If a company like Kellogg’s has to print a label stating that their famous Corn Flakes have been genetically engineered, it will be the kiss of death for their iconic brand in California — the eighth-largest economy in the world — and everywhere else.”
The Grocery Manufacturers Association, which represents major food brands, declined to comment on what members would do if the California measure passed. But Rick Tolman, chief executive of the National Corn Growers Association, said after meeting with food executives this month that he had the “strong impression” that they would rather reformulate their ingredients than label their products genetically engineered. “They think a label will undermine their brand,” he said. "
Damn fucking right it'd be the kiss of death. Americans, when actually learning what's in it won't go near the Frankenfood.
How close this can be to the real thing ...
... only the Onion knows for sure.,28336/,28336/
Yes it may be the answer ...
... but I fear its time will come too late. Current new and future voting Americans may get this now, but unfortunately I suspect the American Establishment with it's cancer-like hold on our lives will delay it long enough for it to be of no help to solving the world's larger global problems.
Read it anyways -
Read it anyways -
Holy fucking crap!
This -
Got me to reading about this -
Seriously ...
"The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), or other operatives, to commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities and elsewhere."
Got me to reading about this -
Seriously ...
"The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), or other operatives, to commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities and elsewhere."
Let's call it what it is.
The greatest tragedies often happen when we as a collective society are conditioned to forget the events of the past; and fail to learn from the mistakes that caused it.
Case in point -

It's a little hard to argue with how the Palestinian people are slowly being destroyed over time, and how the rest of the world really doesn't give a fuck, least of all in the United States. At the rate they are being destroyed, they'll be gone long before global warming makes the world uninhabitable for the rest of us.
Case in point -
It's a little hard to argue with how the Palestinian people are slowly being destroyed over time, and how the rest of the world really doesn't give a fuck, least of all in the United States. At the rate they are being destroyed, they'll be gone long before global warming makes the world uninhabitable for the rest of us.
Window into the corporate backbone of the American Establishment?
Recall - I asked if there was a way to identify in full the American Establishment?
Well here's a good way to get a fairly broad overview of the corporate side of things.
Well here's a good way to get a fairly broad overview of the corporate side of things.
You bet it's a fucking victory. (h/t to the Mound of Sound)
The punchline -
"The government lawyers, despite being asked five times by the judge to guarantee that we plaintiffs would not be charged under the law for our activities, refused to give any assurances. They did not provide assurances because under the law there were none. We could, even they tacitly admitted, be subject to these coercive measures. We too could be swept away into a black hole. And this, I think, decided the case."
The punchline -
"The government lawyers, despite being asked five times by the judge to guarantee that we plaintiffs would not be charged under the law for our activities, refused to give any assurances. They did not provide assurances because under the law there were none. We could, even they tacitly admitted, be subject to these coercive measures. We too could be swept away into a black hole. And this, I think, decided the case."
Why US politicians are silent on the clusterfuck in Greece.
"...instead of massive job reductions, cuts to education and health care, taxes on the wealthy and corporations should be raised; the banks should be put under public control rather than being bailed out with public money; the public sector should be fully funded and expanded rather than privatized and slashed.
Austerity is when the wealthy attempt to push the effects of their recessions onto the backs of working people, who need only to collectively push back and force the 1% to pay instead."
Context (thank you Buzzflash) -
Austerity is when the wealthy attempt to push the effects of their recessions onto the backs of working people, who need only to collectively push back and force the 1% to pay instead."
Context (thank you Buzzflash) -
The British Grenadiers
I just love Wikipedia!
This is the actual tune Rowan Atkinson was humming in the Mr. Bean Christmas episode -
The opening bars of Howard Goodall's theme to Blackadder Goes Forth also quote the piece.
During the episode 'Merry Christmas Mr.Bean', Mr.Bean hums the song whilst playing with Queen's Royal Guards figurines. This itself could be a reference to Blackadder's usage of it; Rowan Atkinson played both Blackadder and Mr Bean).
This is the actual tune Rowan Atkinson was humming in the Mr. Bean Christmas episode -
The opening bars of Howard Goodall's theme to Blackadder Goes Forth also quote the piece.
During the episode 'Merry Christmas Mr.Bean', Mr.Bean hums the song whilst playing with Queen's Royal Guards figurines. This itself could be a reference to Blackadder's usage of it; Rowan Atkinson played both Blackadder and Mr Bean).
What the fuck - the preALEC?
Pretty fucking damaging -
People have long called the media the fourth branch of government in the US. I would assert that corporations really are the true secret government institution, not only in that they pretty much own most media, have rights beyond individual human beings (in that they never suffer the same consequences for breaking the law, as real people do), and now it turns out have controlled government indirectly for quite some time through lobbying.
People have long called the media the fourth branch of government in the US. I would assert that corporations really are the true secret government institution, not only in that they pretty much own most media, have rights beyond individual human beings (in that they never suffer the same consequences for breaking the law, as real people do), and now it turns out have controlled government indirectly for quite some time through lobbying.
Put's yesterday in perspective, here in America.
Feminizing War Does Work!
To sell it. Feminine faces and talk of noble humanitarian intentions prove useful as they serve to effectively soften and cover up the brutal bloodshed of U.S. wars and indiscriminate aerial and drone bombing that have killed countless civilians.
But this is not “soft power” or use of brains over brawn. The feminist war hawks don’t want to talk about the women and children victims of war — or even count them — any more than their male counterparts.
Monsanto, Dow, weeds, and bees.
The kicker -
"Indeed, for all practical purposes we've witnessed the morphing of Big Ag into a chemical industry food production line dependent upon increasingly dangerous weed killers that actually result in the development of more resistant super weeds.
As Monsanto and Dow engage in this noxious pesticide/GMO seed scheme, the irony may be that that the ever-adapting weeds may outlive humans."
The kicker -
"Indeed, for all practical purposes we've witnessed the morphing of Big Ag into a chemical industry food production line dependent upon increasingly dangerous weed killers that actually result in the development of more resistant super weeds.
As Monsanto and Dow engage in this noxious pesticide/GMO seed scheme, the irony may be that that the ever-adapting weeds may outlive humans."
I know it's meant to be light-hearted ...,28129/
Idiocy is the most common complication in reading a Maurice Sendak book. I swear the moment my kids started reading his books, they turned into morons.
His most famous book should've been titled, "Where the stupid things were created - Maurice Sendak's mind".
Idiocy is the most common complication in reading a Maurice Sendak book. I swear the moment my kids started reading his books, they turned into morons.
His most famous book should've been titled, "Where the stupid things were created - Maurice Sendak's mind".
I always suspected there was more to 'New Coke' than just a supposed marketing failure.
Turns out, it was the plan all along -
The putative switch was planned all along to cover the change from sugar-sweetened Coke to much less expensive high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), a theory that was supposedly given credence by the apparently different taste of Coke Classic when it first hit the market (the U.S. sugar trade association took out a full-page ad lambasting Coke for using HFCS in all bottling of the old formula when it was reintroduced[41]).
The putative switch was planned all along to cover the change from sugar-sweetened Coke to much less expensive high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), a theory that was supposedly given credence by the apparently different taste of Coke Classic when it first hit the market (the U.S. sugar trade association took out a full-page ad lambasting Coke for using HFCS in all bottling of the old formula when it was reintroduced[41]).
Yeah like this is ever gonna happen.
US should return stolen land to Indian tribes, says United Nations
UN's correspondent on indigenous peoples urges government to act to combat 'racial discrimination' felt by Native Americans
New word of the day - Concision.
Concision refers generally to brevity, or the practice of using no more words than necessary to describe an idea. In the context of media criticism, the word concision is also used to describe the practice of limiting debate and discussion of important topics on broadcast news on the basis of broadcast time allotment.
Concision refers generally to brevity, or the practice of using no more words than necessary to describe an idea. In the context of media criticism, the word concision is also used to describe the practice of limiting debate and discussion of important topics on broadcast news on the basis of broadcast time allotment.
Economic Suicide?
Pretty damaging I'd say -
"In the US, it’s essentially off-shoring production and financialization and getting rid of superfluous population through incarceration."
More here -
"In the US, it’s essentially off-shoring production and financialization and getting rid of superfluous population through incarceration."
More here -
THE COOLEST website, possibly ... ever! (h/t to WHOWHATWHY)
Pretty cool music too. I'm not sure which is more exciting to watch - how big we are compared to what's on our planet, versus the rest of the galaxy.
Sure puts fairytales like religion in their place. It sure puts me in mine.
Pretty cool music too. I'm not sure which is more exciting to watch - how big we are compared to what's on our planet, versus the rest of the galaxy.
Sure puts fairytales like religion in their place. It sure puts me in mine.
Wow, New York Times sinks to new low.
Any publication (media or otherwise) that gives a forum to bigots like this, who only seek to muddy the waters of honest debate with falsehoods and scare tactics, because they aren't capable of having a reasoned debate about the issues they screech on about.
Overheard on a bus - 05-01-2012.
Fake blonde in her early 30's dressed like a streetwalker
Her first day of benefits - so she said to the person on the phone. Lamenting the cost of gas which is why she rides the bus, and apparently thinks the bus is her personal limo, as she didn't seem to care who was listening. Not sure if it has something to do with being out from Montana.
However - this person was ecllipsed by an older person with a young child no more than 5. The older person was borderline abusive to the child, constantly yelling instructions to behave, even though by all observations the child was quiet. She seemed to go out of her way to telling the child that all his things were in her purse.
At one point she told the kid he'd better behave or she's 'show off'. She had the cigarette in her mouth, just waiting to be lit before she and the kid even got off.
Poor kid. While I can only hope he has the intelligence and demeanour to not let this and likely his past experiences with this adult scar him and his future outlook on life and other people, sadly I fear the kid will turn into a violent psychopath.
Her first day of benefits - so she said to the person on the phone. Lamenting the cost of gas which is why she rides the bus, and apparently thinks the bus is her personal limo, as she didn't seem to care who was listening. Not sure if it has something to do with being out from Montana.
However - this person was ecllipsed by an older person with a young child no more than 5. The older person was borderline abusive to the child, constantly yelling instructions to behave, even though by all observations the child was quiet. She seemed to go out of her way to telling the child that all his things were in her purse.
At one point she told the kid he'd better behave or she's 'show off'. She had the cigarette in her mouth, just waiting to be lit before she and the kid even got off.
Poor kid. While I can only hope he has the intelligence and demeanour to not let this and likely his past experiences with this adult scar him and his future outlook on life and other people, sadly I fear the kid will turn into a violent psychopath.
May Day Coverage in the USA
Courtesy of YES!
Watch live streaming video from freespeechtv at
You won't see this kind of coverage in the establishment media whatsoever.
Film took a sharpward turn upward in terms of storytelling, innovation, and quality -
1941 – Citizen Kane, a widely acclaimed film by actor and director Orson Welles, premiered.
1941 – Citizen Kane, a widely acclaimed film by actor and director Orson Welles, premiered.
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