- These media instruments don't care about being right or wrong.
- They don't care about credibility.
- They don't care about reporting facts, questioning information, or performing any real degree of journalism - objective or otherwise.
This seems to be a common theme ...
'Cable News'
I understand that the need to take action against Mr. Dobbs's behavior is a warranted one. And I also understand the impact of his words. And I note folks like Media Matters do the public a fantastic service by pointing out misinformation in the nation's established media. However Media Matters and others fail to ask a larger question within their public published works - why is this constantly happening?
In constantly monitoring and observing both these endless falsehoods and requests for actions, I've reached a conclusion. If not Dobbs, then someone else. Glenn Beck is a key example; he was on CNN, now he's on Fox News. They are entertainment for their audience. The nation's established media is not - and has not been for some time - objective journalism and commentary on issues affecting the public. The reason why I think so might have something to do with sad fact that the nation's established media is largely owned by a few, large media/entertainment corporations. Their bottom line is revenue, not public interest. So their goals is sell as much ad time to their sponsors.
Enough public outcry over an issue might compel them to act (occasionally). But it also serves to draw more interest and attention to them, and in effect generate them more revenue.
Getting Lou Dobbs off of CNN is a noble idea. But I suspect though he'll just move somewhere else. I think a better idea is to find a solution that involves revealing to the public the larger truth about these established media and their pretend-journalism; if one really wants a true end to all this misinformation in our public discourse.
I've found the only way to really fight back is to not tune into cable news or their sister media wherever and whenever possible. They need my spending power and tune-in time more than I need their lies, misinformation and propoganda. I then get my sources for news and commentary from other sources.
This is what I do now. I understand that it's almost impossible to really completely do. I started by not having cable, and turning off network television in my home (we only use the TV for movies and DVDs).
This might be construed as a ban of the nation's established media. Perhaps it's is, I cannot think of a better word at this time.
I'm aware that doing so is in conflict with your request for action below. While it's good to take this sort of action, I'd like see the debate over media in this country move in the direction of really questioning the motives behind all this car-crash media and really develop long-term actions that will have a more positive impact on the nation, and the world.
The failure of organized religion in the world.

Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 ...
Rocket Robin Hood finally coming to a store near you!
After a nearly two-year lull, it's good to finally see this is coming out.
At minimum, it's my hope that the release will be in the same style as the '67 Spider-Man TV Series issued on DVD.
UPDATE - oh the never-ending confusion -
Argh! No wonder it's cheaper. Perhaps it's not all the episodes. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.
What does health-care reform mean in the United States?
1. No cost controls on insurance companies. The coming sharp increases in premiums, deductibles, co-pays, co-insurance, etc. will quickly outpace any projected protections from caps on out-of-pocket costs.
2. Insurance companies will continue to be able to use marketing techniques to cherry-pick healthier, less costly enrollees.
3. No restrictions on insurance denials of care that insurers don't want to pay for.
Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/michael-moore/why-the-current-bills-don_b_302483.html.
Walmart appears to support this reform - now I know why.
It's always amusing to read online the opinions of people in the US who believe oppose a single-payer or national health care system for all; that it is somehow socialism. Have these people ever experienced living in one of those countries, or raising a family there? Well I've done the former, and would gladly prefer a system like Canada or Switzerland here.
The stories one never hears about ...
Seem outlandish?
Not true?
Big shock?
Even bigger shock?