This article speaks to the heart of the two major battles going on over the Internet. This is because one finds that the same media companies involved in the TV battle are the same ones with a stake in the future of the Internet.
1. This pending TV demise is precisely the reason the phone and cable companies are desperately trying to maintain control over the 'pipes' and effectively charge people for various 'speeds'. Without it, they won't be able to maintain control over content.
2. And without that control, all the TV business models for the broadcast TV/media companies (both network and cable) will fall apart, as the article suggests. Don't think for a second the media companies don't have a stake in that - recall Barry Diller recently was quoted as saying the only thing from keeping the Internet from being tiered was a 'billing system'. His idea is to turn the Internet into one big store for media companies’ content.
As long as the Internet evolution stays out of the hands of industry, government and the military - it won't go the way of broadcast TV.