
Stupid things said by corporate media figures.

(some day I should just create a list and compile them)


Every now and then, people in the corporate media stray off script and reveal just what stupid thoughts percolate in their heads.


And then ... sometimes people like this say things like this -


"if you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it, and he found himself in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Osama bin Laden, there's a good chance that Nancy Pelosi would get shot twice, and Harry Reid and bin Laden would be strangled to death."


or ...


"The fact is, Americans in America have been safe since 9/11, almost the whole length of G2's term as president, and for that we should be thankful."


See how in trying to defend Bush/Cheney, how stupidity just flows? As difficult as it is, let's put aside the fact that he's essentially advocating US Armed Forces personel murder US Congressional representatives. What he fails to either understand or accept is that  9/11 happened on Bush's watch - that means he and his adminstration failed the United States.


But why am I surprised? His endnote sums it all up -


David Feherty is a golf analyst for CBS and the author of four books, including, most recently, An Idiot for All Seasons.


Mr. Feherty,


I suggest you go back to your commentary for what ever it is you do. Leave judging W and his impact on the world to more quailfied and honest people, like those that aren't right-wingers, or too limited in their thinking.





I've noticed over the years that media celebrities have created a perception that they espouse progressive views, are liberal or left-wing, but in actuality harbor views that often aren't. Yet they come off that way, perhaps as a way to be perceived as cool or hip. Or just generate copy.


What I've often observed in such folks is how much they talk a great deal publicly about themselves and their lives, even going so far as to craft this persona in the media. People buy into them (almost like a brand) and start actually believing these individuals are what they make themselves out to be.


Often times these folks in reality are really clueless on most of the issues they talk about. And if that all it were, then perhaps it would amount to not much, even nothing.


Where am I going with this?


As someone who harbors views that stray into the left-wing, it's somewhat disappointing that often times, people like this who craft such 'liberalish' personas, often times are not very liberal at all. Worse, by being to boisterous and public and even critical of actual liberal points of view, they actually bring down the movement to a large degree.


I'm reminded of an event from a few years back about how during the run-up to the second Iraq War, many people like myself spoke up and criticized both the Bush government for their overt militarism and selling of a war (as well as Democrats for refusing to stand up to them), that frankly should have never happened. Often times ‘liberalish’ media figures used their considerable influence to deem us 'squish-brains'.


The war came and went. On no, it's six years and a day from 'Mission Accomplished', and troops are still there. The only WMDs found were the ones the Americans brought with them.


Yet these 'liberalish' folks still exist to this very day, continuing to spew out their 'liberalish' rhetoric, without any concern or care for the damage they could've prevented. Heck they even try to turn around and pretend like they actually were somewhat critical all along, even launching organizations to impeach Bush and all that.


Perhaps if they actually took a real stand, carefully thought out the issues, and avoided demonizing a large segment of their audience, maybe, just maybe, a terrible war that costs thousands of lives, billions of dollars, could've been prevented.


So be wary of those folks who in all their snark, are trying to claim some point of view. Often times, all they really care about is the view, not the point. And in keeping with the facts, you'll find that snark usually is all they have.




Culture Vulture


P.S. Unlike Tom, I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for any remorse or sincere apology from such people.