
What a surprise to no one - Israel TOO goes after journalists.

The charge - Doing their job.


Israel jails Grayzone’s Jeremy Loffredo, releases him pending investigation

The criminal case against the American reporter fell apart after an Israeli journalist testified that his own article containing Loffredo’s full video report had cleared military censorship. Yet Israel refuses to let Loffredo leave the country.

On October 11, journalist Jeremy Loffredo was ordered released from Israeli jail.

Israeli soldiers arrested the Jewish-American reporter and three other journalists at a checkpoint in the West Bank on October 8. According to one of the jailed reporters, @the_andrey_x, the soldiers blindfolded them tightly, roughed them up, drawing guns on them at one point, and hauled them off to detention in Jerusalem.


So begins the prep for working this weekend.

Yay me.


1 year ago, the settler-colonial project known as Israel began its final ethnic cleansing of Gaza.

Don't kid yourself. 
Don't fool yourself. 

This had been in the making going back to even before the Nabka of the late 1940s. It's the next step in Zionism.

This Euro-centric racial/religious belief system was born out of exploiting Jews escaping real persecution, and morphed into a white supremacist ideology.

Which dovetailed nicely with the original imperial intent the British had to destabilize the region to obtain, among many things, oil.

That later got replaced with American crapitalist ruling class interests, and has been that way ever since.

But make no mistake -

Just here in the US and 09-11-2001, 10-07-2023 is used to justify implementing that final eradication step. Amazing how it's always black and brown people who bear the brunt of these private and mostly white nation ruling class interest?

So it went with the indigenous peoples in North, Central, and South America, in Africa, and in Asia. And let's not forget all the slavery, brutality, violence, bloodshed, murder, race, extraction, exploitation, purging, and outright destruction that followed.

My sympathy is always with the oppressed, and with the majority.

Only when people around the world free themselves of the bind the legacy media and corporate proto-fascist propaganda, and really see the world as is - only them will we all be truly free and on the collective path to happiness and joy.