
My crappy week ...

... actually started Sunday night, though I didn't realize it at the time.


I went to bed with a strange hacking cough I seemed to pick up on the way home from Covington, WA (band practice). I thought nothing of it.


I woke up Monday, and felt REALLY cold. Again, I reasoned, a run on the cardio machine, build a good sweat, etc, and I'd be fine.


Then at about 10, the aches started with my head, then neck, then back, then knees, then the hips. I thought I was falling apart. This was not normal. My throat suddenly seemed like it was on fire.


I went home and collasped into bed, and was not able to get out for the next couple of days. To make matters worse, I couldn't really even sleep. My joints hurt so much, I simply couldn't get into any comfortable position for more than 30 minutes. And if I did, it would be interrupted by coughing, and sudden chills.


Monday night/Tuesday AM were the worst - I'd now break out into a random sweat. I swore I saw steam running of my head! I was running a pretty high fever.


Finally on Wednesday, I was stable enough to walk (the fever seemed to break), and see the doctor. Turns out I had some bacterial infection. I was perscribed some anti-biotics, and some regular flu stuff to treat the remaining symptoms.


Of course, in all that time, it's no shock, that the Mrs. ended up getting it too. She's about a day behind.


I tried going to work today, but after an hour of sitting, I felt the aches in my calves and neck. Plus that damn cough doesn't want to leave! I'm hoping I'm through the worst of it by now.


What's really odd is ...


The last time I was really this sick, where I missed so much time from something, was - quite literally- 20 years ago! That's right - I recall missing the last week of January/1986 over what seems to be a very similar set of circumstances.


Hey - I never claimed my memory was good, perhaps this was my body's way to commemorate. One would think I'd be stronger now, as I get older ... either that or bacterial infections are far more dangerous today.


Time will tell what the last week of January/2026 will bring ...

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